Killer is easy at high mmr.

Did every killer 2 games each. Iridescent 1. Lost 6 matches total (3k escapes), Tied 2 times, 3k'd 11 times and the rest was 4k's the rest of the time. Played as Iri 4 Survivor with my dude and barely won with escapes while having the most points just about every match. Always had a survivor who would screw up the game. Killer is far from hard. I did the killer challenge without tunneling, camping AND with only 1 gen regression perk. No stacking Ruin with Pop. The games were pretty easy. If you're losing then it's probably your skill added with camping and tunneling just to win. This game is really balanced but 1 bad Survivor can ruin a survivor's team from winning. 15 hours of killer streams total and 5 hours of Survivor to show the difference and BOTH Iri.



  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I do have 2 kids. A 8 year old daughter and a 2 and half year old son. Still have time to stream. Wasn't a 15 hour straight stream.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Yep. Maybe if people didn't tunnel and camp so hard for a win, they wouldn't stress themselves out so much. Chill streams each time.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    That's the issue. You can say you lost due to high mmr but if someone 4ks over 60 matches straight, must be low mmr? If this is the case, every killer on this forum must be GOD'S since they ALWAYS seem to go against the cream of the crop, or they say. My point stands. Been playing over 4 years with almost 5k hours and I play both. I doubt I have low MMR. I would love to see the actual number in-game for everyone.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I definitely see a ton of people on here saying they are after they get steamrolled.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    And I play killer a ton before mmr was even active and it keeps a majority of our mmr when it was finally kept. My point stands. 5k hours don't lie.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I got 15 hours total of back to back streams. Same goes for all these killers who keep saying they are getting steamrolled because they have top mmr. Can't all be gods but I can at least show proof of mine.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Wait what. Didn't you used to have like 90% killrate on Bubba ?

    Damm, very high MMR must be tough even for amazing LF players.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    On comms, yes but my point is, no one faces that ######### every single match, all the time and I'm sick of seeing it on the forums without any proof. Just a ton of bitching. I prove my matches and immediately get told low mmr xD Not you but by others lol.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, exactly. That is how I feel. Sure, it happens, but every single game, is sus

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Man, I don't even understand how you can say something like that but back others up? Wow. It's like your biased only if killers have a hard time. So by this, no one has high mmr.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Seems so lol. I have 15 hours of 4ks, so I must have ######### mmr. They tunnel and camp, get steamrolled with a 1k and it's because they're God's and they went against the best of the best every match since they started. It starts to become laughable. I never said I'm the greatest but I do have proof that I don't lose very often as killer, even before mmr was introduced but you cannot tell me everyone is just BETTER than me because they get steamrolled constantly. That's my issue. MMR SHOULD be shown.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I mean they almost certainly are considering how the system works.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I did get steamrolled once with only a 1 kill as Hag but with 4 boons and a swfs group and they just outhealed my attempts at hit and run while popping my traps while someone else was in a chase and in my stream, I even said, damn. These boons shafted Hag hard. Next game, I played Basement Hag and 4k'd. I took my lumps but I definitely called out if I got destroyed and why. Hag really does get destroyed by boons, just like Doctor can get shafted by server lag. I never once said these killers were the best or the worse and I was always honest on how I felt when I was playing. It's how I've always played. Could I have one every match by tunneling after 2 gens? Definitely but I'm not that person. When I did get a 1k or a tie, I barely did. Those were matches where I didn't camp even when I felt like I should have. I just wanted to prove a point.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723 is my first killer stream. The 2 after that is the continuation of that one since I do have a family and cannot play for more than 5 hours while I'm off and my girl is watching our kids. Sorry it took so long. I'm watching my kids while on my phone here and there while also trying to build a Cars Table and Chair set for my son lol.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I understand that. And I appreciate your candor. I wish others would acknowledge that perhaps, they just lost.

    It happens, there is no shame in it. But, so much of the forums, is, "Damn, unbalanced SWF destroyed my game."

    "I am high MMR and the game is unplayable "

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, the few times that I did, I struggled BUT they got real altruistic at the end and that's how I won a few of them also. It wasn't a cake walk but by the standards of how the forums is saying killer is broken, unplayable and impossible, me winning steadily means high mmr is easy. That's why I put that as my title. If everyone is saying killer is literally impossible to win then me winning every match must mean it isn't fully true.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Found it from your Bug Report, but thanks for getting back to me.

    I'll check it out later to see who/what you played against.

    I know we have butted heads and all in the past, and who knows, may even again after I watch, but I hope you and yours are doing good IRL and have a great/safe Thanksgiving (if in US) :3

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I'm not saying it was always easy. Far from that but my title was a reference to everyone saying killer is impossible so I wanted to be super dramatic also lol. Some matches were no joke. Some were, though. It was interesting to experience each killer. Pinhead was pure misery for me. Also, thanks! I am from the US! This will be my son's second Thanksgiving and this time, he'll get to dig in! I never hold hate or grudges to anyone. We all have our own opinions and that's why forums are great. You can tell other's your opinion. Rank reset was the 13th and I'm iri on both survivor and killer because I do what I preach. I play both sides equally and I meant that. I always read your comments and honestly, I agree with most of them but I don't always have time to reply to a thread.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Playing a variety of killers is an easier way to rank up. Since MMR is individual for each killer your MMR won't rise as much as if you played only one killer. As pipping up is based on emblems and it's easier to get more emblems at lower MMR playing 2 games of each killer is an easier way to rank up. As well, since grades don't degrade once you hit Iri 1 you can tank your MMR if you want over the next few weeks and make it easier next time. On the other hand, you can't be completely incompetent and get iridescent emblems so there is some correlation but saying Iri 1 equals top MMR isn't necessarily true.

    I have no opinion on the rest of your post OP but I just wanted to point that out. A better test would probably be playing the same number of games on the same killer the same way. However, after playing 5,000 hours of DbD, you're not the average player and your experience doesn't reflect the majority of the players so I'm not sure how you could draw any inferences.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I play all killers each day since I first started playing killer and survivor over 5 years ago. I get bored playing the same ones over and over again. You can watch my videos from years back where I was STILL playing random killers each time I was recording. I never changed my playstyle. That means I've played each killer hundreds of times and I have my own way of playing each. I like to go against the grain and I don't like tunneling or camping. I've been against that since the beginning.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I can only get 32k, double pip, 4ks until after awhile, there is nothing else to do. If you watch old streams before mmr, I would almost always 4k no matter if I play Trapper at Rank 1 (when it was relevant) until now or Nurse. I always had fun and loved to interact with survivors, even if they didn't know I was. I play to enjoy myself. I give hatch a lot if they played well because I don't want to face ######### players. If MMR was shown, maybe people would chill about their complaints a bit but until then, most of the forum will keep spouting killer terrible and that is my issue.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    My next stream will be this weekend probably and I'll be playing the "underpowered" Trickster most of the day. No add-ons either. I'll keep playing him all weekend. I'll count my games and once I get to 60, I'll call him quits for another. Easiest way to show skill level would be just to show MMR to their own player. That's it. Would fix the entire debate.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    The only thing would be fresh killers. I would give a hard cap for 4 plays before ramping them up in the mmr. I'm a person that loves to do my achievements on steam. I got 100% so far. Killer Adepts are much harder to do than survivor. Otherwise, I completely agree with you. Doesn't matter if a killer is new or not, a basic skillful killer can 4k just by mindgaming normal survivors.

  • AgustinPichi2
    AgustinPichi2 Member Posts: 34

    I don't agree, I don't think that killer is easy in high MMR, because (For what I'm understanding, sorry If I'm wrong) I think that you think that survivor is harder in higher MMR than killer, because of your experience, I know It's important to take into account that, but If we look It in a more objective way. Firstly, If you're a killer It's gonna be harder for you to recover your mistakes than If you're a survivor, for one reason: Killer is 1 survivor is 4. What I mean by this is that If you screw up as killer It can easily cost you half a gen or even 1 gen, because we're talking about high MMR. If you screw up as a survivor you still have a margen of error that your teamates can mend (e.g. Unhooking you, finishing another gen, cleansing totems or other things). When you're killer you're constantly trying your best to win the chase, whereas normally as a survivor you're only 1/4 of the match (sometimes more and sometimes less) been chased, the rest would be holding m1.

    Sorry If I missunderstood you're statement or something. :D

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    When I play survivor, it's a duo or solo. I'm on stream during it and you can see how me and my dude are pumping out gens, juking the killer and doing our best to win and 1 survivor just ######### us. The reason I find killer easier is because it's my OWN mistakes that I get punished for, not someone else's. I can take a loss because I chased too long or I keep missing attacks but losing because some other survivor points me out, blocks me, leads the killer into my gen over and over again, doesn't do a gen, screws me on a hook without bt and I'll be livid all day long. No amount of DHs will anger me as much as 2 people crabwalking around the map after I was chased for 5 minutes and 1 gen popped during.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Saw a bit of your stream, about 30 min, wish I had survivors like that, survivors that lasted 20 seconds in chase that rarely look back against a pig.

    Chill stream though.

    The thing is that after this rank reset something happened, survivors have been extremely clueless even on my end which is weird, and when I play survivor I get paired with people that have 8 hours in the game (not joking)

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Sorry but this got buried in replies. I play certain killers here and there. When I'm not streaming, I play a ton of Trickster, Blight and Bubba (not camping Bubba). I use to play Billy nonstop for years and Nurse. Those were my tops. I stopped playing Nurse because I would get dodged and Billy because of his Rev add-ons being taken away make him using it during loops impossible without some jank tech that could be made impossible by invisible hitbox collision. Switched to Bubba instead and stayed that way since. Hell, Oni is better than Billy now.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    For sure.

    I never hold anyone's opinions against their irl character or whatever.

    Sometimes I can be facetious or snarky, but I try to keep things about what people post and not about people.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    It's not as hard as people claim. They don't go against swat squads every game.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I've been wrong on certain things and I've had to apologize on here. I try to be as factual as possible without overreaching. I'll be streaming a few matches tonight but not many. Like 2 hours but I'll be playing Trickster only plus doing a daily. My next step is to play like 50 games per killer and stream it. Maybe 40 because I got severe ADHD and ADD and got the attention span of a goldfish. You can see it on my survivor stream. I'll hit each great skill check with no issue then I'll miss one completely then tell my dude, sorry xD got sidetracked xD

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    That was literally my point on my post. Some games might be tough but you're the killer. You gotta do what you gotta do but you can't sit there and tell me you play sweat, doom squads every match for weeks xD that's what kills me lol.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I literally posted my streams xD also, 5 hour stream as a survivor at Iri and only got camped twice so no. You allow survivors to do gens freely while you camp someone for 2 minutes.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    There are a variety of reasons for that from newer players, some of which are valid and some aren't. In my opinion, non-valid ones are expecting a 4K the majority of the time. While good for the killer, that sucks for the survivors. The survivors need to have a decent chance to escape. A problem, in my opinion that has arisen, is that in order to advance as a killer some will camp and tunnel from the beginning to get kills. In the short term, that will work but in the long term the killer doesn't learn how to spot survivors and will soon need to. Instead, they'll get severely frustrated which is not a recipe for player enjoyment. Face camping should be treated by the devs perhaps by making it so if the killer is within 16 metres and no other survivors are around the hook timer is put on pause. That would stop face camping and put more emphasis on hunting.

    Possibly just my perception but the other problem is that a lot of feedback from survivor mains seems to be they expect to be able to escape all chases. As this is an asymmetrical game escaping the killer should be rare. Being able to do consistently escape a killer harms the game as this is a 4v1; not a 1v1. More experienced killers have an easier time but the game starts out appearing killer sided but once you're not facing potatoes it becomes more and more apparent that the game is survivor sided. The highest MMRs, as per the devs, is survivors. This by itself shows the game mechanics favor the survivor side.

    I think a lot of the complaints being made would disappear if flashlights cost 0.5 seconds of power to click, crouching repeatedly caused a negative effect and one head on stun meant head on from any source wouldn't stun the killer for another four seconds. Those are the primary tools the bully squads use. They are a minority but there are some very toxic survivors and, regardless of whether it bothers you as an individual or not (no idea if it does) it does bother some people and is harmful to the game.

    Personally, I deal with it by, unless I need to, going for hooks rather than kills so I can get BP and only killing bully squads. When alternating hooks and making sure I get at least six hooks before killing any survivor my MMR stays down and, when I face a bully squad, they're generally a group I can easily handle. That works for me though; other people enjoy the game on a competitive basis and their frustration stems from game mechanics working against them.

    In my opinion as well, the devs are trying to make it better for both sides but are more conservative in buffing killers and freer about buffing survivors. I understand because overpowering one side too much would lead to a terrible game that would then die but SBMMR has seemed to bring out a lot of flaws in the game design that need to be addressed. I totally support the goal of an average of 2K per match but achieving it by 0K one game and then 4K the next isn't the best way to bring it out. Neither is making it so one side cannot do anything against the other. After thousands of hours I'll probably be able to handle it as well but, to get there, players shouldn't face groups they stomp or groups they get stomped by on a regular basis. That, unfortunately, is happening far too often and is boring on one side and frustrating on the other. Neither promotes a healthy game and that's where I think some of this is coming from as well.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Trust me. I got paired with Ash survivors as an iri survivor. It sucked terribly.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933
    edited November 2021

    Agreed! This is what I've been saying for a while now. It really annoys me.