Don't you hate it when there are no hooks around when you try to hook the last survivor.

I find this very irritating and then what makes it even more irritating is when the survivor keeps running back to the corner of the map just to make sure I can't hook her. I feel like hooks should respawn quicker because this is annoying.
Just let them bleed out, its a fair thing to do. :)
They wanna waste your time then just waste theirs too, maybe they'll run no mither so they cant be slugged again lol
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If someone runs to the corner and I pick them up and it doesn't look like a hook is close enough, I drop their ass and just stand over them. If they crawl towards a hook, great. If not, they get to bleed out. It's their choice.
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Since hooks destroy themselves upon sacrifice for some reason, this happens all the time. It's not even fair for killer. It's giving the survivors an unnecessary upper hand, and the justification for defending this is hilarious. "Hooks get destroyed because killers shouldn't be in one spot all game." Why not? Defending one side of the map is a strategy. Is the killer using strategy illegal in this game (*wink, wink* Deathslinger+M&A nerf)? It just makes no sense why the hooks destroy themselves.
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I’ve only once gotten actual use out of a Yellow Mori, and that was a game that I happened to equip one and the very last survivor intentionally dragged themselves into a spot out of reach of all the nearby hooks while the doors were closed. It saved me the time of waiting for them to bleed out. 🙂
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It seems very unpolished for a game to have a way to where one side can take the game hostage for a few minutes, because a primary mechanic gets *used up* earlier in the match. It's a win technically but the points system doesn't recognize it as one because you need to sacrifice via hooks, not just kill by bleedout. It's like in CoD if you had to win and end the match only if you headshot the opponent's downed body, but your gun ran out of bullets, so you have to just sit there for the time to run down. It's really asinine.
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The especially stupid part about this is that it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with where the killer's been all match - it's where the survivors are at the tipping point. I can be hooking people all over the map, but now I'm on the last three gens and I'm fighting people off of the one gen they've committed to. If a bunch of people were on death hook earlier, that area's going to get cleared out pretty thoroughly as I catch people and cart them off to the closest hook en route back to the gen. If I sacrifice two people in that area - heck, maybe I caught two people at the same time and hooked them one after the other - I'm going to have serious problems with the third, who still has an objective right there. It's not exactly the killer's choice to go somewhere else at that point.
Or the gates. If there's a pile-up trying to open the gates or rescue a slug, or you make a Blood Warden play, where else are you supposed to hook people?
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I can barely remember what that feels like ever since I started running Iron Grasp and Agitation. So sad when you down them on the wrong side of the map and make it JUST in front of the Basement Hook only for them to finally break out.
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Yup. Once I literally had no other choice but to help the last survivor get out the gate. He wouldn't leave the area for chase cuz he knew with wiggle that I can't reach a hook in time from the red gate (( had already sacrificed in the area )) and all I could do was down him and try to carry to hook but he gets away and runs right back to gate. All I could do was open gate and stand there.
My fault in a way though for using too many hooks that close together in the gate area.
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If it's the last survivor, just let them bleed out. There, problem solved. You didn't have to make this thread
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Are you crying about hooks? Really? I never thought I would see the day.
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This is legitimate criticism, not just crying. If you completed too many gens as survivor and that made you have a chance to not be able to escape, you'd be complaining too.
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What do you think a 'three gen' is?
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i find it very irritating how a lot of maps were reduced in size, yet hook spawns werent re-adjusted and now you have a cluster of hooks, some even spawning back to back, but hey, we ccant have everything
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Honestly I usually give them a chance or two but if they wiggle and crawl back away or do stuff like that I usually just blast some music for 4 minutes then laugh if they get salty in endgame chat especially if they were given 2+ chances
My favorite was when a survivor thought they were entitled to wiggling out for free and said they deserved it or something (they did not get what they wanted)
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That easily beatable strategy that requires at least 1 survivor to already be dead for it to do anything.