the game always keeps giving me DC penalties for no reason

Third time in 2 days, yesterday I got 2 penalties one in the morning and at night (everyone got a penalty yesterday at night) and today as well, my internet is perfectly fine, just like that the server DCs and I got a 15 min penalty, is there a way I can contact support or something? This is so unfair, I can't even play the game anymore without being paranoid that I'm gonna get a penalty again, what's worse the penalty keeps growing and growing how long till i get a day penalty? can i do something about this ? i feel so cheated
The only thing I know you can so is submit a support ticket to appeal a DC penalty but I dont think that will help you
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Yes, you can reset your penalties by not disconnecting.
Are you getting a specific message when you disconnect, like "NAT Type is too strict" or "Your Internet just killed itself"?
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The servers are not disconnecting me, fam. It is probably your internet.