Killer UI notifications

If survivors get various notifications when they're affected by a killer's perks, why isn't the same offered to killers?

DS is the only one I can think of, but I mean you get stunned and drop a survivor. We don't really need an icon for that.

Things like Kindred, OoO, Alert, where the killer received a notification of when they're being watched would give the killer an option to adapt to the match.

Just a thought.


  • Grandkurama
    Grandkurama Member Posts: 320
    No because they are survivors perks that need to help them. If the killer knows someone has alert, he would think 2 times before break a pallet, and object of ossession as a survivor you don't want the killer knows your location (unless you want to loop him) kindred seems useless with your idea
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    If survivors get various notifications when they're affected by a killer's perks, why isn't the same offered to killers?

    DS is the only one I can think of, but I mean you get stunned and drop a survivor. We don't really need an icon for that.

    Things like Kindred, OoO, Alert, where the killer received a notification of when they're being watched would give the killer an option to adapt to the match.

    Just a thought.

    Because they are killers.......

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Grandkurama said:
    No because they are survivors perks that need to help them. If the killer knows someone has alert, he would think 2 times before break a pallet, and object of ossession as a survivor you don't want the killer knows your location (unless you want to loop him) kindred seems useless with your idea

    No because they are killer perks that need to help him. If the survivor knows someone has hex lullaby, he would think 2 times before doing gens, lullaby seem useless with such a notification giving away all information...... oh wait thats the case :wink:

  • ThatGuyFromThatPlace
    ThatGuyFromThatPlace Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2019

    Because, can't have entitled survivor mains get upset
    As you know, every match should end in a 4 escape with teabagging
    If the killer even injures a single survivor, they're OP and need to be nerfed ;)

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Just delete UI notifications.
    Rly i made a discusion for it, too.
    DbD isnt a fair game, because both sides doesnt have the same informations.
    Its like playing hearthstone 4 vs 1.
    But the 4 players can see the hand from the enemy.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @ThatGuyFromThatPlace said:
    Because, can't have entitled survivor mains get upset
    As you know, every match should end in a 4 escape with teabagging
    If the killer even injures a single survivor, they're OP and need to be nerfed ;)

    This is great banter. ^