I just can't do it anymore

I barely play killer as it is so I already have a very low SBMM rating, but most matches I lose because I'm getting utterly destroyed. There's just not enough high-ranking Killer players in my area, so all these high-ranking survivors are going up against players like myself. I'm trying to get a daily challenge done with Pyramid Head, and I've had two back-to-back matches now with survivors just running loops around me, flashlight clicking, and I just can't deal with it anymore. The last match I had just one hook. That's it. ONE HOOK! This SBMM is a joke.


  • JexxTron
    JexxTron Member Posts: 228

    Sir SweetTerror. I finally get what you are saying. Same thing happens to me. I am in the PST zone and when I play at 7:AM, I get easy wins but by 9:AM the flashlights and loopers are taking me for a ride. I also cannot complete the Pyramid Head challenge. Bravo to you for playing the Pyramid Head.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I really think high rank killers quitted playing for some reason since devs implemented the new MMR.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    If you can't take it, this game is not for you.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    best thing you can do is take a break or play survivor.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah during the morning to mid-afternoon hours I have been facing the sweatiest of survivor teams, and it's just not fun at all. I'm fine with losing a match, but when a well coordinated SWF is able to prevent me from getting anything done, then that means I ended the match with the most paltry of blood points, and experiencing that during a blood hunt is so incredibly depressing.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited November 2021

    I feel the same, this is the least I have ever enjoyed the game. Even when I get a 4k I feel bad as I think damn, I am going to vs gods now.

    To get a fun match I have had to afk 4 or 5 matches in a row to drop my MMR a bit.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,164

    I feel like I go through this every few months and after last night's game, I'm wondering if I'll finally be smart enough to actually quit quit. Just pure frustration going up against the SWF Hit Squads who go out of their way to take advantage of broken mechanics to not only win but to make it as miserable as humanly possible for the killer.

    So like usual, I've uninstalled but I'll probably see you all again in a week when my stupid tiny brain only thinks about the 1 in 10 awesome games instead of the usual DBD experience of either curb stomping survivors or getting curb stomped...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    If you believe that there aren’t enough high skill killers playing the game then changing the MMR system doesn’t help your problem. The matchmaking could be totally perfect and there would still not be any high skill players to face all the high skill survivors in that scenario, so you’d still be put in matches against higher tier opponents regardless.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The new mmr is no improvement over what we had before. If a group of survivors(random or swf) is in que and theres no killer in your range. It will throw the first person available.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Not with the current amount of killers. As OP said there's not enough high MMR Killers so let's say your a 1200 MMR Killer you will be faced against let's say a 6000+MMR survivor team over 20+ times then you "may" face a team around your MMR.....maybe.....right now MMR is not working well because of the current number of active killers.

    I literally faced the same SWF in 3 separate matches, not back to back but still.....its making Killer not very fun. I even play to have fun but the troll survivors are getting annoying.....I can hear clicky click in my sleep now.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The issue is that its WAAAAAY too easy to Smurf your MMR down as survivor. At least with Emblems you had multiple things that contributed to ranking up, not saying I want the emblem system back just maybe have MMR affected by the same scoring system.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Well my suggestion instead of going afk (unless they are hostage takers then afk away) just play to be silly and have fun. Don't get too involved I'm chases, when hooking someone and you see a player waiting to unhook them just step back and motion them to take the unhook, just be silly about it, try out weird combos of perks out just for shlits and giggles. After I started doing that, alot of the God Teams I faced weren't so Toxic and allowed me to get a K or just allowed me to farm points off them before they ran out the doors.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The old system was even more susceptible to smurfing since your rank reset every month. And in both systems a selfish jerk could just go afk or die on hook if you intentionally wanted to throw the match.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yeah but what I mean is have the scoring system for MMR have more than just Escapes, Deaths, and Kills.....that doesn't show any skill but maybe for killer to get a K with a Death Squad....

  • Ralara
    Ralara Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2021

    It is not about sbmm, it is all about toxicity. If someone just stomp you, it feels bad but without all that bs you just take the loss and move on. But if they swarm you/tb/click/wait it can be really draining even if you "don't care, just a game lol".

    And developers can solve this by giving us block list.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Getting 4 Cage of Atonements is ridiculous daily to do. I'm going to skip it after it took me 5 matches to get done. Most of them were really not fun.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Mornings are where I run into the monster squads with kanji/Spanish names who are just far beyond my level. I'm still trying to think of a fun combination of 'Hag' and 'morning' to call these play sessions, as that's the only killer I can really contest them with.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    It's not only you so don't feel bad. When this game fires on all cylinders it is a blast to play! It's why we keep coming back. But then reality hits us over the head with just how broken this game can be, and when you couple that with just how sweaty playing Killer has now become, it's just not fun.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,164

    Pretty much and as shocked as some may be by this, curb stomping my opponent isn't all that much fun either (though at least then I'm not controller smashing frustrated).

    It's felt like this for a while but Nu-MMR seems to have really exasperated the issue where those rare "win or lose by the finest of finest of finest hairs" that make the frustration worth it get rarer and rarer and rarer...

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I got several games where the survivors chose to not try. I guess because I was pinhead. Well screw me for wanting to play someone else. Cost me my decent addons that I haven't tried and just ending it like we all wanted pushed my mmr up over the hump to outmatched squads whose only goal is to harass.

    The killers viability has dropped and the great new mmr doesn't help.

    I am SO ready for vhs.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    I have found a huge issue with this.

    You don't play -> you get worse, right?

    but your MMR doesn't get reset anymore, so I didn't play for almost two months and I can't play my mains now...

    Edit: I just played Cenobite (I suck at him, only few games) and got 4k (playtime) survivors, so it doesn't matter. I can't play anything now.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    You could try playing without getting any kills for maybe 5-10 games. I don’t know how much that would help.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    There was guy that tried like 30 games and no effect.

    Problem is that a lot of killers (from what I know) stopped playing, so survivors are now matched with killers that are not supposed to be there and get destroyed.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,341

    MMR was a terrible, TERRIBLE mistake.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I don't think MMR is the problem. All MMR has done is make the balance issues and the fact that more than half the killer roster...kind of sucks incredibly apparent.

    Rank based matchmaking hid these problems because high MMR players would constantly be matched against far less skilled survivors. Now that they are having somewhat more evenly matched games, they are forced into a very narrow set of 'meta' killers and builds.

    BHVR is going to have to take a long, hard look at the balance of the game at higher MMRs or they are going to hemorrhage their veteran players.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Just don't bother if you are easily annoyed. Hit validation dead hard and refusal to fix broken maps makes it unwinable very, very often.

    There are things you can get better at, which I can actually help you with, but you need to have thick skin to play killer. For casual, just fun time just go survivor with meme builds (cause if you go meta perks it's just boring)

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah I've noticed just the opposite when I play survivor. I do play far more survivor than I do killer, and I've certainly noticed a big difference in the amount of skill. The amount of killers that are either just starting out or that play the game casually has increased exponentially. Higher skilled survivors still stick around because they're playing with their friends, but higher skilled Killers have all but abandoned this game, and casual lower skilled players like myself are paying the price.

    It's hard to "git gud" when you're lucky to get more than one hook in an entire match.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Wait... you said you have a high ranking and a very low ranking in the same paragraph...

    Anyway just play casually. If you loose oh well, you just get a lower MMR. Just loose until your not against sweat squads.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    And if you only get 1 hook, your MMR goes down and you're more likely to be put against lower skilled surviors... is there like some bug where MMR just doesn't go down?

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    My theory is that MMR is non existent you're just getting paired with whoever, I 4kd a swf just yesterday and the next game had survivors with less than 40 hours in the game and I've got 10,000 , I ended up letting them farm because I felt bad after having everyone dead on hook with 5 gens to do, but the same could be said for survivor because Ive escaped on a rank one killer who obviously knew there stuff only to turn around and get a ash rank 4 ghost face who has trouble kicking the gen. Based off of that I've come to the conclusion there's absolutely no way they have any sort of MMR or skill involved in determining who you face it's just about getting as fast matches as possible

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It probably starts searching close to correct MMR, but where there is no killer with that MMR it will just start searching lower / higher...

    This is why they will never show MMR, because everyone could call them out on how it doesn't work.

    I have played like 12 games during this weekend and I just got destroyed every time, except one. They used RPD offering so I just camped the ######### out of them...

    Classic meta perks, lot of CoH, some BNP, some insta-heals / agent, yeah lot of fun... for them tho

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    Well, we can't tell when we don't see it...

    So far I know only few people that tested it and they didn't find difference even after losing lot of games in a row.

    I wonder what games I will get with Artist, because that should be starting MMR, right?

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    So it's the same as the old system where getting to red rank killer was intentionally made easier because red rank survivors complained they had to wait too long/kept facing the same players. It's also very easy for killer to hit top MMR but very hard for survivor. So the survivors actually at top MMR are VERY good. Where as a pretty bad killer can still get to top MMR in a short amount of time. It feels like the entire idea of the system is to ensure newbie survivors have good matches. It doesn't matter what happens with anyone who has more than 10 hours play time.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    You don't start at new MMR for new killers. Let's say you have a 1900 MMR killer. Your Artist is going to start at atleast 1600.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,035

    Why continue to blame MMR when it's clear that the problem is that the survivors are too strong?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    I am not sure it's done on purpose, but let's by honest.

    Actually good survivors don't really care about escaping. Escaping as a requirement for win / lose is really bad idea and that is main reason why you probably don't have that many survivors in high MMR, or just lower than they should be. I would determine it 100% based on chase duration and gens done -> not punished for doing only one of those.

    Killer just has to kill players, where two kills if you want kills is not that hard in most games -> you kill one during game and one when all gens are done, sometimes one more when they try to save. I have actually stopped securing last kills in end game, because I don't want to go higher. Well, lately those escapes are not really on purpose...

    It just sucks when you haven't played for a long time, but game doesn't give a ######### and sends you against really good teams anyway.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    Alright, then I am #########.

    I guess I will just watch a movie and see how many games I can lose during that time...