Should DBD Go F2P?

Do you think DBD should go Free to Play? I personally think it should. Do I think it will happen. Not really. It wouldn't do anything for me of course since I already have it but making it free for those who don't might actually be a really smart idea. I mean I doubt most of the money is from the game itself. Plus its only like $10 or $20 right depending on where you buy it? Can't remember. But yeah I think becoming a free game could actually help it a lot with the amount of players since a bunch are leaving. And it would possibly sort of justify some of the outrages prices.
It has on the Epic games store, for like a week
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No, hacking problem is already big enough...
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I think that there will come a point where the roster of purchasable characters is so large that they really should either make it go free to play, or start giving more killers + survivors out for free with purchase of the base game, without raising the price for the base game any.
Is it there yet? Ehhhh. But it will get there at some point.
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I mean free games that are out right now have a ton more stuff than DBD has.
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Im kind of in agreement. Considering all the dlc and cosmetics I think this game could survive, perhaps thrive, if it were F2P but they have to work out the hacker problem first.
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Yeah, that's my point. I don't know that there are enough characters to warrant it being F2P right now, but there will be a point where they'd probably make more money from the base game being free.
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This game would ######### erupt like Yellowstone if it was free to play forever think of all the new customers and players we would get and big this game could get. I think it’s a great idea. Just deal with the hacker situation first then make it free to play
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Umm i would probably dip at that point. I've seen a few times what happens to games when they become f2p and it's not good.
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I would have never touched DBD if it weren't "free" on Gamepass.
I never would have spent money on DLC for sure.
Having Jake, Feng, Claud etc. For free kept me busy for a good while, and since I never sunk money in I didnt mind picking up a couple of paid characters to expand my teachable collection
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Once the hacking issue is finally dealt with, then yes.
This game should be free to play with how much money can be spent on it. Allow people to download the base game (start with all the normal killers), and if they want to buy more killers then they can. OR they could grind for shards. The game has way too much monetization (and very weird monetization) for it not to be a F2P game.
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Yes, it would increase the player base by a huge amount which means more money, but at the same time, I don't want more hackers
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F2P = more hackers via not having to buy a copy every time they get banned. No thank you.
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Why would they make it free to play? DBD is still growing.
Also why would they make it even easier for hackers to play on alt accounts?
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Do you want more hackers in the game? Because that's how you get more hackers in the game.
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It's depressing enough that DBD can be obtain free in entirety from Epic Games without a could preventative or reactive process for handling hackers.
I guarantee you that, along with a rise in hackers in general, people providing these hacks will also be using these free accounts to test their limits and progress their cheats even more.
If DBD went entirely F2P, that'd be the same as giving up on the game in its current state imo. Though, maybe I could finally quit for good then.
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Got to say, those are some pretty pessimistic assessments about the number of potential new players vs number of hackers.
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It's not about would they. The post is about should they.
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I wasn't talking about hackers at all. I'm talking about if DBD should go F2P. Throw hackers out the window for a second and the actual video game that the majority of us are playing.
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I agree. For this reason alone I would say F2P is a bad idea
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This is exactly how I have found the game.
Would the characters all be free as well, or would you need to buy them so that BHVR makes at least some money?
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I think just the basecharacters +the free DLC we got on console is good enough to get someone hooked.
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the non licensed dlc should be free tbh
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I mean, the base characters, + being able to unlock non-licensed characters with levelling is a starting point. It's not like buying more (for faster perk access or just to play them immediately), and the licensed ones, and cosmetics isn't already a source of income.
The base game price is more of an obstacle than anything, and the free Halloween weekend is super limited.
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I think so too.
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The people hacking already have new accounts within 5 minutes and they only spend 2$ on it lol , making the game F2P wouldn't change the amount of hackers in my opinion. If you check any modding forum ect they are indeed getting banned which keeps me optimistic. With a game this popular it will always be a problem they have to continue to fight. Almost every big title has hackers they have to continually ban and thats the future for dbd aswell.
I think its a great idea personally. It would bring new people in which is always great. We need more ideas, opinions ect.
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Yeah well I’m sure you’re getting my point.
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It already is to this point, most of the DLCs cost 10 bucks to unlock à killer and à survivor
And they got skins for 5-10 bucks
The game should be free to play
BHVR is super greedy