Boon totems

So what are your opinions on the boon totems especially the healing one cause. I think they should be nerved cause i just had a game where i downed someone and the guys just came rushing in and healed him up in a few seconds.
So you base your opinion on one game?
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Coming from a survivor main, they should ne nerfed.
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I don't think they should be nerfed because they're trash most of the time and easy to snuff when you're nearby, in my killer matches where I go against survivors worried about boons I always win I don't think I've lost a single match to a squad running boons. I'm not saying they don't have a strong effect but the time wasted to keep them going kills your team and especially if multiple survivors are running boons, in my opinion they're only efficient if one person on the team has it so that way there's always other people focusing gens but any more than that and it's a ez win, I mean for crying out loud you're searching for the totem then having to bless it and for what? Self care? To heal up instead of focusing gens meanwhile someone is using pallets to stay up? It's only good near the end of the game as a reset zone but that's my opinion and it's okay if people don't agree I get that it's a unpopular opinion I just think gen speeds are way more broken than any boon they could ever bring to the game
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You get punished for dropping chases and you get punished for committing to chases. You probably should just go play Survivor.
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The boons themselves arent the problem, the mechanic of creating pocket areas with X efects in esence its good, the problem is the efects and the lack of any meaninfull drawback on them, and NO, 14 its a laguable amount of time to excuse this poorly balanced perks. That said they are in need of a heavy rework:
Make them have a limited amount of uses per trial per survivor, 3 or 4 at most its more than enought for an entire trial specially considering if theres 4 people with them.
Give them a cool down, 90/80/70 seconds after being used before they can re bless any other totem, that would actually make them a precious resource that has to be used sparingly and with tactical tinking put behind them, not just bless giggle run away rinse and repeat,
Make it so totems can be destroyed by the killer, that would make them a tactical objective for both sides. If the killer its running another hex that needs totems it will have to weight breaking againts snuffing, same for the survivors, having to weight if they want to risk a particularly good place by being reckless with positioning.
Any of this options would make them far more balanced instead of what whe have right now.
Circle of healing on the other hand its quite honestly busted in to many places, the fact it stacks with other perks make it wolvering healing machine, theres people with videos showing you can heal mid chase behind pallets with a healing build, thats just quite honestly idiotic on to many levels that shouldnt be made live. Circle of healing should NOT stack with other healing perks, and if it do it should be a small bonus.
Shadow step on the other hand....oh boy i seriously dont now what they where tinking with this one, the fact that this boon and iron will make survivors virtually invisible its laguable.
Again, boons mechanics arent the problem, the problem are the efects and just how laguably strong they are with little to non real counterplay or balance at all
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As a killer player: Good but a tad overrated
Boons have won me more matches then lost cause survivors are slowing themself down so much by setting up boons constantly. I have ofcourse lost games because of boons, they are strong. But saying they are this busted unbeatable thing is exagurating. especially if you bring a build to beat boons they are managable. Shadow Step also very rarely gives me an issue. either they are injured and leave a nice bloodtrail or i can listen to their footsteps. In short boons have never gave me any issues as a killer. Not more then the other meta perks anyway
As a survivor player though I can see why people have trouble with them now that i played a bit with them and i can understand the frustrations around them much better. I have got away with simply stupid stuff and they kill any momentum a struggling killer could bring. If the killer is behind and they are set up then the survivors need to mess up massively to lose at that point. Killers who are behind already face an uphill battle, boons bassicly make it a sheer cliff.
While i don't think they should be nerfed I do think there needs to be a healing cap of 100%. You should never be able to heal someone in less then 8 seconds and a self heal should never be shorter then 16.
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Honestly, boon totems should act like Hex Totems. Should take a bit of time to break but once broken it's gone. Let their boon randomly spawn on the map.
It's honestly weird to me. Hex totems can be broken and perma gone from the game. Meanwhile, sure boon totems take time to set up, but they can basically make it to where they heal almost to original self care speeds. Shadow step is just annoying.