Is Devotion to the Unseen Challenge Bugged??

Eye66 Member Posts: 822

I've done this "hit 3 survivors while undetectable while using the perk Dark Devotion" challenge well over a dozen times with Ghostface and Scratched Mirror Myers like other people say they've done it, but it won't unlock. What's wrong???


  • ToxDR
    ToxDR Member Posts: 5

    it's seem buged..

    I just make 3 game with the plague and the perk and actually manage to hit the 3 other survivors not including the obsession with one charge of the perk and the challenge is still not unlocked..

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It's bugged. The tome 8 version of this challenge, The Beast Awakens, is also bugged. Couldn't guess why, though.

  • StrikerFred
    StrikerFred Member Posts: 5

    Yep, still waiting for them to fix The Beast Awakens so I can finish the tome :(