I just have one problem with Blight

He is very balanced. I like to play him and VS againts him. But what is not okay imo is when Blight players are using macros or techs or whatever else they are using to just hit you no metter what.
Like you can't loop him or avoid it at all. You don't need any turn rate addons for it. You just "by default" slide and turn entire loop or car like it's nothing. He can turn above 90° like no problem. I think this needs to go. It makes the Killer unfair imo. You can't loop him, can't unrun him, nothing. Add Alchemist Ring on top of that with speed addons and you can just say "gg" and surrender.
These techs became a thing after blight collision update. Revert it and noone will play him anymore considering theres still a lot of weird collision in game maps.
But I agree add ons like Alchemist ring should be changed
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You're gonna have to elaborate on what you mean by "macros and techs".
If it's lag flicks we're talking about, those absolutely have to go it is completely unintended and unfair as hell.
Hug techs on the other hand I believe are just another part of the killer that requires skill and understanding of environment collision but still has counterplay (most of the time), if bhvr wanted hug tech fully gone then they'd have done it by now because it's been a thing for months and months, and it's certainly not an obscure thing because it's one of Blight's most well known tricks.
And as for Alchemist Ring, as much as I hate to say it, it really does need a nerf.
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My good sir... If you're talking about sliding gone and techs gone then you just described ptb blight which was 2000x worse than what we have today since his collision was actually just his regular walking collision instead of a separate detection mechanic. Its more of a collision detector in the middle of his chest that they use now. There used to be another but with Pinheads release (not known or told to Mcleans before it was changed) they just outrite either removed it or made it have little impact on 90% of the tiles it used to work on.
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Every blight main will protect his "techs"
They're biased
Every single blight tech should be removed. No flicks, no hugs no moonrushes no nothing. You just bump into a wall and then bump into another and try to get survivor like you're playing on controller. This is not even a discussion
Don't even try to quote me, blight mains
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Umm... no? In what world shouldn't blight be able to not flick. If you think it's remotely unfair then you just play in such a predictable playstyle.
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I don't want to remove all the techs or remove his sliperines. I just don't know what to call these and which ones are fair and which are not because I don't use them so I am not aware of them. I know only hug wall I think.
But I don't think it is fair if there is some tool outside of game or super boosted mouse or something that allows you to 180° entire loops and hit someone 99% of the time. That's just feels bad and unfair.
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Well they removed the DPI influence on how far a flick goes a while ago when they patched heli blight. Now dpi only influences how fast you flick ~90 degrees with the extra rush turning.
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Plot twist: controller players can do the same things PC players can.
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I don't think I've ever read such a boring comment on these forums since the day I joined.
And what do you mean "like you're playing on controller"? Acting like it's pre-4.7.1 where console Blight was actually what you described and was terribly unfun and unpopular and his power was only used for traversal.
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So we’re supposed to play like Scott June just because controller « can’t do the same thing as pc can » even tho they can ? Nah you’re crazy
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Cringe "mic drop" but ok?
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By this logic oni should only be able to hit people in front of him and not flick left or right. Same with Billy.
Op "I find this killer balanced and love going against him etc" also op "please nerf him"
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Wow. Guess you play survivor then. Are we not allowed to have strong abilities in our killers
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You know, Killers need to be inventive with their mechanics, so they barely have a chance against high mmr squads.
Its the same with 360s or moonwalks or 360 flicks. I could say, that this is also unfair, because the Killer would have hit you.
There actually is a macro which is cheating imo. Some blights are using lag macros, so they can J-Flick again. They achieve this with an unallowed 3rd party program. They will get banned soon.
Other than that i dont see a problem with hug techs or moonrushes. It's part of blight culture.
I would suggest you to watch some blight guides and try it yourself and then judge...also there are ways to counter blight but you will most likely see them being used in high mmr, so just watch some guides by experienced Surv players.
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They won’t get banned it’s not bannable, Mandy already said it
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Can you link Mandy's post here please?
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I don’t really have it on my IPad and I’m in class rn, I’ll try to find it after I’m done pal
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They cant ban people for using 3rd party software cause its impossible to prove. Thats why stretched res is a thing as well.
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Get rid of the ability to turn after the initial flick instead of just being able to swipe over and over to turn more.
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Don't even try to quote me, blight mains
I just quoted you =D, Watjoo gunna do bout it,
And Hug techs are fine.. billy can do hug techs on some tiles too, yet he's more rarer than my steak from last night,