I don't care what you guys think but as a KILLER main if I go against this type of team I camp hooked survivors because I'm not going to waste my time looking through the map to find yall. If you want to avoid this boring playstyle you guys should be more interactive with me THE KILLER.


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I should play this way, but I run everywhere and do objectives until I am seen, then do the best in chase until I am caught. After I get saved from the hook, rinse and repeat.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    yes they do because of their perks and because of the map size that's why they complain about gen rush. some killers can't play at their best because this game has a dumb blood web design to it where u have to unlock perks from level 1 to 3 with a lot of points wasted on meme add ons for killers or map offerings and what not. And Gen rushing becomes a problem because of this factor and because of the map size. Also prove thyself is another problem so you cannot blame the killers for complaining about gen rush when u factor all of the things I mentioned

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited November 2021

    Why do you get so defensive? I specifically was talking about killers that camp and THEN complain about genrush.

    it wasn’t even aimed at you, just a similar observation about people complaining about something that they kinda made happen themselves.

    if killers are allowed to complain about genrushing survs even though they camped then survs are allowed to complain about getting camped even though they played stealthy. Complaining isnt against any rules, neither is camping, nor repairing gens nor hiding from the killer.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    As a survivor, you just expect half the Killers to camp or proxy-camp anymore. I don't think threatening survivors, that you are going to camp if they playing stealth, is going to do anything.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    bbq and corrupt. Imho.

    If people play hide and seek then be the cat.

    Patrol gens, do not patrol in same circle, use the element of suprise. If regression have been stopped; well, they can’t be far away from that gen.

    Stealthy in ruins/gym, sitting in bush, lockers or less likely he ran away.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    i'm not threatning I will camp I DO CAMP when it happens then after the game they get upset for it in the chat or on console they send hate messages

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    BBQ has counter play. They can hide in lockers when they know u are running BBQ and ALSO if they are in your terror radius u can't see them so BBQ is not a good excuse.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    What is this entire post about. Is it like some type of secret dirty confession? You should post on reddit confessions where you can do it anonymously.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    no it isn't. It's a message to all survivors that DO this playstyle. There are LOTS that play like this by the way. Maybe u don't notice because u stated you're a survivor player. Try killer and see

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Yet you're somehow more justified in complaining then they are? I find that pretty awkward too...

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I play both sides. Just thought it was a weird post. It's a statement without a purpose, unless the purpose is to get it off your chest.

    You could make a billboard of the post and have it put up on a rarely traveled desert road in Texas.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    'Survivors should offer themselves up to be killed, instead of doing objectives' is the new most forum killer main thing I've seen this week.

    And it's got competition.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    As someone who plays both sides, I'd say play the way you want to as long as it's within the game rules - same as they are playing the way they want to, again within the game rules.

    It's not a playstyle that I enjoy, same as camping/tunnelling isn't a playstyle I enjoy either - I play for the chases and the mind games from both sides. But stealthing and completing the gens is part of the intention of the game, hence perks to assist with that. I personally find camping to be super boring and it's not something I would do, but I don't really see players hiding in lockers to avoid BBQ either, so I don't have any issue with this personally. Plus all my perks in my builds are information and/or chase perks.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455

    Part of gen rushing is partly the killers fault it can also mean the killer is chasing someone for a very long time they apparently cannot catch.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Ok, if I see you as my killer I will just sit under an available hook and point at it.

  • Killers are pretty strong so avoiding them and finishing your objective is the best way to ensure you live... not just that but we already know in this new MMR system that wins are tied to exit gates. Which they shouldn't be but that's for another time.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    That's not even a strawman, we're now entering full on Strawzilla territory.

    There is a world of difference between 'survivors should just let themselves be killed' and 'it's frustrating to play against a team of survivors who deliberately avoid chases and just slam out gens, or play hide-and-seek to draw the game out unnecessarily'.

    The problem is the 'borderline' cases.

    For example, survivor groups who will attempt to force a stalemate by refusing to attempt to tackle a 3gen situation and instead hide and move around the edges/geometry on larger and denser maps, potentially for hours. Even if you actively look for them, it can be nearly impossible to find them.

    Postgame, they said that it's not 'holding the game hostage' because it's still technically possible for me to win.

    It's still an immensely frustrating and petty bit of BM to encounter.

    Sigh. That's not what anyone is saying.

    We just want more active, chase-y games. Not drawn out 'hide in lockers and then do just enough to avoid AFK crows' stalemate strategies.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Sounds like I'm going to continue hiding and watching as people fail to catch me.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. If that's how you like to play, more power to you. Just don't sulk and try to stalemate games, that's just nasty.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    There are perks to aid with tracking if it's something you're struggling with. Camping will work to a point, but camping without context going to be pretty ineffective against smart/prepared survivors. Killers in my MMR range end up with 3-4 hook stages and 3 or 4 escapes when they go for the pout camp early game. There are much more effective ways to play killer regardless of survivor playstyle.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As a killer I don’t personally think there’s anything wrong with survivors hiding. Heck, it’s even thematic when that happens!

    For myself, if the survivors aren’t coming to me I normally go to them. Waiting all day by a hook can be a real waste of time unless the person is really close to progressing a stage or your gut tells you a survivor is lurking nearby waiting for you to leave.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Which perks allow me to find 2 'camo' survivors on a huge map that refuse to do the last few gens and just stealth around the edges, hide in lockers and basically just wait for me to AFK?

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    yeah, honestly.

    I only ever see survivors hide in lockers to avoid me when I'm running kindred...

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Idk about you but the FC4 joke ending made me give up on playing FC4 normally.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Stealth is the way this game should've gone. Not run and taunt the killer while the rest of the team kicks back to do gens.

    A killer kicking pallets/vaulting is time that should be used to hide, not run to the next loop. But this is not the case for dbd, so if someone wants to hide they need to avoid chase all together and waste a lot of time pre-emptively hiding. This is bad for the survivors, that's why playing aggressive is better for teams.

    Its up to you as killer to punish this type of playstyle, and find them.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    I suppose, but you can't run Whispers every game just in case you run into a group of survivors that want to try and force a stalemate.

    What do you mean 'rip apart?'

    Also - facecamping, yeah. That's cheap, and BHVR intend to introduce another mechanic to discourage that. But tunneling is how killers are supposed to play. Eliminating 1 survivor as soon as possible is one of the core strategies of playing killer at high MMR.

    How exactly do you want killers to play? 2 hooking everyone before you kill someone isn't viable, and is sometimes impossible.

    If you try to unhook right in front of my face, I have no obligation to let you. If you run into me directly off the hook, I'm swinging.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    I agree, that's why I don't run Whispers. But it's great for that specific problem. I definitely wish I had it every time I run into that situation. Don't get me wrong, I wish there was a mechanic or something in the game that forced survivors to do something if they haven't progressed a gen for 5 minutes. It's super annoying.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The problem is that it's almost impossible to punish that playstyle unless you've lucked into bringing very specific perks/killers.

    There really isn't much you can do on larger maps where survivors just refuse to do gens and instead want to try and force you to AFK by wasting your time.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    By rip apart, I mean take you on an endless loop, blind you with flashbangs, torches, blast mines, run kindred+openhanded and every tactic there is in the book of sweaty tryhards. Basically bully killers into submission.

    For eg: I just finished a game in fractured cowshed with trickster who brought his pink addon that exposes you when you are at max laceration. He brought Devour Hope and Haunted too. He got the first 3 hooks easy but afterwards we were looping him like crazy, doing gens at a normal pace, till the time where all 5 gens were done and he had not gotten any more hooks other than the initial 3.

    You know what he did after that? He DC-ed. Who quits mid game? A loser that too with exposed perks and addons quits.

    TL:DR you camp and tunnel, we will lash back in the way we can. :)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021


    So a Trickster didn't camp, didn't tunnel - but brought a killer/addon/perks you didn't like (DH/HG aren't even meta and Trickster has the lowest gross kill rates next to nurse) so you deliberately went out of your way to bully him and make him miserable on an extremely survivor sided map, and then came to the forums to gloat about how upset he was and that he was forced to DC?

    Dude, you are the problem. Survivors like you are why killers feel like they need to camp and tunnel - because you aren't playing to have fun, you are playing to be nasty to people and make a fool of them.

    Exploiting infinites is just cheap and honestly needs to go away.

    You are only making things worse. If I get Haddonfield, for example, I feel like I have to play as sweaty as possible right from the start in case they get a lucky window spawn on that one house and hug it for the rest of the game. I'm sure it's not fun for survivor groups that aren't jerks, but it's either that or risk getting stomped and teabagged all the way to the exit.

    It sounds like you just enjoy making people miserable if they don't give you an easy game.

    I'd take a step back and do some introspection.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Is it really called "torches" in your version of the game?

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    Why should survivors play the way you want them to play to make it easy for you? Survivors are not playing to entertain you.

    Some killers are just unable to adapt.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    I forgot to mention he was campy for the first 3 hooks. Maybe this will change your point of view.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Ah, now the story changes. Your entire post was about him using 'expose' addons and perks, not about camping.

    But okay, what do you mean by 'campy?'

    Proxy camping is a perfectly legitimate style. Naturally, once you've hooked someone, you are going to keep an eye out for survivors approaching from where you think they are as you patrol gens or head to your next location. That's not cheap at all - that's just common sense.

    Regardless, your post wasn't about someone playing to win in the face of a cheesy playstyle. It was entirely gloating at how upset you managed to make someone, playing one of the weakest killers in the game on one of the hardest maps in the game, to the point where they DCed.

    If I'd done that, I wouldn't be proud. I'd actually be quite ashamed of myself.

    There's a difference between playing to win and playing to be a jerk.

    Abusing infinites, hiding forever on 1 gen to try and force the killer to AFK, smurfing your MMR down to stomp lowbies - that's playing to be a jerk.

  • lovemeplz
    lovemeplz Member Posts: 84

    Like many say you play like you want but hinding and gen rushing are strat the survivor use to win just like killer use camping and tunneling all of that is fair

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Just get the picture alright.. You like to introspect and all. Think of a killer camping near a hooked survivor with said exposed addons and perks when survs are busy doing gens. He barely goes away from the hook to stop gen progress until later in the game when he suddenly realizes that he has to do something about it lest the game slips away from his hands.

    When a killer camps a hook with exposed addons and perks and does not move an inch even when the other 3 survs are playing the game properly, that is what survs dont like. Yes the killer can camp and he is at a liberty to do so. Same applies to the survs for gen rush and choosing not to interact with the killer. Simply gen rush and escape while the killer camps. Why complain about it? I think you need to introspect a bit about survivor and killer priorities.

    If the killer mans up and plays properly, survs will indulge too and "interact" with the killer like you want. Know this that a survivor is by all means and fairness entitled to his survival and will do anything for it. 😎

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Lethal Pursuer Perk. Starts there OP.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Okay, let me see if I can be clearer as I'm not sure if you're understanding me here.

    1. Your story keeps changing. You didn't mention camping until I pointed this out. First it was 'he was running addons and perks I don't like so we bullied him and made him DC lul'. Then it was 'he was camping a bit'. Now it's 'he was facecamping for 3 hooks with expose addons and perks'. This doesn't make any sense.
    2. It doesn't make sense, particularly since Devour Hope does literally nothing unless you deliberately move far away from the hooked person and hope they don't get unhooked too fast. Why would a killer facecamp with Devour Hope? If you'd said 'Insidious' or something, then okay. This is a bit sus.
    3. Your post wasn't about 'wow, this player was facecamping and we finally managed to outplay him and 4-outed, go team!'. It was 'this player did something I didn't like, so we went out of our way to make him miserable until he DCed, haha what a loser serves him right'.
    4. Right now (and this is something you might not have realized) - the Archive challenges require you to do some stuff with Trickster that is really difficult to do, particularly multiple downs with Main Event. If your story is accurate, I'd suspect that he was trying to get this out of the way with the intention of playing a normal game once he did it. Again, him having Devour Hope/Haunting is pretty indicative of this - nobody who intends to facecamp would run these.

    Either way, what I suspect happened here (if your story is accurate) is that someone was struggling to do an archive challenge on Trickster and when he wound up on a really hard map, tried to get a bunch of people into close proximity to do the Main Event one. The fact that he brought Devour Hope and Haunted Ground indicates to me that he intended to play out a normal game once this was done.

    Instead, you (in your own words) decided to bully him until he DCed.

    In the future, rather than assuming someone is being a jerk, try to look at things with a bit of charity.

    This wasn't someone abusing an infinite/exploit, this wasn't someone teabagging or using a flicky macro, this wasn't someone hiding and stalling the game out to be a jerk - hell, this wasn't someone even built for camping. This seems like a frustrated player who got sent to a rough map and tried to do his archive challenge regardless. nice. And if you can't be nice, maybe don't gloat about it?

    PS: Saying that the killer should play 'properly' and should 'man up' or we'll grief you until you DC is ridiculous. Everyone has a different idea on what 'play properly' means. Hell, I get told to 'play properly' when I run off-meta perks and even killers sometimes. I've gotten this just for playing Doctor.

    People should play this game to have fun and to win, without going out of their way to be jerks.

    Hiding and genrushing are fine.

    Hiding and refusing to do gens isn't fine.

    Camping and tunneling are fine.

    Walling a survivor into a room and going AFK isn't fine.

    There is a difference.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    I am going to take your advice and introspect here. Hmm, so let's say if I am good in a particular game looping another killer for 5 gens (gen-rush in background), get hooked near exit gate, unhook myself using deliverance, DS the killer and then he chooses to DC. Is that bullying him?

    I dont think so. I did not make him DC. He chose to DC. He chose to be a quitter. And a quitter - never - wins! 😁

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I quit and I won :)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Ah, now come the hypotheticals. Okay, sure. Let's do this.


    Because your intention wasn't to bully him.

    You played the game correctly (unless you were abusing infinites) and won. He should have dropped chase. Now, if you were abusing an infinite as a team and just running there every time he tried to chase you, that would be another matter.

    But...this is an entirely different situation. In this scenario, you weren't going out of your way to bully the killer. In your actual game, in your own words - you were. As a team. You decided that they had to be punished for 'bringing expose perks/addons' and later 'camping' (which I still doubt, due to the perks you described) and set out to make them miserable, then gloated about succeeding.

    Do you see the difference?

    EDIT: And no, he didn't just quit. You set out to make him miserable, and caused him to quit. Again, do you see the difference?

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    Judging by your picture, you play doctor, yes? Doctor.....the killer with built in tracking? Doctor, the killer whos ENTIRE POWER is based around making survivors scream, revealing their location?