I love how scared bhvr is about VHS lmao

Hmmm why do we have bloodhound excactly then when the VHS beta comes out? What a weird coincidence am I right fellow gamers?
But for real it's sad how bhvr tries such a cheap trick to try to make people not play the demo. Bhvrs answer about everything is Bloodpoints in form of cheap events or codes.
Have you considered... Black Friday? Y'know, as an actual holiday? The actual given reason for the blood hunt?
Coincidence, sure, but these things are planned months in advance, and since Halloween didn't have one, this makes sense too.
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Because Thanksgiving?
Why would BHVR be scared of VHS?
VHS could be fun, one day, but there's plenty of room for two APVP horror games in this world.
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Ah, they're so scared, as evidenced by... an in-game event planned months in advance, to coincide with a holiday of sorts about savings/deals.
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Just gonna leave this here as another one's opinion.
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I think it's healthy for a company to be wary of its competitors. VHS doesn't need to kill off DBD. Even if it took 10% of its players, that amounts to a loss in revenue.
"scared" is a childish way to put it, but if they're not doing something about it or at least taking it into consideration, then it's foolish.
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Thanksgiving + Black Friday.
I also think I remember a mod saying that this was planned in advance.
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The people who think BHVR is scared of VHS are very unaware of how much of a monopoly BHVR has over this genre
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Why is it even called VHS anyway?
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This. I doubt BHVR is scared.
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but they only announced it the same day the VHS beta was announced?
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Video Horror Society, I think is what it stands for in-universe? Otherwise, it's a reference to videotape players (Video Home Players), which in turn is a nod to the era it's set in.
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Yeah? It was planned in advance, it happening at the same time as the VHS beta is just a happy coincidence as far as they're concerned. I'm not sure what you think they should've done to avoid these accusations in this scenario.
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coincidences don't happen in this industry bub
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In order for them to announce the bloodhunt before the VHS beta (which would be well in advance, to a slightly weird degree), they'd have to know about that beta before we did, surely?
Unless I'm missing something and the beta was announced earlier than it opened, in which case it still seems like a stretch but would technically be a possibility.
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That...is a very cynical view to have, to be perfectly honest.
Want an example? Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing New Horizons releasing on the same day. I highly doubt that wasn't coincidental.
Oh, a DbD example? Patch 5.3.0.
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Competition is a good thing.
No, they don't.
But always apply Ockham's Razor.
Either there is a weird conspiracy to undermine VHS in some sort of petty industry feud, or it's just a standard Bloodhunt to mark a special occasion.
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I want VHS to be a success and I don't think the blood hunt had anything to do with the VHS beta.
VHS is being held to a lower standard than DBD at the moment because it isn't released yet. The VHS devs are not under the same pressure to meet any kind of expectation other than to be different from DBD.
A lot of praise from streamers and on the Steam forums I am seeing for VHS is basically DBD bashing. They would have you believe that VHS will have no cheaters, no bugs, it is already perfectly balanced, no mention at all on how lite the content is either. VHS will have to deal with all these problems and eventually these bitter DBD players will have to hold VHS up to the same standard they hold DBD up to.
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These kind of people probably believe BHVR has hired spies to snoop on other simular games to ensure they don't get to powerfull.
I can understand disliking the game. I can understand that someone has burned out on the game.
But "loving" the idea that BHVR is scared cause of the release of a closed beta of (yet) another assy horror is just ... sad
I want VHS to succeed cause it has some real interresting ideas and looks fun. People like OP only want it to succeed so it can kill of DbD (which it won't, that's not how competition works) cause they dislike it and for some reason took it personally.
Being so hatefull can't be good for someone's mental health. They really just need to let it go.
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Maybe to celebrate Thanksgiving... you know, the holiday we just had and the one that most businesses see except for Christmas
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I feel that, yeah. I've noticed similar things, in this community and in others- sometimes you gotta take a step back and evaluate how damaging something is to your own emotional state.
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Vhs will only help dbd as itll draw more players to this game type and maybe even challenge a few ways in how dbd is currently for the better. Competition leads to inspiration which can sometimes be a benefit for other games in that genre dbd didnt exactly invent this game type but it definately helped bring it into the spotlight. I just hope both games benefit each other
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I honestly hope I don't see you guys saying VHS will kill DBD going back to it.
Or else I'll laugh.
A lot.
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They always announce stuff right before it happens. But it does not fit the narrative if you would not ignore that.
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Idk ima try vhs and play it. Hopefully it does well enough so behaviour starts trying again.
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They're not scared. If anything, they may look at what they do to improve this game; any tips or mechanics, etc., just like VHS did with DBD.
This is a simple case of forcing the cylinder block into a square hole of a childrens toy cube. You're seeing only a small fraction of what is happening overall and jumping to conclusions.
The BP event makes sense during this time, as well as VHS doing what they did, because it's Black Friday and nearing Christmas and people wanting to buy stuff. Just good business sense by 2 businesses.
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Forcing the cylinder block into a square hole of a childrens toy cube
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There's always one smartarse isn't their! I'm talking a properly made toy, not a cheap knock-off from Wilkos😁
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It isn't sad, it's just being smart. If a rival company is doing a discount, you either match it or increase it. This sort of strategy is used by all smart business and especially ones with a monopoly.
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Would it really be worth trying to keep people away from a beta when it's not even an open one? To me it seems to be just a coincidence.
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Black Friday makes sense on the sale aspect, but it's not a huge sale, and are you aware of ... Halloween? Seriously, if a bloodhunt was about a holiday of any kind, it would have been that one.
And you don't have to plan months in advance to add a <x2> to a variable. I know it takes them years to fix bugs, but a bloodhunt is just an on/off switch somewhere.
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If it were an open beta it would make more sense.
Theyre not scared of a closed beta
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It's also funny because Canada has it's own Thanksgiving day which is a whole month before, people still forget America isn't the only country on the planet, why celebrate another countries thanksgiving over your own.
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Scared of...VHS? Yea sure
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Everyone is acting like VHS is going to dethrone DBD or something.
Hopefully it’ll take the majority of the immature camping, tunneling, ragequitting teabagging children/teens away from DBD, due to its cartoonish looks.
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What do you mean? They watched a video on YT saying that there is a chance it might be because of VHS and now claims it is 100 % because of VHS.
YT videos are always right so they trust them.
This was sarcasm.
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Ok I just watched a YT video of VHS and DbD has nothing to worry about to be honest. We think SWF hit squads are bad well the teamwork in that game can literally stun-lock the killer, you can easily lose the killer in the maze like maps, the bully factor is worse that DbD. For VHS to be a threat to DbD they will have to rework alot of the aspects of the game, which they probably won't but I'm not counting out any game that's in a closed Beta.
So to answer the question, NO...BHVR is not worried or afraid of VHS.
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DBD looks better than VHS. And most likely the developers of the new game will have the same problems as BHVR.
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Dude, BHVR plans these things months in advance, chill
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The bp event was obviously for the release of the game on the Epic Game Store.
It helps out the people who got the game(and tricks them into thinking the grind isn't that bad).
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It hasn't released on Epic yet though, has it? That's not until a few days into December, iirc.
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Oh boy the amount of people immediately disregarding VHS because of its art style or the fact that you have to confront the monster is astonishing. I think many people on these forums are heavily underestimating VHS’s potential.
I don’t think VHS will immediately rival DBD’s numbers, but give it a year and I bet they’ll both be equal if not more people playing VHS once they realize Hellbent cares a lot about the game.
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Sane people don't want DBD to crash and burn, they want competition to push innovation and kick the balance/map department up the backside.
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Coincidence, like no joke if they were scared of VHS they wouldn’t do 2x Bp
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I think a lot of people immediately disregard VHS for 3 main reasons.
1. The gameplay is closer to Evolve than it is dbd. It's not a survival/escape thing, you are meant to hunt down the "killer" and kill them 4 times to win.
2. If it was closer to dbd, that would make it closer to the dozens of similar games that have come out and failed completely to sustain a player base in the last 5 years. After seeing enough "DbD killers" come, fail to find an audience and leave, it takes a lot more than a closed beta to make me believe this one will be any different.
3. It appears to be PC only, which in this time and place is not helpful to making a splash.
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It is all about gameplay loop, is it interesting to play and watch. It is not clear right now about VHS. It sure has some good teamwork, maybe shooting and hinding. But no looping, it is really bummer when teens can do nothing in the chase, you just boringly take hits. We'll see, right now is novelty phrase, it is interesting to watch how meta is forming.
DbD has interesting loop for casuals and on top of that some good licenses for consumering shills. Looping and hitting is satisfying and somewhat skillful.
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I'm always amazed by comments where the whole "scared" "going to kill DbD" is made a big deal out of. Because you can most definitely have more than one successful game in a single genre - plenty of genres have it.
I'm watching the game with interest because I happen to like this genre and I want to see a game do well because I know how much work goes into making a game and I felt pretty bad for the devs when they had so many issues with the initial beta launch.
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I have not seen any indication that the devs are in any way shape or form “scared” of VHS.
If anything they have been supportive of another game joining the genre. (See Mandy’s comment)
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mmm i dont think so, affortunatly for BHVR they had a license killers, so you cant be scared about.
Appart of that, the game balance sucks, and they dont want to recognise they are wrong with changes, that's the only thing why people may be leave this game.
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Hmmm why do we have bloodhound
Bloodhound is a perk 😀
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dbd players are dropping cause of the strong killer nerfs, we will see if bhvr will really get scared or not.