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Weaker Killers That You Still Love Playing?

Member Posts: 8,077

For me it's Demo. He is just a ton of fun to play. Good addons, good 'feel', lots of entertaining moments but wow does he get shut down hard by people that know how to loop.

Pig is similar, but I find her a bit too depressing to play. Just reduce her TR to 24 and buff her addons and she'd be fine.

Cenobite...oof. He was fun to play with his nuttier addons but they took a blowtorch to them.

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  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Trapper is still pretty fun as long as no one is blasting out your traps position to the entire team

  • Member Posts: 797

    Trapper is probably my most played low-tier killer, either the game actually lasts for a while and I get some great plays and have fun, or the gens go by so fast that I'm not even bothered to just get out of it quickly and move on to the next match.

  • Member Posts: 7,060

    Trapper and Trickster are 2 killers Ill always have fun playing.

  • Member Posts: 901

    I like Trapper, Michael, and Amanda

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    My guilty pleasure, aside from Demo of course, would be Nemesis. I just got RE3Make, and I fell in love with Nemesis. He may not be accurate, but he's fun to play

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Trapper, Trickster and Legion are my go to killers

  • Member Posts: 543

    Everyone says Trapper but we're really going out of our way to assume we're not playing a SWF, where he has the same problem as stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I have tons of fun with Pig and Wraith, though Pig especially can get very easily bullied if survivors loop well. Poor girl has near-zero chase power.

  • Member Posts: 940

    Oh Trapper for sure. I love when multiple people step into the same trap. It makes me laugh.

    Also Pinhead. Everything he does is just FUN.

  • Member Posts: 5,047


  • Member Posts: 8,318

    Trapper for me too, but also the man wearing the ######### paper crown you get in a christmas cracker to indicate that he's the Worst Killer, Clown. I find him very entertaining to play, for whatever reason.

    Legion too, but... less. They're only marginally better than Clown and their abysmal cooldowns do impact my enjoyment of them.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Clown. Can't wait till Wednesday so I can start using his Santa skin.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Few days ago I played like over 10 matches as Trapper, every single match survivors able to tell where my traps were all the time, and constantly disarm them. Eventhough I used Tar bottle all matches (I have over 100 of those).

    No match had 3-4k. All were 0-1k. 2k was a rare. Few matches were full Endgame, or full M1 relate perks, or full pallet counter perks ect. None of them worked.

    Never feel like a true M1 Killer like that day. Feel like to give up Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Does Trickster count as a weaker Killer? If yes, I like playing him quite a lot.

    Had to go trough every Killer but the most weaker ones are quite boring to me as well.

  • Member Posts: 689


  • Member Posts: 940
    edited November 2021

    Oh, I also enjoy Frank the Bunny because he amuses me so and I love hopping over pallets and scaring unaware survivors witless.

  • Member Posts: 297

    From the worst killers i like Mrs. Piggy the most :3

    I mean no other Killer can turn DBD into a Racing Game!

    Just down 2 Survivors, open the exit gate, bring them to the gate and convince them to start crawling while you give the start sign (grunt 3 times). 😂

    I could achieve that scenario in one single match. The Survivors had as much fun as i had :D

    For that reason i pick mrs. piggy over any killer.

  • Member Posts: 101

    I still love Trapper. My favorite sound in the entire game just might be a trap springing shut on someone!

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2021

    I would say Demo is actually pretty strong, but that's off top.

    Trickster and Deathslinger - I dislike playing them, but their laughs and chuckles are really fun aspect, especially Trickster's when survivor DCs.

    Clown too... and his orange bottles with addons are actually fun to use aswell.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Demo can be strong, much like a lot of other 'B' tier killers - but it depends entirely on the map and survivors you are up against.

    His mid-tier traversal ability works well to cover larger maps, but he's extremely vulnerable to tight loops and vaults. Had an absolutely miserable game on Ironworks last night that is probably going to make me take a break from Demo for a while.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Trapper is good with iri stone.

    Wraith good with aura reading and silent bell.

    Clown with pinky finger

    Pig with amandas letter (more in indoor maps)

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    I feel you. Usually in that type of matches save the best for last is the one practically saving my hide. Also playing the most unfair way I could like if I got one survivor near basement I'm not letting that go. When the attention is all focused on basement and getting their friends out back and forth some of my traps I've been setting up that hasn't been disarmed yet comes in clutch usually by the end. If not then I just go back to playing Blight to release stress.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, this is generally a sign of something being off - killers going up or down an entire 'tier' (sometimes more) depending on whether or not they are using a specific addon. See also: Cenobite with Fang, Demo with Soda Can/aura reading Iri, Blight with Ring, Nurse with her 3 blinks Iri etc. It's not always weaker killers either.

  • Member Posts: 998

    No one said Ghostface yet...



    Though I do think he's slightly stronger than some say if you learn how to abuse his ability reveal mechanic and focus on exposing people.

  • Member Posts: 7,227

    Clown, Myers, and Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm waiting on his upcoming rework. I love the killer visually and enjoy being sneaky, but he has too many quirks and idiosyncrasies to be fun for me and wow does he get looped hard.

  • Member Posts: 998

    I'm honestly terrified for the rework. I don't have much faith in the devs when it comes to balancing or reworks, and I'm afraid they'll ruin him for me. Though I admit he does require a different thought process to play effectively, which can be a deterrent, but if you can appreciate goofy play-styles, it gets funner once you get it down.

    By goofy, I mean running behind survivors for 15 seconds without hitting them in some cases, or purposefully canceling chases and going back into them on repeat.

    The key to his current iteration, I feel, is running Play With Your Food, avoiding chases, avoiding M1s that only injure, and only committing to short insta-downs. If you ever feel like you're getting looped hard, you're probably playing him wrong - he's not a chaser. I'd lose most of my games if I chased people.

    Instead, my general plan is to:

    • Force them in towards the map with Corrupt Intervention at the start
    • Set up long-range stalk sessions from tall main buildings (Crotus Penn Asylum) or set up ambushes at generators next to corrupted gens
    • Insta down whoever I ambush; if revealed, just take the free stalk you got from them and reset
    • When I get a hook, use an info perk (need one, I like BBQ) to find your obsession or 99 stalk people
    • Run behind 99ers and wait for your power. NEVER hit them until exposed if they've been stalked over 25%

    At that point it just gets crazy snowbally since you just keep stalk on everyone and run at 125-130% speed for basically the rest of the match.

    The only maps I find difficult are Auto Haven and some farms maps since they can be a little too open. Everything else has some main building to abuse, good stalk corners, are indoors, or have some other niche.


    Also remember they only reveal you when they see 20% or more of your body, not your face. Keep abusing the peaking mechanic and eventually you'll figure out the little angles where they literally can't reveal you from their direction.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    If they go Plague or Demo style - bake in more 'compulsory' addons and make addons more appealing/interesting at the same time, and buffing the basekit while keeping the 'feel' intact - that would be awesome.

    If it's just a Pig level 'rework' and all they do is shuffle some addons around, that would suck.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    My main, the Clown.

    His antidote made him 100 times more fun to play as, and heavily increased his skill cap, as well as giving him the ability to counter W meta. Chaining bottles with both antidotes and tonics to get the biggest speed difference is really fun and powerful. I don't think he's super weak, but he's for sure weaker than majority of the cast.

    Pinhead is also really fun. I play him without add-ons so the dumb add-on nerfs he's getting won't bother me, but they're still annoying. He plays very similarly to Clown though his chase is a bit weaker than his. His slowdown is pretty good, forcing one survivor to focus on the box. He's definitely one of the weaker ones of the cast, but he's not too bad.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Nobody mentioned billy? Even though he can be frustrating, I LOVE playing him. I'm not even a billy main, nor a killer main, I just find playing him super satisfying <3

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I dont loop with Demo, but I'll add him to the list if OP has him there. I love his Hag play style, his flexibility feels so comfy.

    I also love my Legion and Nemesis. Lots of fun to chase with

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    The only one I find kind of fun is Trickster. Everyone else is so lackluster it's frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    I'd disagree with him depending on the map to be good. As long as you have a 3 Gen and your Shreds are on point, Demo can be nutty, especially with his good map control Addons (The one that notifies you automatically and the Aura reading one).

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Trickster count as weak so same here I like using him as well.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Clown, Pig and Ghostface. I generally like playing the basic attack killers as a playstyle, even though they’re overall weaker than some of the others.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Demo with both IRI addons is pretty strong. Obviously good survivors will just destroy your portals.

  • Member Posts: 968

    I have a soft spot for Clown, Sure, matches can go either way, but i love the fact i can switch my brain off and not have to think of positioning,mind games or using power for the best possible outcome as much as other killers i play.

  • Member Posts: 258

    The stealth killers like Myers and Ghostface provide as close to a horror experience as you can get in DBD, so I play them both now and again, mostly Myers though.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Billy and Slinger

    Rest they souls, but you can still see me running around with them 😁

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    That's not always a downside though. Ok, it is, but any extra objectives you can give Survivors is always a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 543

    "I'd lose most of my games if I chased people."

    Oh buddy. It took me too long to realize this.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    If I'm going for strong addons on Demo, I'll run the soda can+the 'undetectable' iri (grabs galore), the aura reading+shred cooldown for maximum pressure or whistle+the yellow addon that increases detection range to turn my portals into essentially radar stations.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Heh, most of them are kinda weak

  • Member Posts: 1,046


  • Member Posts: 1,261


  • Member Posts: 1,224

    Clown, Trapper, and Doc, although I get some joy from most of the cast except for Nurse. I just do not like the fatigue mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 556

    Legion is my guilty pressure.

    So weak and can get wrecked but I have so much fun tbh.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Trickster. Everyone else is just a slave to the all mighty pallet.

  • Member Posts: 150

    basically any m1 killer, but clown is my fav, I love tossing bottles all over the place, and running cursed skin combinations

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Pig and Clown are the two killers that I'll always have fun playing as.

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