What you want to see from the opposing side.

Killers, what do you want to see from survivors when playing against them?
Survivors, what do you want to see from killers when playing against them?
Let this be a safe and positive space for a good discussion. Let's all have a decent discussion for once about things instead of attacking each other. We control the toxicity, let's come together and end it!
I would love if no one bm'ed and insult each other. Both sides.
Other than that anything goes. Ok maybe not hacking.
I am aware that will never happen and it is fine tho. We can't really control how other people behave and feel.
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I just want Killers to accept my offer of wanting to be killed if they got stomped in the match. I swear some Killers are so adorable & selfless.
Stop fighting it, just hook me and get some points. You deserve it 💜
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It doesn't matter neither side wants to play with the other side.
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No hook camping at 5 gens
No tea-bagging/general obnoxious behaviour.
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Less taunting and less gameplay based around griefing - no more basement Bubbas, no more full sabo/self pickup squads, no more targeted sandbagging and bodyblocking teammates. Honest understanding of the other side's goals and knowing what you'd do if you were currently in their shoes - of course survivors want to save their teammates and will prevent a hook if possible, of course survivors want to get gens done, of course the killers intend to get kills and sometimes camping and tunneling is their best option at certain points of the game. In most cases, it's not personal and the player isn't doing it to spite you. Pretty much I want better sportsmanship in general.
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Not tbagging or BMing?
From the killer I really don't expect anything.
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Anything goes. I do not really care too much. I guess it would be nice if survivors didn't exploit terrain? But I have so far used that to my advantage regardless, so I am not super passionate about it.
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Its simple no tea bagging or clicky survivor i find that to be toxic
For killer its not hitting a hook survivor repeatly i find that toxic. Just to make it clear i dont mind about the camping its the hitting a hooked survivor that i mind.
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Consequences for camping and tunneling, either through better perks for fighting them or base mechanics.
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As killer, clicky clicky and teabagging is unnecessary. It's more bothering me than annoying. If I'm ignoring you it's clearly I'm not interested chasing you, so stop begging for attention. And also, don't follow me while I'm chasing someone else. It's creepy af.
As survivor, I don't like to be slugged until they find the last one. It's a waste of time for me.
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I just wish everyone would play how they would like to verse.
That's it, if you are truly fine facing the tactics you use, than I am fine with it as well.
And, that each person remembers the other players in the game are people as well.
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I want killers to not trap me in corners. I want killers to not take me to the hatch, drop me in front of it, then close it in my face and shake their head, "No."
From survivors no teabagging and flashlight clicking. Also no, "Hey, c'mere, look over there!" *drops pallet*
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You all have great comments. I don't normally tea bag but I feel it's necessary if you escape from a toxic killer. As far as the clicking, I tend to use it as "hey I want you to chase me instead". I never intend to be toxic about it.
I want to start seeing both sides have fun and create a sense of challenge. Camping and tunneling from a killer is just awful and ruins the experience of the game. I want to go in, cleanse totems, do gens, gain experience in looping killers all while having fun trying to stay alive and help my team.
If a Bubba needs to basement camp, maybe say something in the chat or message the survivors (if you're console). Or you could indicate that you would like to get a challenge done, have the survivors do their objectives then help the killers get theirs. It's always fun to come across a farming killer. You don't see many of them nowadays with this new MMR. Seems like the toxicity has skyrocketed and the killers are racing to the top ranks.
Hopefully we can have more posts and discussions like this and lower the toxic behavior of this community. Let's make Dead by Daylight fun again
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I want less toxicity in the game.
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It's a good start
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total submission. (joke)
for real though, I don't care about T-bagging or any of that.
Honestly, just mutual tolerance and the understanding the game is for fun. Also, more mori's.
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That's messed up. I'm all for winning as killer but that ######### is wrong. People like that deserve a punch to the jaw.
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I know what you're saying. It's all about perspective. When a killer hits me while I'm on hook I get a laugh out of it
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