Killers disconnects and survivor gets minus and penalty!

Haplo Member Posts: 9

These disconnects are getting more and more ridiculous. Behavior is not answering to submitted tickets. Now not only I get penalty and progress loss for getting thrown out of matches despite everything else (tech, internet, other games) are working fine. Now I started getting penalties and progress loss as a survivor for the killers mid game disconnects too! Yes there are other games in this world that have better customer service and that actually work. But I like this game and the concept and it's just sad that with all these problems the game is no fun and waste of time and I'm starting more and to anticipate the upcoming rivals for this game...

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  • Haplo
    Haplo Member Posts: 9

    This just keeps happening. Killer disconnected and the end screen shows that I escaped and yet I got 14 minute penalty. Behavior is not answering to my tickets so I can't literally play this game.