You know you messed up when the most neutral content creator has to make a video about mmr
Your math doesn't quite check out...
Yes I saw that data mine video. I've also read the explanation BHVR put out in response to it which was completely different, and makes a ton more sense. So I'm inclined to believe you're the ignorant, uninformed one here.
It is not a case of win = +20, no matter what your streamers tell you.
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Did OP watch the video? Otz openly says that he does not dislike MMR system. he says in the video that he is mostly used to it and his matches are fine.
In comment section, most of posts do not necessary talk about disliking MMR system. instead complaints are that BVHR does more poor job of balancing killers, therefore killer have lack of fun in their games when playing weaker killers. as a result, the game is very survivor-sided. Hopefully they stop making negative changes towards killer as it discouraging killer players to play killer which otz describes as longer queue times.
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Theyd have the numbers of killer dropping out, and id love to see them
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Yeah, it's pretty bad.
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I feel like I'm playing a different game than you all. My killer queues during the day takes ages, and survivor queues instant. At night, it's the opposite since a lot of people play with their friends at night. It's been this way even before I stopped playing in 2018. I don't think there's a killer shortage at all because if there were, I'd have instant killer queues no matter the time of day.
Something tells me that the comments in that video and in this thread aren't very truthful.
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The MMR isn´t the Problem. The balancing IS the problem. MMR just made it more visible.
People don´t like the MMR, because now they constantly get matched with/against sweating players instead of occasionally. Because they can´t roflstomp noobs anymore, it´s suddenly an issue.
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Not always.
How much mmr you gain or lose also depends on how big the difference between you and the survivor is.
If the survivor you sacrifice is much higher mmr then you then you get more points
So if you sacrifice a high mmr survivor who for example wants to make sure their their low mmr friends who they are swfibg with makes it out then the mmr you get from them could outweigh the ones you lose from the other 3 resulting in a small net positive.
This is nowhere near the norm but not really uncommon either with people who swf with different mmr ratings
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My games got less consistent, funnily enough.
Playing as my most played killer (legion) I almost always get 3 games in a row of stomping survivors, followed by one sweaty game where I almost always get stomped. That cycle then repeats.
I've since stopped playing but not because of MMR or boons, I just got burnt out.
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time zones exist
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Many killer mains have this burn out feeling. They either derank on purpose, switched to survivor or completely stopped playing.
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I agree, it needs to start with maps being balanced.
I hope you had a great day! See you soon my friend
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It'll be used to nerf killers again because they're "over performing"
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If you extrapolate from this, then most people play in the evening.
Those playing during the day are playing without friends, so more likely to play killer. As a majority of day-players friends are not online, then the majority of players aren't on during the day.
So the evening queues are more representative of the playerbase at large.
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I actually made a thread about this.
Yes, high MMR is going to be sweaty now - because you aren't constantly getting matched against people far less experienced than you are.
Those '50 streak with a meme build' videos are fun and all, but come at the expense of a lot of less skilled players getting stomped into the dirt.
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you're not alone, i quit too.
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and those 50 streaks were made against bad survivors who play at nights
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So pretty much only have survivor challenges left so decided to play survivor for a bit.
Instantly noticed something. pretty much instant queues. I litterally didn't have the time to press alt-tab before i was in a lobby.
Played a killer game after that: 2 minute queue
So yeah the reasons for hating mmr are still valid but that killers are leaving the game on mass and thats what have been affecting the queue's seems to be pretty false to me.
Most likely a matchmaking bug rather then a shortage of players
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as far as i know MMR doesn't work like that. It's basically four times 1v1, if this survivor escapes you lose on your rating, if you kill them they lose on their rating. How much they lose depends on the time when they get killed. Hatch is a tie.
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See my other post, i'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that (watch Otz video about how MMR system works). Wouldn't make any sense to get to high MMR if you constantly only get 1 kill.
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My experiences are exactly the opposite. Insanely long survivor queues (can easily get up to 10+ minutes on offpeak, around 2-5 minutes at peak) and very fast killer queues (60-90 seconds topside on offpeak, instant at peak).
Yeah, I keep seeing this asserted but people vanish the second I ask for a source.
There was a (forbidden word) situation a bit back where someone posted a bunch of alleged 'info' on the MMR system, but a lot of it turned out to be marsh gas and so I think they were full of it.
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Yeah it was the same with me for like a week or something. Insanely long survivor queues, instant killer
It just changed today.
Which makes me think it was a bug. Not the first time matchmaking bugs happen
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the fact that you can sum up why MMR was a stupid idea with 3 sentences would be funny if it wasn't sad
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I think that this is a really 'glass half empty' way of looking at it.
I see it as:
This game is more fun when killers are mostly playing against survivors close to their own skill levels.
Ranks essentially made the game more enjoyable for people at high MMR at the expense of everyone else. When you do a 100 game win streak, that's pretty awesome for you - not so awesome for the lowbies you've been steamrolling.
Mm. I'll give it a try when I get back in this evening before our Dungeons and Dragons game starts.
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yeah but the Dev's admitted how it works by themselves, there is footage from some stream online (i think you can also see it in Otz' video), so basically its 4x 1v1 and kill/escape decides whether you lose or gain MMR points
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Yes, that part the devs confirmed. I'm talking about...another source that I can't really discuss without risking a forum ban.
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I don't get this type of complaint. So what's the solution here? Match top players with new players so the top players smash the new ones? What you just described sounds like a balanced scheme for me. You rank up, you get matched with ranked up players. That is just... obvious in every type of online game? Of course the game has to be balanced around most of the player base. Balancing the game around the top 1% players would completely mess with most of the player base.
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That, unfortunately, really does seem to be what the veteran players are asking for, even if they don't realize it.
I do think that more attention needs to be paid to balance at the high end of things - as high MMR is where these imbalances really start to become a problem - but just unleashing the top MMR on everyone else again is just...bad for the game.
High MMR in every game is sweaty and limited. But there has to be a better solution than making the game just worse for everyone else.
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Vote up for being a fellow dnd enjoyer.
Let me know. Kinda curious if it's really like i think it is or if i'm just in a lucky region
Edit: Derp, ofcourse Blood Hunt. That would also explain better queues
Post edited by Sonzaishinai on0 -
Either we get some of the randomness back which makes it more casual and less sweaty (you get paired with players who are a bit weaker, then some who are a bit better and so on).
Or they have to change a lot of the mechanics in the game. My suggestion (but will never happen): Make BT and DS basekit and then balance around it. Having to play dirty and kill someone early in the match is just not fun for anyone. There are too many save pallets and strong loops, instead of fixing this they bring us new killers who just play around those (typical bandaid fix).
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to punish campers and bladettes