This game is completely balanced, stop complaining,

pffftttt imagine if I was being serious lmao πŸ˜‚

no but serious, how does everyone feel about the balancing issues lately in specific?


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    The game is not as badly balanced as some people state it to be. Even Killer players who complain on a constant basis on the Forums will probably win more games than they lose.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    This. This forum has turned into a fear mongering fest and a pity party for players who want free 4ks and free escapes every match instead of just getting better at the game.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I've noticed this is how people play DBD.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Same as before really. Maps are busted as hell and nurse is way too strong compared to the other killers

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I don't even care about hackers unless they harm someone outside of the game.

    It actually fits perfectly into already imbalanced game. I don't take dbd seriously at all anymore.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Not that bad survivor objectives take about 6 minutes to complete and can be split between 4 people. The killer objective takes 8 minutes(12 chases at 40 seconds a chase) and can be split between one player.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    I feel like the maps in this game are what needs to be balanced. I don’t mind going against 4 good survivors..just not on maps like haddonfield, mothers dwelling, ormond, fractured cowshed, rotten fields etc. Going against good swfs on coal tower for eg with manageable rng is fun..

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is now with boons you can't really shrink maps down to make them more manageable for killer because it will hugely buff boons. As boons are now one boon takes up about 1/5 of an average map.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm not the only one who has instant survivor qs, plenty of others have said the same.

    A lot of people also dont like solo q.

    Yes, gen speeds are ok, maps are the problem.

    Never said boons arent op.

    I'm not ash3 but you sure are quite creepy by always replying to me in a rude tone....

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    I used to play hide and seek with my friends when I was small. Never heard them say that the game is unbalanced albeit that there is 1 seeker and far more number of hiders.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I'm a pretty chill killer. I don't care about the 4K and regularly give hatch, or mess about with the survivors when it's clear theyve won.

    But Boons are the biggest pain in the ass I've ever faced as a killer. It really is not 14s vs. 2s when you have a coordinated team, you can't keep them down without throwing the game, so you just have to give up and let them have their god-mode zone.

    Hit and run doesn't work with CoH, so Wraith, Legion, Pig, etc. just don't work. You're forced to tunnel. (I don't like tunnelling)

    Aura reading doesn't work with Shadowstep, so gone are all the fun and quirky builds like Mirror Myers, and a ton of iri add ons like Demo's Leprose Lichen and Lifeguard Whistle. Not to mention, BBQ loses all functionality, you know, the most common anti-camping perk. (I don't like camping)

    These are hard counters to base killer mechanics. You can snuff them out, but you have to go out of your way and lose a chase to do so. You lose way more than the 14s it takes a survivor to bless them.

    There's playing chill, and then there's being the survivors punching bag. In order to avoid that... I now have to play nasty. I have to camp and tunnel, just to get a fair number of hooks and maybe 1 or 2 kills. I can't be a chill killer any more. So I play Plague instead, and nothing else until boons get nerfed.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    Game is unbalanced

    But not nearly as much as people claim

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I have no problem with people discussing why something needs a nerf/buff, when they do it in a constructive way, basically the way you just did.

    Lately you don't see that though. You see a lot of low effort threads just say "this op pls nerf", or just general pity posts where everyone brushes each others egos, like a little echo chamber. If someone has a slight different opinion, or no opinion at all they get mobbed.

    One side uses the argument to "just do this or that" but as soon as the other side does the same, there is a problem.

    Another issue I have with it is that people always mention "survivors" when solo q and swf are almost different roles. All the arguments I see in favor of nerfs for one side, it's either just considered for swf or for top tier killers.

    Low tier killers and solos just get forgotten into existence while things keep changing and they keep getting things nerfed that are only actually overpowered on top tier killers and SWF.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    My experience with SWF isn't much different to my experience with solo, other than the fact that I always run Kindred when solo. As a killer, I rarely worry about if the survivors are SWF or solo, I don't think it makes much of a difference, you can get good solo players who can still give the killer a run for their money.

    As a console player, ever killer is a low tier killer, because Nurse, Blight, and most ranged killers arent viable.

    You need to have a ######### ton of chill as a killer, because the game is tremendously survivor sided. There's no wonder why so many killers play sweaty. Killer is a sprint, survivor is a leisurely strole.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It’s not as bad as it seems, but lots work still needs to be done

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Terrible. Survivor is getting more boring while the queues are getting longer and Killer is in one of the worst states it's ever been. Perfect time to drop some new cosmetics

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    I agree with this tbh, the community makes things out way worse than they actually are. All because they take it beyond serious, both sides.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Game is unbalanced

    Game is about as balanced as can be expected for an asymetrical game

    Both these points are true, and its why we don't exactly have a slew of viable alternatives to dbd. Think back to every dbd rival thats tried to launch the last few years, none of them were balanced, a few were complete train wrecks.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    When they changed the pallet design... like omg... my prayers were answered, and I was hooked on DBD.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    It's not that bad, but they could improve on maps and boons.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    People argue that asyms at their core will always be unbalanced, but DbD currently is just atrociously unbalanced. It’s not fair that one side is super relaxed, unreliant on perks, and overall not very stressful. Meanwhile, the other side is always fighting a losing battle, relies heavily on the meta, and has to deal with being belittled every other match for simply trying to win.

    Not saying Survivors need to be nerfed to the ground (they have issues too, such as camping), but I do think Killers are in need of some serious base-kit buffs to make the game more enjoyable.