Stop playing Legion

for the love of god, stop its too unfun, all this boi does is just clap them cheeks and then go to someone else, only to clap their cheeks, there’s no fun chase, it’s just pathetic and annoying


  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    So you dont want people to play the character they want to play even though they either grinded to unlock them or paid for them with money? That's like me saying "Dont play Laurie because her face looks like a horse and her perks are annoying" let people play what they want man

    Lol and her ass in those jeans!

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Mushwin said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    So you dont want people to play the character they want to play even though they either grinded to unlock them or paid for them with money? That's like me saying "Dont play Laurie because her face looks like a horse and her perks are annoying" let people play what they want man

    Lol and her ass in those jeans!

    Hell yeah!!! :lol:
  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    for the love of god, stop its too unfun, all this boi does is just clap them cheeks and then go to someone else, only to clap their cheeks, there’s no fun chase, it’s just pathetic and annoying
    Tho he does need a rework, its a bit much to tell people not to play a character they paid for, or grinded for. Just learn how to play against them(yes i know people will laugj towards this one but, hey if anything he can teach you how to atun a super speed killer no?). Buy time for your other survivors. It's better to think of solution now rather then wait for the rework, and tell others to stop playing a certain killer. 
  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Last time I checked, they paid for Legion, so they can play with them whenever they want to.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2019
    Eninya said:

    You're not going to get banned. lolz I see people suicide and disconnect versus Doctor all of the time.

    You will get banned for dcing a certain percentage of games but it's not instant it's done In ban waves every so often. 

    Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited January 2019
    No spank you. I enjoy playing as Legion.
  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    Never. I love them. I like to face them as survivor, because it forces me to learn a new type of game play, which is always welcomed. And now my other killers can have a rest because I only play legion atm and have a blast with it.

    People grind or pay for the character. If they think its fun and love it, then the entertainment level of others should not matter. There are killers I hate to face, but that does not give me the right to expect them to stop playing them for my sake. 
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Nope. I spent my 9000 shards on this killer and I will play them until I can wreak havoc with them and there's nothing you can do about it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Eninya said:

    You're not going to get banned. lolz I see people suicide and disconnect versus Doctor all of the time.

    You will get banned for dcing a certain percentage of games but it's not instant it's done In ban waves every so often. 

    Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though.
    "Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though."

    It depends because some survivors can kill themselves to sandbag the entire team which is reportable in the unsportsmanlike category!
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Stop telling people how to play.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277
    Mushwin said:

    Maybe play another game? or another killer?

    I just wanna say one thing about what you said. A game it's something that must be balanced , but has also to be funny.
    I mean, for the current balancement of the game, legion seems balanced( not really against a depip squad I guess), but anyway, that's not the point.
    The point is that there's is no mindgame to counter him, and this has been said by zubat, marth88, puppers, cryssness and tru3talent.
    I would prefer to play against a 4/5 blinks nurse or an omegablinks nurse instead of playing against legion. I mean if he finds you , you're dead. There is literally no mindgame to counter him and if you hide in the locker you'll be forced out of it screaming. Also he's got a small terror radius, so the chance of hiding decreases drastically, especially with monitor and abuse. 
    The second point is that chases always have the same duration,based on the add-ons of the killer. If he has those two purple he does always the same thing. Hit,hit,cooldown, and after the power is back again instant down.
    Whatever he does it doesn't matter, if he swings and misses at the pallet the cooldown doesn't exist practically.
    That's why legion is not fun and everybody hates him, because dead by daylight now with the nerf to the pallets and to the red light (not really nerfed) is supposed to have interesting chases, as Mathieu cote said.

    To conclude, legion must get reworked because it's not fun to play against, at all ,since it doesn't exist a decent build to counter him
  • Mullato
    Mullato Member Posts: 104
    Nickenzie said:
    Eninya said:

    You're not going to get banned. lolz I see people suicide and disconnect versus Doctor all of the time.

    You will get banned for dcing a certain percentage of games but it's not instant it's done In ban waves every so often. 

    Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though.
    "Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though."

    It depends because some survivors can kill themselves to sandbag the entire team which is reportable in the unsportsmanlike category!
    Yeah well I suicide all the time because the game decides to not register me slamming the dumb X button. Or lag.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Mullato said:
    Nickenzie said:
    Eninya said:

    You're not going to get banned. lolz I see people suicide and disconnect versus Doctor all of the time.

    You will get banned for dcing a certain percentage of games but it's not instant it's done In ban waves every so often. 

    Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though.
    "Killing yourself on the hook is definately not bannable though."

    It depends because some survivors can kill themselves to sandbag the entire team which is reportable in the unsportsmanlike category!
    Yeah well I suicide all the time because the game decides to not register me slamming the dumb X button. Or lag.
    The developers should switch the struggle action to skill checks that happen every 10 seconds. This will equate to 5 skill checks, and I'll like to mention that these skill checks are immune to debuffs.
  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    I don't like playing against the Pig, but I don't dc when I meet her, it is unfair. Once I was in a match where other 3 survivors dc'ed. I felt sorry for the Pig, she didn't camp or anything. So I stayed with her and we atleast farmed some points.

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @Leonardo1ita said:
    Whatever he does it doesn't matter, if he swings and misses at the pallet the cooldown doesn't exist practically.
    That's why legion is not fun and everybody hates him, because dead by daylight now with the nerf to the pallets and to the red light (not really nerfed) is supposed to have interesting chases, as Mathieu cote said.

    You know, for survivors who don't really play killer, I feel like Legion is pretty much showing survivors how unfun it is for so much of the cast when it comes to loops and pallets.

    I'm not saying it's balanced, and Legion can be pretty easily stomped at the red ranks (though someone will probably get tunneled and murdered) but this is the type of feeling so many killers face when they don't want to play Nurse or Hillbilly.

    I buckled down and started playing Nurse almost exclusively, because all the killers I like, aesthetically, start getting ######### on pretty readily once you start going up against survivors below Rank 5. yeah, you can have some good games here and there with Pig, Myers, Leatherface, and Spirit, but it usually requires the survivors to play really ######### stupid, and usually requires that you start using some good addons. Legion is no exception.

    Even with the pallet nerfs, you still lose so much time trying to just get a hit on a good survivor on so many of the maps. Even when you know when to break off chases, several pallets here and there will cost you 2 to 3 generators. It's ######### obnoxious.

    Hell, even with Nurse, if you start downing people right off the bat, and the team is SWF, you'll usually have one person going for rescues while two people are just destroying gens in record time.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Mushwin said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    So you dont want people to play the character they want to play even though they either grinded to unlock them or paid for them with money? That's like me saying "Dont play Laurie because her face looks like a horse and her perks are annoying" let people play what they want man

    Lol and her ass in those jeans!

    I always get the impression that she got some booty but then I look at her from the side. :cry:

    chuckles you poor soul

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    I just want my Adept trophy and 30k BP from the daily.
  • He’s pretty bad but in my opinion he’s fun to play. If people enjoy playing him then let them be, they’re not responsible for your fun at the end of the day.
  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277
    Demoth said:

    @Leonardo1ita said:
    Whatever he does it doesn't matter, if he swings and misses at the pallet the cooldown doesn't exist practically.
    That's why legion is not fun and everybody hates him, because dead by daylight now with the nerf to the pallets and to the red light (not really nerfed) is supposed to have interesting chases, as Mathieu cote said.

    You know, for survivors who don't really play killer, I feel like Legion is pretty much showing survivors how unfun it is for so much of the cast when it comes to loops and pallets.

    I'm not saying it's balanced, and Legion can be pretty easily stomped at the red ranks (though someone will probably get tunneled and murdered) but this is the type of feeling so many killers face when they don't want to play Nurse or Hillbilly.

    I buckled down and started playing Nurse almost exclusively, because all the killers I like, aesthetically, start getting ######### on pretty readily once you start going up against survivors below Rank 5. yeah, you can have some good games here and there with Pig, Myers, Leatherface, and Spirit, but it usually requires the survivors to play really [BAD WORD] stupid, and usually requires that you start using some good addons. Legion is no exception.

    Even with the pallet nerfs, you still lose so much time trying to just get a hit on a good survivor on so many of the maps. Even when you know when to break off chases, several pallets here and there will cost you 2 to 3 generators. It's [BAD WORD] obnoxious.

    Hell, even with Nurse, if you start downing people right off the bat, and the team is SWF, you'll usually have one person going for rescues while two people are just destroying gens in record time.

    I mean, you're right, survivors could play as the depip squad ,4 Ds , gen rush, unbreakable, borrowed time, some red instaheals and boom the match is gone.
    And even if legion could be destroyed (we are not really sure o about his balancement, since thanatophobia is really strong on him) by the dipip squad, it's not fun to play against aa the depip squad is
    Is it fun to rush all gens for sure in less than 4 minutes? Or receiving four ds in one match?No it isn't, but just because of that devs shouldn't create really unfun killers.
    I know your feelings of getting rushed, but who gets tunneled becomes frustrated too.
    So we should do other things to balance the game and to not make the game finish instantly, as more gens or more objectives and other thing to help sole survivors,but at the same time make the game fun to play for everybody, which is something of possible if we want

  • wladimiiir
    wladimiiir Member Posts: 142
    People who don't like facing The Legion should just play him, period.
    I play Legion and I am so happy to face one because of unique gameplay against them. And I'm doing good against them because playing as Legion helped me understand his weaknesses.
  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277
    People who don't like facing The Legion should just play him, period.
    I play Legion and I am so happy to face one because of unique gameplay against them. And I'm doing good against them because playing as Legion helped me understand his weaknesses.
    He's not fun to play at all. He gets rushed and has no end game potential. If survivors don't stay together and know what to do and when to save he's just a badass. He's not even fun to play against , since you rush him and then escape.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Pay me the full price of the DLC and an extra €1 for every hour I could spend playing the Legion from now until the end of time, and we have ourselves a deal.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Legion is probably the best killer to generate points with. Run bbq and pudding when you can and you should get like 70K Points per match. If you just go into the match expecting to lose and just to get as many points as possible. It’s fine. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Sziosis said:
    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

    Because ranks means somethign nowadays? :lol:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    Legion is probably the best killer to generate points with. Run bbq and pudding when you can and you should get like 70K Points per match. If you just go into the match expecting to lose and just to get as many points as possible. It’s fine. 

    You can play a viable killer and go out with a lots of points too. additionally the match will be over faster since you actually kill them and dont have to wait until they finish gens and escape

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Sziosis said:
    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

    well, I am currently rank 4

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018


  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277


    Obviously the O.P doesn't really want you to stop playing legion, he's just saying he's not fun to play against. His it's just an exclamation to say: please rework legion and make him more balanced , strong and fun to play against
  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198
    Master said:

    @Sziosis said:
    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

    Because ranks means somethign nowadays? :lol:

    It means you can still beat try hards with the Legion :P
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    How about...No?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Master said:

    @Sziosis said:
    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

    Because ranks means somethign nowadays? :lol:

    It means worse queue times and less fun gaming experiences.. but nothing else.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Sziosis said:
    Master said:

    @Sziosis said:

    If I made it back to rank 1 with just Legion, they may be a bit better than you think. Just play better n_n

    Because ranks means somethign nowadays? :lol:

    It means you can still beat try hards with the Legion :P

    You dont actually beat them. You just receive a pad from BHVR and a thank you for being bullied, thats not the same as beating the enemy.