Game is Unplayable with Noed
Just had a game where a 4 escape turned into a 3k because we missed one totem how is this not a crutch perk for easy kills. Killers have had this broken perk for far to long and are outraged and entitled when survivors get good perks. Devs we demand a nerf or survivor queues are going to keep getting longer. Losing a game last minute because of a cheap perk isn’t fun
You realize that the survivor queue getting longer is because so few players are willing to play killer, right? It's not because survivors are so mad about NOED that they decide to...keep playing survivor.
NOED is fine. There are multiple perks and an item you can use to find totems. Either do dem bones or risk the killer having NOED (or what seems to be the most popular play now is to ignore the bones but keep track of where they're at. If NOED pops, go back to all dem bones spots and find the one on fire).
EDIT: I can also anecdotally say that NOED was something I never ran but with CoH in play, I've started adding it to a few of my builds for fun. It's really the only way to counter CoH since survivors won't do dem bones (as they want them all around for CoH) and you can't heal up if you go down in one shot
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Survivor queues get longer when it's harder to match them with killers, and if fewer people played survivor their queues would actually get faster.
Though, I'm curious about that match you're talking about. What exactly happened, how did that killer end up with a 3k?
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It wasn't that you missed the totem, it was that you didn't respect NOED and leave.
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survivor que are getting longer what? How do you do that? Did you rub a lantern?
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Survivor ques are longer because of a lack of killers. There are PLENTY of survivor players. I can't help but wonder if this post was made by a troll to bait. If OP is serious then OP needs to realize you don't get to demand anything. Maybe you should've demanded your team to find the 5th totem or you should've demanded you and your team to not be overly altruistic and end up with 3 deaths. Leaving the game and not sitting at the exit taunting would prevent deaths as well.
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Just had a game where a 4 escape turned into a 3k
say no more!
next time try this amazing life hack when NOED is active to significantly boost your chances at survival: open the door and leave. stop feeding the Killer kills and just go.
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The killers I’m going against are having no problem winning survivor queues are gonna get longer hopefully you’re not complaining about boons if you’re telling people to do bones
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...again, survivor queues getting longer is the opposite of what you are expecting here. If survivors were quitting in anger over NOED, survivor queue would shorten as the survivor pool would get smaller and therefore less competition for you to get into games.
As for CoH, I do think it's OP (since unlike hexes, killers can't break boons for the rest of the game and unlike survivors, killers don't have a bunch of perks or items to find bones) but like everything else in this game on both sides, you adapt to them. In this case, it wouldn't shock me if some of that adaption by killers is more NOED (see what I said in my first post about it as I don't feel like retyping it out again).
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4 totems down we know where last one is we pop last gen and he down the guy looping I go to cleanse he goes to patrol his totem slugs me my friend tries to cleanse can’t get it either gets slugged last guy opens gate leaves where as all 4 of us could have easily gotten out had it not been for crutch 1 shot kill perk
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You might as well talk to a wall.
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I can't tell if this is serious or a joke.
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Could've easily gotten out by just opening the gate and leaving too instead of looking for it way too late. It's that insatiable need to have all 4 escape every time that leads to this stuff.
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I agree! Nerf NOED, and no way out also. Gen regression perks should go too.
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Demand? Where do you think you are? Demand your teammates to cleanse totems.
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Leave the match instead of feeding the killer more kills due to altruism.
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I don’t think you understand survivor queues getting longer means less killers are playing not less survivors. Long survivor queues=Killer shortage and Long killer queues=survivor shortage.
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so you're saying that you all knew he had NOED and decided it was a good idea to try and cleanse the totem under his nose instead of just opening a gate and leaving?
thats still entirely on you.
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You're not entitled to escape until you open the gate and leave.
You're not entitled to rescue your teammate and have a 4 man escape.
You have many options in the game that will help you find 5 totems. You also have three other teammates to find the totems before the last gens done. You can't compare that to One Killer having to find multiple boon totems that can be re-lit over and over.
Survivors have multiple second chance crutch perks such as Decisive Strike and Dead Hard, Killers are entitled to have something as strong. If you disagree, then you should be advocating for nerfs to the survivor meta.
It seems like you and your team outplayed the killer for most of the match, if that was the case, then you have no right to complain about NOED when you and your teammates should have looked for the totems.
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Sounds about right! Choosing to stay in the trial and go cleanse is a risk, three of you could've escaped if you went to go open/99 the gate straight away and play it safe.
I empathise with the loss, but it sounds like the killer played well to make use of the perk, and your team played into it by going to cleanse even though it was very firmly established the killer was patrolling their totem. I understand that the point of bringing this up is to portray those kills as "unearned", but if that killer were truly trash and/or you all respected NOED instead of flinging yourself at it like lemmings, the perk would've gotten them one kill at most.
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NOED does need changes.
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I encounter NOED as a survivor maybe once every 10-15 games, and it only turns into a 3-4K if you let it.
If you went to look for the totem or just escaped instead of rushing for the unhook, you'd have been fine.
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I get 5 minute Survivor queues and 20 minute Killer queues.
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You either play unsociable hours, or you're lying.
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Or I play with Crossplay off.
I usually play at around 10 PM. Survivor queues sometimes are instant, sometimes way longer. Killer queues are sometimes as short as 10 minutes, my record since MMR went live is over 2 hours, that was at 4 AM though. Average is around 15-20 minutes from 10 PM onwards.
Appreciate the vote of confidence tho.
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I didn’t say survivor queues are long and killer queues are short. I simply noticed that OP said with NOED survivor queues are getting longer it should be killer queues are getting longer since OP is insinuating NOED is causing survivors to not play.
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This is bait. No doubt. I run NOED with several killers now as a perma build bc of free heal boons. I started salivating when boons came out bc that meant survivor no do bones now.
(Cue) (enter) (NOED)
you get free fast heals, damaging my no heal builds, and hit and run Bing bong boy, I compensate by free down at exit.
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I know. I'm just sharing my experience.
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I'd heard that crossplay off affects queue times, but that's pretty dramatic. I wouldn't have guessed there would be that big of a disparity. Waiting that long for a game on either end is longer than I'd want to do.
I'm on console but with crossplay on. Killer queues for me are virtually instantaneous anytime between around 5:30 PM CT NA region through around 2-3 AM. I've started keeping track of personal stats for my games as part of my own analysis, and queue times for survivor for me is averaging around 4-5 minutes in those same times. During the early morning and the day, survivors queues are usually quicker than killer, however. I've heard it's different on the EU servers, though.
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This is true. Same here. Although killer late is mostly swf sweat matches. During the day, you may wait a little longer but I tend to have more fun as the survivors are newer or more relaxed and games last longer than 5 minutes. Kinda nice.
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I really have no idea what the difference is. I had Crossplay on once when it was first implemented, it's been off forever.
I'm in EST, maybe MMR has something to do with it, idk.
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Before crossplay was a thing, I remember survivor queue times were longer than they were now. I remember timing with my stopwatch and getting 10+ minute waits to get into a match during peak hours. Killer rounds were still pretty instantaneous. Since crossplay came into existence, it would seem that killers on console may have left crossplay off, leading to lengthier waits there while more survivors turned it on, lowering queue times there.
All this is pure speculation, obviously. 🤔
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If you love facing it in the base game, you’d thoroughly enjoy it on mobile right now. It’s bugged that it doesn’t even reveal it’s in play when the killer gets a hit in the end game, after yesterday’s update. Someone else said even if you cleanse it that it doesn’t go away. Rewarding bad killers even more.
Post edited by GoshJosh on0 -
Laughs in Autohaven and Ormond
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How did he manage to slug all 3 of you? Why didn't you guys leave after the first down?
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Cause you know they just couldn't let go the thought of getting the 4 man out when they could've settled for a 3 man escape easily
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How much was he pressuring you? If he wasnt pressuring you that much then theres no excuse not to do bones, if he was pressuring you enough to prevent you from doing them then he earned it bc he was playing with 3 perks
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Games unplayable without NOED. Survivors aren't interested in chases, only doing objectives so I just give them an extra one :)
OP, would you prefer that I run 4 slowdown perks? Is that not boring to you?
I want chases and interactions, if others dont want to give that to me then they're going to get a grumpy Nemesis bee lining whatever Exit Gate they tried to open.
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There is no try, only bones.
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I hate NOED as much as the next person who cleanses four totems and then dies to it anyway, but I've seen NOED multiple times today alone and each time it only got the killer one kill and three escapes. You know why? Because we leave the person to die. Sorry, yeah, it sucks to be the one to die, but that's the smart play.
Rarely am I able to cleanse NOED after it's up. Usually, if I do, it's because I was cleansing a dull totem as the last gen popped.
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How can this be i play between 12pm to 2pm and i play around 1am to 4am and my queue time are the same for both side killer instant survivor 2 to 10 minute. I play near montreal so i think i have the same hour as NY. Btw i play crossplay off but im on pc
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I wouldn't say the game is unplayable with NOED. Is it annoying? Sure but I got my own strategies when playing against it. If I'm the first to get down with it? I'll sacrifice myself on the hook so nobody gets the stupid idea of coming to save me and have that snowball. If somebody elses get downed first? I'm just yeeting on out of the match because unless I know where it is straight away I'm not even going to bother sticking around lmao
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I fail to see how this is unplayable?
You guys got to the endgame before NOED even became a factor in the game, basically you played a full game, completed all the gens and then died to NOED at the end. If you play 80-90% of match content then die (death is also match content) the game was hardly "unplayable".
Fewer survivors means faster survivor queues, so yeah...
SBMM is the problem, because previously your emblem and as such rank, would not be heavily impacted by NOED. This is because you would get credit for other stuff you did besides escaping.
If escape is the only thing that dictates success then NOED is problematic for the SBMM system because it can get kills that probably would have been escapes in the endgame.
THIS IS A SBMM PROBLEM NOT A NOED PROBLEM <- in caps for stressing the point.
NOED is mostly fine and outside of poorly thought out SBMM system, its a good perk that doesn't need change.
The solution to your post is, cleanse totems, play cautiously if its in play, hunt for it or escape and don't expect to escape until you are out the door. Anything can still happen in game.
Or change the thread title to "waaah I expected to escape and didn't get to due to NOED! NERF it waaah!" <- I think this a is a more honest title. (This is a flippant remark for nothing but comedic effect please don't take it personally)
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Such a joke. Once one person went down did the rest of you look for the now-lit totem? I guess not.
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Yes they did and then try to cleanse it as he's patrolling it and slugging. What an idiot killer
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Again another reason I respect Sluzzy. Their baits are actually worth reading.
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I think you miss-typed your title... "Game is unplayable with how strong survivors are"
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I have the same feeling about deadhard
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Noed is the best perk in the game btw. It counters 4 healtstates at once! Lemme explain.
1 healthstate
second healthstate
deadhard rollback
actual downing.
Ppl would be stupid not to bring noed every game.
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The Perk Small game allows you to count the totems.
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So the game is unplayable with NOED...
... except for the part that you played a whole game with all 5 generators done before NOED even activates?