Let's play a game - New patch release outcomes

So place your bets ladies and gentlemen tomorrow we receive our new chapter. Whats everyone's thoughts on these outcomes
- First week of release of the artist every survivor in the community states this killer is to op please nerf
- killers will not like survivors perks and will moan however they won't get nerfed but killers will need to adjust because if we ask for nerfs we don't get them
- Killers a lot more of the killer player base will leave because of the survivor perks
- a lot more killers change over to the survivor side making lobby times longer
- 3 million bugs will appear
- generally more players leave the game
- mid chapter patch and artist and/or her perks gets nerfed to ground and becomes unplayable or unusable due to survivors complaining
- the new map is broken for killer and odd another survivor sided map
- the new map is temporarily removed due to issues
Anymore please add and you can say more than one. Yes this is a killer sided post and I am aware of that but I can't usually say the opposite because the opposite is very rare. I would love to have the chance to say similar about the other side but it's not going to happen.
Killers usually suffer the most
- 3 million bugs will appear
This one is the most likely.
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Everyone goes back to the same meta after trying the new perks for 2 days
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I just hope the game is in a playable state, regardless of balance buffs or nerfs.
So hopefully no 3 million bugs.
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There is going to be a bug that makes bubba start all trials without his chainsaw and it won't be patched until two to three weeks after.
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Please don't say that they might actually implement it.
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Nah killers wont leave this time, if anything this patch looks promising (especially if they nerf CoH).
I bet that:
- New killer will get nerfed
- Map is survivor sided
- Map is removed for some time
- A few bugs
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I mean a little while back they somehow bugged Freddy's dream pallets and made it to where you could stun him with them so It's not impossible.
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A flying book inside the main building seemed to be 2-D so we've decided the disable the map for 3 months.
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We all know the new killer will get nerfed but I'm sure the nerf isn't going to be that bad. Other than that I think they might nerf some of the new perks and everything else you said looks right.
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Idk, she looks very easily nerf-able if that makes sense.
We have never had a killer with an infinite distance projectile and tracking this good. In fact the last killer that had tracking this good was old freddy.
Setting a hard cap of 32m to her crows (which is what I bet they're gonna do) will absolutely destroy her 1v4.
But hey, she might not even get nerfed. Maybe survivors will be too busy making another bubba or spirit complaint thread :D
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I don't think she will get a nerf that hard but yea they will definitely do something to her that makes her less powerful maybe like removing the damage taken from a survivor running into a idle dire crow.
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2 days is being generous. More like after 2 matches people go back to the meta.
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Fair point. I want to be generous this time though because the perks actually look decent
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Are you a Killer Main?
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More players are going to leave the game because of the reasons listed above and because of another reasons as well.
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??? Circle of healing changed the meta. I have only seen a handful of trials without this perk. Now if they nerf it (I don't want that) I can see it returning to normal.
I agree she will be nerfed but I must say I don't think she should. I have not been in the mood for killer only played a couple of games during the BH. I played survivor most of the weekend. The streaks I went on as a solo survivor are just pathetic. When I did die it took 1-2 really useless teammates to cause it. Not going to go as far as to say survivor has got way to easy because this is just my experience but no solo should go on big streaks of surviving. Worst part I still have lots of room to improve I am no great survivor.
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One or more perks will be so bugged they will have to killswitch them.