Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killer is easy at high mmr.



  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I play with crossplay on as I'm on console and don't want to see only ps4/5 players and really get a mixture.

    I don't mind sweaty games as killer, but not every single match, it is good to have a little variety so you can chill sometimes a bit as well.

    As survivor i can chill most of the time as it's the total opposite, i can just screw around a bit and still get out.

    I usually try to slow down the game a bit as well, not to sandbag but just to have fun.

    I've been in matches on both sides where gens just popped all over the place.

    Even had games as survivor where all gens were done below 5 minutes, or 3 gens popped at the exact time before he even got an injure.

    Needless to say he dc'd right after the 3 gens popped.

    I even challenge myself as survivor to survive without perks, or as a no mither (without iron will)

    I very rarely use items as it is not necessary as survivor imo.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Thats fine your entitled to have your opinion. May i as how many hours you have in game?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Hey if MMR is working for you that's great.

    Your game experience is not indicative of everyone else's.

    I personally find it hard to find good killers when I play survivor. My games are pretty dull, m1 simulators then leave.

    My killer games yoyo wildly between complete wins and complete losses. very rarely 2k/2E.

    Feels less consistent on a balance front than under the old system where I sat in the green ranks and just had fun. I'd sit there on purpose because the red ranks were no fun and by that I don't mean no kills I mean highly competitive man babies who throw tantrums at anything.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Almost every match I've had on pc against console seem to be pretty bad. I came from console so I definitely can say a LOT about console and my videos where I started on CONSOLE can say the same thing. Don't take things personally, Man. Most console players just don't play very smart. They try to 360, get smacked then panic into a wall. Wasn't anything against you.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    If you want. I'm always down to play but if we're playing serious, so will I.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2021

    SWF (2x iri1, 2x gold1) I dont think its cream de la cream of mmr. Some potato blinks included + 1 in a milion luck according to sbmm

    Post edited by Smuk on
  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Nice story. Today I had 3 games on mother's dwelling with Wraith, one with trapper in RPD and played against iridescent SWF's with my newly bought Spirit with 1 addon.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Coconuts seems to be joining the club :O

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 914

    you have a different mmr with every killer, so when you do only 2 matches it doesn't boost your mmr for the next killer. you basically play at the same level for all matches.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 914
    edited November 2021

    Grades doesn't really show quality of survivors, just how much they play. This video is the perfect example. This steve, #########? He was holding w in a straight line against a Nurse without any attempt to change direction or mindgaming you (like every semi-good survivor would do when you blink). You also had a lot of luck with your perks, everything worked well together for you. Besides that you played slugging Nurse, i can't really judge your skill from this video but every good and experienced Nurse will win most of their matches.

    I played with a 6k hours survivors in a swf for one evening. She was walking every match the whole time because she wanted to preserve her sprintburst (making one of my friends go into second stage in one situation because of it). You see, play time and grades doesn't automatically show skill, trust me. I was Iri 1 as survivor last season and i'm far from very good, while as killer i was only silver ranks because i wasn't in the mood to play much of it, but i consider myself a better killer than survivor.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    This is the point, where i stated mmr vs ranks.

    I would also say (and dont want to be toxic or salty) that gold players could actually been boosted from their iri1 friends.

    This is incredibly dependant RNG Jesus build.

    But to clarify, I am not a fan of slugging.

    As I hooked steve, second hex activated my wallhack, so I saw that she was awaiting near by to unhook…so, I used proximity and exposed status effect.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2021

    I like evidence-based discussion, but there usually is none to be found here. With streamers however it's really neat because their playing experience is literally recorded evidence. His argument: Most of his games are super stressful, end in 4-5 minutes regularly, and he has to sweat just to often only get 1 kill. Let's look at the evidence!

    Game 1: Duration: 10 minutes; kills: 3

    Game 2: 12 minutes; 4 kills

    Game 3: 9min; 0k

    Game 4: 13min; 2k

    Game 5: 10min; 4k

    Game 6: 9min; 1k

    Game 7: 9min; 1k

    Game 8: 10min; 4k

    Game 9: 10min; 4k

    Game 10: 10min; 2k

    Game 11: 10min; 2k

    Game 12: 10min; 4k

    Game 13: 5min; 0k

    Game 14: 7min; 3k

    Game 15: 12min; 0k

    Average kills: 2.2; average game duration: 9 minutes.

    He had a single instance that would fit his description of a match that is over too quickly and barely gave him much to play with. It was match 13, on Haddonfield, and he even only got 1 or 2 hooks in it. But other than that, all of his games lasted around 10 minutes, he overall killed more survivors than survived, and even in the matches where he did not get 2 or more kills he usually had at least 6 hook stages on them. Worth pointing out: He did not use a single slowdown perk. He also does not usually camp, tunnel or slug at all, which are the most effective killing strategies. He regularly goes for ambitious, fancy or tricky hatchet shots. I would not describe his build and playstyle as "sweaty" whatsoever. I would also not say he seemed very stressed during the gameplay, he seemed relaxed enough, talked to his chat casually. Of course he is the better judge of how stressed he actually is playing the game, but there are also physiological responses of the human body to stress, none of which I could identify he went through (profuse sweating, jitteriness, uneven breathing, unfocused sight, restless body movements, disconcerted speech, nausea).

    In my opinion, this video of his is similarly hyperbolic over-dramatization that disagrees with his actual experience playing this game as much of the stuff that can be read on here. But I do like that his conclusion/suggestion based on his opinions expressed in it is not "make generators take 3 minutes each to repair" or something of that sort which people here seemingly actually believe would be in order, but that he acknowledges the game is more or less balanced in public matchmaking, only the type of gameplay "needed" to achieve that balance is not to his liking, and he therefore wishes a "casual" and "competitive" mode to be implemented. I can see upsides and downsides to such an implementation, but I am not fundamentally opposed to it. (Although I can guarantee that people would still pick the competitive queue and yet complain about everything in it.)

    Disclaimer: I play in central EU and have since 2017, said to be one of the most "sweaty" regions, with lots of SWF, most of the players in the tournament scene are from the regions that play here, Russians and Middle Easterners are particularly perceived to be "tryhards" and they too get funnelled to these servers. I play killer regularly at high MMR (I can tell because the majority of my opponents have at least 1k hours, often 2k+, not seldomly there are comp players among them), and I average more than 2 kills. I regularly play non-top-tier killers like Wraith and Nemesis as well and I usually do not camp or tunnel. I don't record my games but I have thousands of screenshots to prove it.

    I'm not saying the game is perfectly balanced, SWF with voice comms is a real issue, the coordinated loadouts and communications are not something the game is really balanced in mind with, various killer characters deserve notable buffs... but the game is much more balanced than people here make it out to be. The idea that killer would be impossible and unplayable is just ridiculous nonsense. In a scenario of a skilled killer against four skilled solo survivors, I actually think the game is rather reasonably balanced and does absolutely enable games to last around 10 minutes and result in 2 kills and around 6-8 stages, with better results being entirely feasible for both sides. Of course there are problematic maps, perks and items and weaker killers, but there are also stronger killers, add-ons and maps that are problematic for survivors. Both should be addressed, but also with keeping in mind the reality of how the game is actually played and being reasonable about it. And the reality is that in public matchmaking (i. e. 99% of the actual matches being played in this game), a good killer player can win most of their matches, even on the most survivor-sided maps and with the weakest killers, and there are many who do. And as we know, even the average killer performance globally is above 2 kills.

    I think the only glaring issue left that should have long been addressed is the power of SWF. Limiting the perks and items they can bring is an obvious and in my opinion necessary adjustment. Various killers should also be buffed, but unfortunately BHVR does not seem to agree with that, since they've recently nerfed Wraith and Slinger and aren't touching killers like Legion for years. Mind you, I can still understand why these changes have been made, and that BHVR cares more about the player experience of the majority, which is players with 50-200 hours, and more still about retaining the newer players to even get to more than 5 hours in the game to begin with... But yeah, Wraith did not need nerfs, Slinger at the very least deserved notable buffs in other aspects of his gameplay to compensate for taking away quickscopes (such as a movement speed buff to 4.6m/s), and various other killers have for years been strikingly lackluster. Although again, that doesn't mean you can't do well with them. Good players can win most of their matches even with Legion.

    Post edited by zarr on
  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    ,,If you're losing then it's probably your skill"

    Cant we just say that for the matches you lost as a survivor?

    Also its a team game, so if one survivor can screw over the game thats okey.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I mean, good for you?

    Doesn't change the fact that playing killer is miserable for a vast majority of players, winning or not.

    And i feel like your statement of "killer is easy at high mmr", is completely void, since sbmm just doesn't work in the first place.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298

    Sure thing 🤡

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If you didn't ask, why comment? Don't you have so many other threads on the forums to comment on?

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    I play as a 3 or 4 man usually. We all have around 2k to 4k hours so probably mid to higher MMR. On average when we play as a 4 man we get a 2 to 4 man escape lets average at around 3 overall or there abouts.

    Have to agree when we play as a 3 man that 1 survivor (usually red rank but dunno about MMR) is doing f all and being inefficent and it really throws the game, we probably escape on average 1 overall.

    I think a massive part as always is the rng of the maps in determining how a game might play out.

    We can play as a 4 man and get 0 escapes easily for 5 or 6 games in a row then start getting 4 escape for a couple, 3 for a couple, 2 for a couple, then a rinse and repeat.

    Overall MMR is probably starting to finally average out a 2k (although i think its still closer to a 3k average for us) but the question more is - is it fun? I dont really feel like theres a whole lot of difference between the MMR and the old ranking matching anymore tbh!