How's your rift grind going?

In a perfect world, I probably would have taken a break and not bothered with this rift, but I want the community skins, so here I am -- cresting level 40 and seeing that all the rewards I want are clustered around level 60. Feels like it may as well be level 100.
How's everyone else doing?
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Just about done.
Much quicker than previous Rifts, with the XP per Fragment boost, Fragments per Tome level boost & Midnight Grove Tome levels all contributing nicely.
I usually get burnt out a dozen or so tiers before the end, forcing me to panic buy the last few. Glad I don't have to do that this time.
You'll be fine. There's still 38 days before the Rift closes (feel like this one has gone forever already, yet there's still over a month to go). Less than a tier a day.
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Terrible I have barely played
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Tier 2
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I think I'm on level 63 as of now. And that's with me having to take a hiatus due to PC problems.
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70 those 2 extra halloween rifts were very usefull
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I already finished it.
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62. Would have finished this weekend but my internet chose Friday to go all wonky and it's been bad ever since. I got DCed from at least 4 matches and I'm afraid to play anymore until I'm sure my internet won't crap out again.
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Made it to tier 70 from pretty much just doing survivor challenges (and playing a lot...) so I'm happy. Completing all these rifts are accumulating quite a lot of cosmetics for me now, so there's lots of options to choose from :)
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I had level 70 before chapter 3 of the tome came out. I'm a simple woman - I see Plague cosmetics, I put my pedal to the metal.
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Relatively easy, i got it completed before the 3rd level was even out. and i only collected some of the nodes so i can get all the bp saved up for the artist.
its not so bad i would say, since you can still ignore the challenge and just play like normal as EXP/white shards or whatever, still levels up the Battlepass. i would say it takes about 30-50 hours of gameplay to complete judging by my hours.
i play apex too, and leveling up in dbd's battlepass feels more faster, i just wish it could track multiple challenges, like literally any other game.
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I finished it a couple of weeks ago.
I got really lucky with some challenges, and had lots of 4ks.
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Barely even trying. I mainly play Claudette and since there is nothing in the rift for her, I’m not interested in completing it.
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Im done.
But i got scammed of 75 Auric Cells. Got 925 back instead of 1000. 🤣
Anyone else?
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Think I'm somewhere on page 7, so definitely should get it done before the time runs out.
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Completely finished the rift like 2 weeks ago, and I have 3 challenges from the tome left.
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I'm level 61... I think.
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Got Tier 70 last night.
Had one available challenge left too. And level 4 is still on the way. Played quite a bit with all the events. Hasn't been a bad Rift.
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Almost to tier 70. I think I'm at level 67 right now.
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Got to tier 66 last night.
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The Halloween Archive was very helpful, I'm several days ahead if you assume 70 days = 70 tiers.
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People grind rifts?
There's something worth grinding?
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Not proud to say I'm tier 70 already. Although I did all challenges on all pages, including the Halloween tome.
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I honestly think this is the slowest I've ever completed the rift. I'm still at tier 50-something.
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Going pretty well over here, and I'm surprised that I'm nearly done.
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Somewhere in the 60s. I'll get it done.
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i've reached level 70 2 weeks ago lmfao
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I maxed out before the midnight grove event .-.
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People like different things. I love the charms (My favorite thing in the rifts), so I’ll usually grind for those 😁