48-Hour Ban (A Short Rant)
It won't work......any bans caused by DC either your fault or not can't be reset. I tried with I kept getting DCd for 6 games in a row.
The issue is they shouldn't have a AI algorithm give automatic bans because not every DC is caused by the player. I get they want to keep people from rage quiting but seriously.......make it a case by case scenario and not a automatic thing.
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I've actually seen a lot fewer DCs as of late - and it's been amazing.
I wonder if they tweaked something to make the penalties more aggressive?
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THIS is what I've been meaning! I know it's impossible, but in dream land you know?
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I guess maybe play Civ V?
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Civ V?
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I mean, I feel like it's like telling a painter to start painting something they're not already in love with painting, but sure, why not.
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Quit disconnecting. Simple solution. You must dc alot to get that severe of a ban.
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It's an automatic disconnect. I'm not purposefully doing it, or I wouldn't be in here complaining.
People don't understand the ban system. They think "A LOT," when "A LOT" is 3-4 times consecutively.
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Internet issue is still as bad as DC'ing on purpose. Get better internet before you play any game that requires internet.
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I have the best internet in my area. I can play any other game fine. I can stream fine. I can play DBD for 3-4 days straight no problem. Then, for some reason, I'll randomly get kicked off 3-4 times. I'm still connected to the net. Everything else is still fine. I don't understand the problem.
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My cousin has an account with the same internet. Never been disconnected. But he's a new player. I've been playing a while. And I only get disconnected when I'm the killer. It's weird.
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Your ban only decreases in scale over time. It doesn't cap out and then go away when you do the time. Stop dcing, a 24hr and 48hr ban means you're dcing way more than you would if your net was bad. You're purposely leaving games at that high of a penalty.
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Sure, ideally. But to be fair, they likely don't have the manpower to review every dc manually.
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I've purposely left a game one time, because my controller wasn't working, and I didn't even know you could be banned when I did that.
Plus, WHY would I do that?
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Yes, that's how you get yourself permanently banned.
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Well we certainty don't want that.
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I see. Then I would lower your MMR on purpose to get away from the hackers and the people making you DC.
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I guess. My cousin plays and has no problems. Maybe he'll just let me use his account and I'll let my account cool down for awhile.
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You must be high MMR. The cheating problem is why I lose sometimes on purpose. I don't wanna get out of gold.
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You are not getting a 24 hour ban for 3-4 disconnects in isolation.
Either you are quitting matches, or your internet has been acting up for a long time.
I've actually never even heard of a ban that long.
Either way - yeah. The reality of the situation is that, if it's really your internet, you are going to have to fix that problem before playing online games. It's simply not fair to the dozens of other players you are ruining matches for.
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Its not 3-4 times in one week and thats it. Its weekly. As in multiple times. As in yes this has been an on going problem. As in yes the very first ban I got was 2 or 3 minutes. But I've been playing for a total of 29 days and 13 hours, and thats how high my bans have got, without disconnecting purposely and without disconnecting more than 5 times weekly.
I am not purposely ruining matches for dozens of other players and its not fair to say that. It is just a game, most people who realize the situation understand what happened.
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I think you're misunderstanding me.
I'm not trying to be harsh - but I am being honest.
'Purposefully' doesn't really come into it.
By playing a game like this where 4 other people (3 survivors, 1 killer) are depending on you to remain connected and try your best knowing that you have an unstable connection, you are being incredibly inconsiderate. Whether or not you are DCing intentionally or unintentionally is somewhat immaterial - if you are DCing that much you are ruining game after game after game.
And that has to stop.
Fix your internet. If you can't, then I'm sorry to say that you may have to play something else.
And no - I don't think they 'understand what happened'. To them, it's probably incredibly frustrating.
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My dude. Have you considered just... not playing? Like instead of rage quit DCing just like, stop touching buttons. Minimize the game, go to the bathroom, get water. ######### on the hook. The only times I DC from rage quitting are like moments when I've been playing a long time, realize I'm tilting and want to be spiteful to a basement bubba. Then I realize I'm taking it too seriously and do other things. That maybe happens once a month? If that? There are non punished options to exit a game early you know?
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Honestly, the only time I'll DC is when a group of survivors decides to play hide and seek for an hour at 1gen because they are sulking that I didn't 2 hook everyone before killing. I won't give them the satisfaction of suffering through that again.
Usually, if I'm having a miserable game or am facing a bully-squad, I'm more likely to just face a wall and go grab a cigar and scotch. And that's something that hasn't happened in my last 100 games (I'm slowly reaching the point where I can at least give them a run for their money if I dial it up to 11).
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If I can play a game i absolutely love and am obsessed with 97% of the time, know that it will most likely work then I'm sorry but I'm not going to give it up over that 3% chance of failure. Would you give up a relationship where 3% of the time you fought?
As far as most people understanding I guess we won't know an answer unless we take a poll on that one. I feel like if a player disconnects after a down, obvious purposeful disconnect. Out of nowhere? Its there internet.
And once again, how can it be my internet when I have the best in my internet and literally every other game and streaming service works fine?
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Your right bro. Just solved all my problems. Thanks man.
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Sigh. Okay. Lets go point by point here.
- It's not '3% of the time'. If you are sitting at a DC penalty that significant, you'd have to be DCing in a significant number of games. If you were playing games from start to finish, the penalty would have declined rapidly. People DC a lot in this game without anything longer than a 5-15 minute penalty.
- Your relationship analogy doesn't work at all.
- Again, the issue isn't when you DC here. It's the frequency.
- I have no idea what the issue is, and there is no way for me to know. You are going to have to diagnose it. I know that when I was living in Japan, playing World of Warcraft on my old server made it impossible for me to raid with my friends. I would never have expected them to bring me along to our progression raids and just carry me through 500ms lag and constant DCs.
- Maybe try a VPN? Windscribe and Nord all have free options that will allow you to test it.
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I like you. I like your firm but not horrendously snide honesty. My friend said I could use their account. So crisis averted. Mods can close this now please.
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My pleasure.
I really do hope that you manage to get this sorted. Let us know how things work out on the other account - maybe that'll help you narrow things down a bit.
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Will do. And also, when I get my account back, I'm going to start keeping track of how many games I played vs. number of times I get banned to show you what "a lot" is!
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If that 3% of the time resulted in me getting kicked out of the house repeatedly, I'd end task on that relationship easily.. It's not worth the headache even if most of the time things are good.
If you're getting auto dc'd that frequently the penalties are going to keep stacking up till you're just straight banned from playing. I know that seems really harsh as a punishment for something that might be out of your control, but this game has had a huge issue of people going into baby rages and quitting games just because they don't like trying to play against a certain killer or just to grief other survivors or any number of equally dumb reasons. The only thing that gets people to half way relax and just play the games out is the penalty escalation being what it is. You got a 48hr lockout, it wouldn't hurt to maybe check your obsession with this game and play something else for like a month.
You may not think it is your internet, but it most certainly can be. You could be having signal degradation issues, if you have comcast then that is a strong possibility as they've been having internet and cable tv issues for nearly a month straight across the entire US. You could be getting shoved offline due to hackers cause that's a legit concern in this game. You might just be part of the unlucky set of players who just have poor performance with dbd.
Seriously, take a break, let your penalty bleed down for like a month or so, look into your net and then come back.
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That would be a good idea.
At the very least, it would help a lot of people to understand how the system works.