Doing a Bloodhunt right now?

Don't Bloodhunts bring a major part of the inactive community into the game? Most people who don't play (and I'm not sure of how many that do) are unaware about the DDoS and possible IP Leaking there has been unresolved for almost a month now.
This is just a wild guess but I don't feel like a 10th of the playerbase of this game checks this forum except for very exceptional issues, and having so much of the community in the dark about the DDoS issue and the vulnerabilities of the game calling for a Bloodhunt isn't a bit of a extremely irresponsible move that might and I highlight, this is a guess, be fueled by greed for the loss of playerbase regarding the own DDoS problem, the NFT drama and the claims on garbage performance in console for the last few months?
Or is this bloodhunt for the players that willingly risk getting their personal info getting leaked/can afford a VPN?
In the meantime, we encourage you to stay safe ***and follow best practices for online safety.***
I'm perplexed by this move at this exact time. Just screw the people that didn't notice about the issue, let's bait them into the game with a BH? That does seem far from the best practices for online safety from BHVR's part, I don't know. :/
You can't get personal info from IP addresses. You can get a very general location and you can DDoS people (which is a federal crime in the US), but you can't get someone's personal info.
If hackers are able to access information on your PC, that would be indicative of a much bigger security issue than has been let on and I do not believe BHVR could be THAT incompetent. Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but I do not think that it what is happening.
It seems much more likely that someone put their personal info on the web and that was taken advantage of by unsavory individuals.
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You are complaining about a Bloodhunt? Are you kidding me? This is the petty I strive for.
I would love for this to happen AFTER the new killer launches for obvious reasons, but I am not going to whine about it, because I am completely and utterly shocked we are getting one.
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Wow, I'm actually stoked. Really want to unlock a bunch of stuff on some killers, possibly level a few and save cap for Artist.
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You can get someones basically exact location and then with very minor digging probably figure out who lives at the coordinates you just got. I saw this when twitch had an exploit with extensions where malicious people could use extensions to show you your own IP and location and city, and take it.
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They launched it because they're scared of the VHS beta and how for once they might have competition. That's why it was announced out of the blue only 90 minutes before the Beta launched.
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Look at the VHS twitter and you'll know exactly why were getting such a strange blood hunt.
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Yeap, game has vulnerabilites announced in a textbox locked into every single page of this site and they're promoting people to play the game, now I find out, scared of having competition, ignoring their players might get DDoS and well, this post down below explains quite a bit how ######### up that is from bhvr.
I wish for VHS the best honestly.
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I did too but DVD won that war.
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I would like to try but I got some BP for Hawkins offering refund so I think I will just rest till new chapter.
Whether Blood Hunt was started to care VHS or not, I wish Blood Hunt started later like after new chapter release.
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Not really VHS looks like Last Summer and we see where that game is at now. When you give the "survivors" weapons to deal with killers the game can become a real boring or bullied game.
VHS also looks very clunky and will need alot of polish before I can be a actual threat to DbD and its many flaws.