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What to actually do about holding W?

Like mmmm, I haven't downed anyone yet to bring survivors to me, and we're now in the usual inane hold w -> pallet drop -> more hold w situation. What's actually a good response? Abandoning a chase doesn't necessarily do anything except change who you're holding W at.

And indoor maps with lots of LOS blockers are the worst at that.

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  • Member Posts: 824

    Just pressure gens!

  • Member Posts: 449

    Do bones. Duh.

    But for real, break a pallet and then leave em to pressure gens. Chances are not likely that all 4 will just pre drop every pallet. And if they do, ok they will be out of pallets 3 mins into the game and then it's free hits all day

  • Member Posts: 619

    Break every pallet and don't commit to a chase that lasts too long. Not every survivor is a master of running in circles.

  • Member Posts: 5,623


  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Switch to different survivor, oh wait there is CoH...

  • Member Posts: 998

    There's actually some skill involved in this technique.

    What you want to do is also hold W. Now, I know, you think I'm crazy, but hear me out.

    Using your superior skills as a killer, you will eventually catch up to their W. You may think this wastes a lot of time, you may think the gens might all be done by then, and you may even blame me for losing the game by following my simplistic advice. If you think this way, you'd probably be right.

    But that's not the point. I'm only here to tell your options as a killer on how to handle this.

    And the secret solution is by engaging in an intense battle of wits and skill by holding W yourself.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Nurse and Blight. If not, then try to chase a bit, break a good pallet or two and go back to gen patrol if it seems the chase will take too long.

    It sucks I know, but nothing more you can do unless you playing strong killer

  • Member Posts: 7,976
  • Member Posts: 1,061

    If you would record some of your gameplay I'd be happy to point out things you could maybe improve on in your chases. The basic tip is that you should zone survivors such that they cannot simply run away after dropping a pallet, thus forcing them to play pallets at which you can potentially outplay them, or at least then breaking the pallet without the survivor having made as much distance/having easy access to another tile. Also, Brutal Strength is a great perk.

  • Member Posts: 998

    Sh- my knowledge was incomplete. I forgot about the moonwalk and sidestep tech.

    I have disgraced myself.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Play a killer who is less affected by it.

    Blight is so fast that hold W doesn't work. Legion can mitigate hold W with Frenzy and chase perks. Trapper, well hold W doesn't work if they put their foot in a bear trap. Insta down killers with M&A.

    There's options. Split pressure Killers used to be a good option, but CoH means that doesn't work unless you are spreading more than just injuries.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I guess I'm just finding constantly getting indoor maps particularly depressing experiences. Every open sightline seems palleted, and everything else means no bloodlust.

    And my MMR seems particularly inclined to competent enough to hold W at the right time, not good enough to get greedy with looping and occasionally lose a hit that way.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Circle of Healing is why I stopped playing. I might hop on tonight or tomorrow night. I like to get rusty so I can have fun, and potentially complain for laughs.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Survivors have to eventually hold W to an exit gate. Crunch them with NWO and NOED

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    There actually is a bit of finesse though beyond just “hold W also”. Namely deciding when it’s worth holding W to continue chasing them and when it’s not. For instance, if they’re holding W and leading you away from all the gens that might not be worth doing, but if they’re holding W toward generators then chasing them could also pressure people off those. Or similarly if they’re holding W but heading into a corner then you’ll catch up more quickly and it might be worth it. And you can also potentially influence the direction they hold W by forcing them onto one side of a pallet or the other before you break it, for example.

    So yeah, the actual act of chasing them is straightforward (no pun intended) but there’s some nuance in when to actually do that and positioning at the start of it.

  • Member Posts: 84

    You play killer with mobility like blight and stop playing killer like nemesis. Or you could just start playing another game when you are tire because you know running is exausting lol

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited November 2021

    Now imagine this with the new exhaustion perk Overcome :)

    Depends on the Killer you play but if you are a slow Killer then well, get outplayed I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Look at the new "overcome" perk.

    Realize the devs are creating a Hold W meta.


  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'd honestly prefer 4 Overcomes over 4 Dead Hards.

    I'm sure itll be annoying though

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Play a killer that closes gaps extremely quickly.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2021

    Play killers who be zooming or shred pallets.

    So let’s see

    1. Wraith:zooming
    2. Hillbilly: zooming and shredding
    3. Nurse: her own level
    4. Bubba: Little zoom with shredding
    5. Spirit:Zooming
    6. Demo: Shredding
    7. Oni: Zooming and Shredding
    8. Blight:Zooming and little shredding
    9. Nemesis: Shredding
  • Member Posts: 2,209

    play blight, nurse, or spirit. The problem with the W key strat is that it's strength comes from its lack of counterplay

  • Member Posts: 968

    You have to be extremely careful about which survivor you are committing to. Sure they are all holding W, and thats an annoying time sink. But learn to gauge the personal skill of the survivor holding W around loops and pallets. If they are greeding every pallet they get to for every last drop, then maybe don't follow that person because you aren't going to get many resources out of them. But if you run into someone thats just camping and comp dropping every pallet and running, then get a few pallets out of them. Weaken the map, set yourself up for the mid to end game.

    Furthermore, be observant of your surroundings. If they are holding W all around the map, well you know that means eventually you will be in the proximity of other survivors. Even better if you can swap chase without losing bloodlust, so you go into the new chase already at 1 or 2 bloodlust. There will be lots of times I play as survivor where I swear to the lord I'm 99% sure the killer looked dead ass at me, but never reacted despite me being out of position.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited November 2021

    I don't really think anything can be done about it. You'll just have to play killers that counter this playstyle. This is on the devs for creating all those anti-loop killers.

  • Member Posts: 998

    Jokes aside, I actually do agree with this.

    When it comes to survivors just running forward, it really is about picking your battles and catching people off-guard more than running them down. This is also why I appreciate stealth killers and even perks like Monitor and Abuse and even info perks like Spies From the Shadows sometimes (albeit I think Spies needs a bit of a buff sometimes). Just being able to catch people off guard is so powerful in itself, and can help reduce the effectiveness of hold W until it's efficient enough to commit.

    As a side note though, this is also why I'm so frustrated with Boon: Circle of Healing lately. It just kind of punishes killers for trying to juggle survivors and heavily promotes brute forcing them down, which is probably why running forward is getting so much attention lately.


    I'm also dis-caw-raged the pun wasn't intended.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Coup de grace + unrelenting for distance

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I mean, Wraith and Hillbilly are good for anti-W. most killers are, actually.

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