Killers, take off your gen defense builds

I never ran 4 gen defense perks, but often went with 3 - corrupt, pop, ruin/discordance/tinkerer - and tried to slow the gens down a lot in my games. Going out of my way to halt their progress and still hearing the gen notification was really disheartening cause I'm dedicating 75% of my build to stop them and they're still getting done like it's nothing???
So I decided to say ######### it and stop running these slowdown perks. I kept Corrupt (I'm a Trapper main so I'm basically throwing by not using that perk on him, and it's still really good on all the other killers too) and then added NWO to slow down the end game a little bit. Anyone who plays either side knows that a lot of greedy altruism plays happen in end game, and this gives me (hopefully) an additional minute to get a hook before gates are open and maybe get some trades and kills.
Anyway, having 2 open perk slots that I can use to either make chases more efficient or make the game more fun for me (and maybe catch the survivors off guard) has made killer a lot more enjoyable. I've also gotten a LOT better at chasing and mindgaming and general decision making because I simply do not care about the gens anymore - I don't babysit them, I don't camp them, I don't leave a chase to kick them. They will get done no matter what and I've realized that the game isn't over just because all gens are done.
Just a tip for my fellow killer players in the middle of all this SBMM chaos, maybe you'll find yourself having fun again!
Im an all time End game build Killers, also a Trapper main (Noed, Bloodwarden, Rancor, with either Remember me or STBFL). I will tell every Killers here that 4 slow down is still the best one. This is what I see in my opinion.
End game build:
Using setup Killer with RNG power like Trapper often get 1-2 hooks and 5 Gen done. Of course I can get downs and hooks. But since I didnt make many chase, they still have many resource and play safe (predrop pallets) waiting for Noed to cleansed. And since I didnt make many chase (I also dont tunnel), which they still have DS available.
End game gives me a power trip. Which makes the game fun for me.
4 Slowdown build:
Longer the Gen time gives longer the trial time, able to afford longer chase, longer the trial, the less resource Survivors have. Less resource they have, the less confident they are and play more safe. And even gain you more time.
Slowdown just give Killers alot, not just longer Gen time.
Im not complaining about survivors, but the toxic players. Though recently so many of them feel confident and tbag/clicky just because they finish 4 Gen when I just finish setup traps, make feel like to try hard to kill them (normally I dont care about hook or kill)
I will wait for Black Friday and get Pinhead for DeadLock, Plaything, combine with new Artist' Hex perk, I will give 4 slowdown perk a try.
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Use insidious basement bubba instead.
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I usually run Jolt and that's it, simply because it saves me kicking gens. Still leaves 3 perk slots for chase, detection or exposure.
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Ok booner
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Slowdown builds aren't consistent which is my biggest gripe with them. Ruin + Undying can be cleansed in the first 30 seconds of the game. Survivors can spread out and pressure multiple gens so perks like Pop or Deadlock may not always get value. Thana you need to actually keep them injured, etc.
So not every game will be longer, and not every trial that is longer will be spent actually chasing survivors (and thus improving). I see a lot of killers who literally just eat a pallet, take a hit, then go back to the gens. What happens is that this works wonderfully when RNG is on your side, but you will feel like you have 0 impact when RNG isn't on your side. If you learn how to chase and run tiles, if you improve your mind games, if you get better decision making that will be far more consistent across games.
Sure you can have both slowdowns and actual improvement as killer - but so many killers (a majority, I'd reckon) fall into this trap of thinking that gen defense is the be-all and end-all of killer gameplay and the game is over just because gens pop. They get frustrated at losing perks at the start of the trial, they get frustrated from the gen notification sound, because they're frustrated they play worse and it's a vicious circle.
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I too am a trapper main and i run corrupt intervention. Sometimes ill bring a 2nd slow down perk like pgtw but i dont bring 4 slow down perks. I need something to help me find survivors or help me during the chase.
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I really like Jolt too! I think Deadlock kinda falls into the same category where it technically involves defending gens but you're not actively doing anything so you can focus more on chases and applying pressure in other ways. So you can technically run both of those without being a gen humper, but it's kinda boring for me personally. I'd rather have something that adds some spice (like the 1 in 20 games where Devour gets value) or something that involves strategy or confuses survivors (Dark Devotion + Nemesis is one of my favorite combos) because it's more engaging for me.
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Have you tried STBFL on him? It gives him such snowball potential in combination with his traps, it's amazing. I've had many games where I'm at 2 hooks with only 1 gen left and then manage to get them into my territory for the end game and they all die lol.
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I use a variety of perks. Stbfl, whispers, bbq for bp, sloppy+nurses but stopped since boons, franklins, bamboozle, spirit fury+enduring, devour hope(personal favorite)
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@EvilJoshy Corrupt Intervention is good but you can't use any hex with it, as they won't last long. Also it's powerful, but that leaves only 3 perks to play with... and I try to squeeze in BBQ, PGTW, Thrilling Tremors and Make your choice.
Still thinking what have bigger impact PGTW or Dragon's Grip...
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Devour is so nice when you actually get value from it. It's my wild card perk - I don't always get it to proc, and I go into a trial expecting to lose it immediately, so it's a great feeling when it actually works out.
If you haven't tried Infectious yet with him, I'd recommend it. Infectious + STBFL is one of my favorite perk combos for him. No screams, you can hook the survivor or place traps down. If there are screams you get another stack (unless it's the obsession of course) and if they're in a trapped area you can even go for the chase.
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Weird hex but ok
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Oooh, Dragon's Grip is a good call actually, especially towards the end of the game where you might have a 3-4 gen situation going on. I wonder what the math looks like in terms of gen progress downtime with the cooldown and them (probably) staying off the gen for 30 seconds versus the 25% you get with POTG. Like how many hooks and POTG procs would you need during the 80 second DG cooldown to make it more effective than 30 seconds of no gen progress?
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Its sad how effective this is.
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No Way Out is a good slowdown perk. It doesn’t slow down generators but it does slow down escaping the match which is really what the goal of slowing down generators actually is.
Tru3ta1ent currently swears by No Way Out, Corrupt Intervention, and Deadlock for slowdown and a fourth for utility (typically Fearmonger). Those first three all slow the game down without needing him to kick gens or use Hexes.
The main possible weakness Corrupt Intervention has is when survivors are savvy enough to just hide it out. If as a team they just scatter and hide for the duration then the killer can get nothing from it and now they’re playing the rest of the match with one perk. Fortunately for killers in most matches someone isn’t hiding initially so this isn’t a common tactic, probably only happens if the survivors are on comms and decide as a group to do it.
p.s. I wonder if Lethal Pursuer pairs well with Corrupt? Since the best strategy against Corrupt is to hide it out, Lethal Pursuer makes it impossible for the survivors to hide for the first 10 seconds of the match and guarantees the killer someone to chase right away. That puts them immediately into the position Corrupt works well where the killer has someone on a hook early but half the gens are blocked and there’s less to patrol outside that hook.
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Only if survivors take off your second chance perk builds like dead hard, unbreakable, boons etc. Then it's a deal.
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They just use slippery nest and that’s all
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I started playing iron grasp, agitation and monstrous shrine on all killers
funny to see how that little shrine icon on survivors screen makes them all panic when they are hooked, especially when it's swf
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Yeah I've seen he runs that build. I personally don't find Deadlock very engaging, but it's a good guaranteed gen slowdown.
I think Lethal Pursuer is really good with Corrupt, depending on the killer, and especially if survivors get smarter about hiding out the timer. All killers except for Trapper and Hag can benefit from it I think, and it's especially good on killers who need to tier up their power quickly or have powers with a big snowball potential. I'm surprised more people aren't running it honestly. Getting pressure immediately can be a bigger game changer than mid-game gen slowdown.
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Doesn't Monstruous only take 10 seconds off a full sacrifice?
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in 30 seconds generator will regress for 7.5 seconds (sligtly less than 10%). althrough, it also -30 seconds of them doing that gen, so... maybe
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No Way Out and NOED are staples now.
Honestly, since Boons have released I have not had a single NOED fizzle out.
Maybe everyone assumes the killer is too scared to run it now, or they assume everybody else is looking for bones as well and get careless.
Consume and adapt...
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Thats bold of you to imply i run a gen slowdown build
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So let's say a gen is at 50 charges (80 charges is a full gen) and you kick it with pop, that brings it to 37.5 charges with the normal regression after. Let's say the survivors take 10 seconds to get back on it, that's an additional -2.5 charges bringing to to 35 charges. That gen will now take 45 seconds to complete for a single survivor.
With DG's regression and 30 seconds of not touching the gen, it'll take 67.5 seconds to complete the gen.
So I guess if you can continue to get POTG procs, it's just way better. But if you're hard defending a cluster of gens and don't go for chases, DG could be more valuable?
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Yeah NOED got a lot stronger with the boon meta. Smart killers will note where a boon is and wait to snuff it until they know the last gen is about to pop to ensure that they get the proc too.
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I bring devour for funs sake. Its the only hex i feel is actually strong and survivors cant complain about it because it requires a charge up before it does anything. Though i havent played since boons were introduced so hex perks are all probably garbage now.
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1) survivors don't suspect Dragon's Grip (if not Blight) until it's too late and it triggers.
2) If it's not SWF they have hard time sharing information about it.
3) It have a cool down so they don't know you kicked gen applying it or not. If they wait it out 30 sec - it's a win already.
4) Not all survivors can understand WHY they are exposed if killer have any means to expose or other perks like Make Your Choice.
5) It's: Gen protection, Information and Exposure perk at the same time.
Only downside - it takes long to get all perks, so BBQ is good for grind.
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Doesn't it have a yellow aura?
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Two reasons I can think of I don’t typically run Corrupt
- Not everybody has it unlocked on every killer. It’s a Plague teachable, so it’s not guaranteed people will have it at all. (I prestige for fun normally and just kind of use what I have available for instance so I know most of my killers don’t have it unlocked.)
- Even when I have it available I don’t typically run it simply because it can make it take longer to find survivors. Barring using Whispers or Lethal Pursuer, etc, my normal strategy is to move in audible range of the gens and listen for noises. With half the gens blocked it takes that much longer for the survivors to find a gen and work on it, which means it takes longer for me to hear them. And since I mostly just like to get into chases ASAP at the start of the match, having that take longer is a bit of a downer. (Again, not saying it’s not effective at what it does, just saying I find the games without it to be a bit more exciting in the beginning of the match.)
That’s just me though,
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Nope. Just a friendly gen, no different from another. But with surprise for 30 seconds.
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I agree with dropping slowdown perks. Using them may get you more wins, but at the cost of suggesting to the devs that the balance is ok.
Who wants to go against sweaty 4-person meta-equipped flashlight-clicking teabagging SWFs every game anyway?
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The only regression perk I run now is Surge. Sometimes. On M1 killers.
Otherwise, it's Plaything+Retribution+BBQ/Discordance+Fearmonger/Devour Hope
I have so much more fun just unga bunga chasing people.
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Its endgame time
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I could've sworn it turned yellow, might've been a fever dream though lmao. That makes it even better though, I like it.
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Plaything is slept on, it can really slow down mid-game or you get a massive advantage in the 1v1. Win-win.
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I love it. Combined with Retribution, it's just a ton of fun.
It's sort of become one of my go-to perks on non-stealth killers.
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I used to run Ruin/Pop but Ruin 9 out of 10 matches gets cleansed in less than 2 minutes, and when I took off Pop I realized how little time it saves you considering you have to commit to a gen kicking animation. Now I run mostly Corrupt on all my killers, with Deadlock or NWO if the survivors look strong on my lobby.
I'm actually winning way more games, and also having way more fun because Corrupt and NWO/Deadlock are passive slowdowns and survivors can't really get rid of them.
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Corrupt/NWO/Dead Lock/Remember Me/Blood Warden are all becoming meta as they give you uncounterable stall time.
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on my Trickster i only run thrilling or bbq for tracking, corrupt, iron maiden, and the doctor perk that decreases tr and increases visibility. It makes me feel faster, stronger, and like im trying to kill the survivors instead of preventing them from doing gens
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Ruin is definitely a perk of the past. Unless they make totem spawns much, much better on all maps (they're okay on the newer ones), it's just not worth running.