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Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why not just loose?

So I've been seeing a lot of comments along the lines of 'Oh I have to try SO hard every game! It just isn't fun to play this way!'

So... and stop me if I'm missing something here... why do you? Just play with a casual level of effort, and if you get the 0k so what? Just keep playing casually and keep taking the meaningless 0ks until your MMR drops to such a point that you're up against teams that are about equal to your casual level.

This game has basically no penalty for loosing and minimal benifit to winning. Hell what is a 'win' and a 'loss' is not even properly defined by any official source. Its basically up to you to 'decide' if you won or not. But 4k, 0k, killed, escaped or sacrificed this is what happens:

You get BP in every outcome.

You can make tomb progress in every outcome.

Your grade cannot go down in any outcome.

Hell in some cases at lower grades you can die/0k and still pip.

Most games, even if you do very poorly, so long as you make some attempt to play you'll at least neutral pip.

There is no incentive to maintain a high MMR, and no penalty for not doing so. You don't even know when you have a 'high' MMR because you don't know what it is! So why are people so stressed over keeping a high MMR? Just dont. If you don't want to sweat just dont. So you might 'loose' a few games while your MMR lowers... oh well?

Am I missing something? IDK seems obvious to me. If yor tired of the other side sweating as hard as they can just don't do so yourself and your MMR will drop until you're up against people playing casually.

Best Answer

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193
    Answer ✓

    Play the way you play.

    Play laidback. If that causes you to get 0Ks, eventually you will be matched with people who don't play efficiently. Maybe they're new, or maybe they're just meme'ing around. Either way, the matches will be more laid back. I'm currently trying to learn Trickster on console. It's not going very well. I've played 28 games and I've had a 0K in 15 of them. I'm fine with that because I'm learning.

    Play to win. That will mean running the most efficient perks. The problem is, eventually you will get to a level where your opponents are just as efficient. At which point, the unbalanced aspects of the game will make it much more difficult for you to win consistently - thereby dampening your "fun".

    The culprit is not SBMM. Removing SBMM only puts the burden of "not fun" games back on the shoulders of new and intermediate players. The culprit is player mindset and game imbalance. If you can't change your mindset, then offer constructive criticism on how to improve the game.


  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    What is the reason you play if you are not going to try? When I play a game, I want to try and win, do my best and stand a chance. If I lose, I lose... but the moment I stop caring, is the moment I move on to the next game.

    What use is it to not try, to just throw in the towel... where is the fun in that.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    I'm sorry I've confused you. Reading my post more carfully I never said 'loose on purpose' I just said 'don't sweat'

    You did not see this string of text on the second line of the post: "Just play with a casual level of effort"

    If you play full steam, max effort thats yourr coice but its a bit silly to do say and then say you're tired of doing so. Its like your digging with your hands saying 'Gosh I hate that my hands get dirty every time I dig' just... don't use your hands, use a shovel.

    If you're tired of sweating just don't. If you want to play casually just play casually. If you want to push for the 4k every game as if anything at all depends on it, thats fine to! But if you don't want to just don't. I fail to understand how this isn't just in player's heads.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    A casual level of effort, meaning not your best? I think you confuse the concerns of most people. To use your metaphor: You state don't use a shovel, but advise people to use their hands... not the other way around.

    They are fed up with having to use the most effective strats, perks and methods to stand a chance. They want to be able to not camp for a second stage, not use DS, UB, DH meta each game... those are your shovels, the best tools in the shed. Yet if you do you either have to lose or outclass your opponent by a long shot.

    A casual level effort in this game means, play to lose once you reach a certain level, there is a level of sweat required. You state just play and lose enough till you are a smurf, which frankly is not a good thing either. You don't want to face people of equal skill, you want to be able to dig with your hands while everyone around you is trying to grasp a shovel. Just because you don't like facing those that can wield it, you aren't trying to win... you are trying to smurf.

    If you cannot grasp that people play to win in games or move on? I don't know what to say, most people want to learn to be better and have an achievable challenge to face.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    They are fed up with having to use the most effective strats, perks and methods to stand a chance.

    people play to win

    Pick one.

    You don't HAVE to use meta perks and strats and killers. And if you loose so what? Play until you have a fair challenge for using more fun perks. Loose with a low teir killer until that killer is facing a fair challange. If you want to play a ighly opressive killer like Nurse, Spirit or Blight then yeah it should give you people who can deal with that. If you want to play a 'weaker' killer just do it. It you want to run off-meta builds just do it. Litterally worst thing that can happen is you're put against lower skilled players where in you have a fair chance with the weaker setup.

    You can't have 'Try your hardest to win every game' and get mad at what that en-tells. If you want to sweat, sweat. This is more for the people who I see in droves complain they just want to play causally. My advice: If you want to play casually just play casually.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2021

    You realize your advice is to play to lose, to just keep losing till you are a smurf and can play what ever. The majority of people do not play the sweatiest they can, yet they still play to win. They might sometimes let me shock you here, change their strategies. One day they might be more sweaty than the other.

    Telling them to never sweat or never again be able to play more casually without first going on a losing streak... If you believe the only people that complain are those that slug, camp, tunnel with the best of the best killers perks and that is the only way they play.... you are out of touch with reality.

    People feel that the game promotes and pushes them to play mercilessly at any point when they want to keep trying to win. There are no real alternatives, play to well and to do what you say, means at some point you need to tank your rating again. Meaning playing to lose!

    Going down takes way to much time for a casual player, it literally will take multiple sessions of pure losses to achieve what you suggest... that isn't fun.

    I play not the friendliest nor the most sweaty, I don't use purely the best builds and a whole variety of killers. Yet if I want to play with these lesser optimal builds, I have to play meaner than when I do... you say just lose and yet I lose plenty already. I play a couple of games max and I win some I lose some, some days more than others and that is fine. Yet I do feel inclined to try and win to do my best, which means I will use an exhaustion perk or slug you, etc. It is just the nature of the game, telling people to not do these things... literally means to smurf and play to lose at any decent level.

    You confuse doing your best and using the best and always doing the most optimal thing. People want to have the feeling that they stood a chance, even if they lost.

    P.S. the people who you are trying to understand are the variety players, they aren't pure casual or pure sweat and they are the bulk of people.

    Post edited by Kalinikta on
  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I already do that, in case that's worth anything.

    I play pretty casually. MMR's actually pretty nice for that.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    "People feel that the game promotes and pushes them to play mercilessly"

    There is literally no penalty for loosing. Thats all in their head.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    No it isn't, you lose and that is a tangible result. Who cares whether there is a penalty, a reward or not? We play the game to enjoy it, having a chance to win even when we lose and that means the game promotes a merciless stance.

    If you play the game for the dopamine you get from a virtual reward given to you at the end, to progress in the blood web... then I guess you would never understand. Most people play the game to enjoy the match, being crushed isn't fun. Not standing a chance of victory isn't fun. The people that complain, don't want to play what you call sweaty but it doesn't mean they want to as you state just lose all the time either.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    There are few issues:

    Someone just have to play against good survivors. What do you think happen if everyone will just start losing? You are going to play against them anyway.

    You dared to grind grades for BP once? Yeah. Good luck trying to play "fun" builds ever again -> enjoy 3 hooks per game.

    You dared to stop playing for two months? Yeah, 0 ######### given that you got worse. Go play against 4k playtime survivors anyway.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Playing with "a casual amount of effort" these days, especially as killer, usually means getting stomped.

    I have no interest in playing a gamewhere you compete against other players with the intention of not trying to win.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Mind If I butt in? Dbd is mainly known for its looping and chases, right? So why not enjoy that aspect? Me, I don't care if I win or lose. Whether I play survivor or killer, If the chases are fun then that's my win. Just like that's their view of a win. Play how you want and please don't complain about them "smurfing". You're already reminding me of Sluzzy...

    If I know the game is lost then I focus on the other fun parts of the game like looping and chases. Heck, even throw in a teabag/nod or two just to ramp up the fun in said chases.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Actually... I'm beginning to think Kal is just super competitive. In that case, I'm just gonna sit back and watch from here on.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    This is nowhere near Sluzzy level...

    You think it's good to lose on purpose just so you can play against weaker survivors? That's kinda version of smurfing.

    I don't really enjoy long chases as a killer, but yeah that is my "win" condition as a survivor. I don't care that I am gonna die, I want to have good chase.

    But that's not really true for a killer. Like what do you want to happen? It's definetly not long chase. You enjoy to have short chases against survivor that run into a wall? Only way for this to be true is that you pull off some good mind-game, but that's it.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    It's not really about losing. It's about how you lose...

    Some my best games I remember, I actually lost those, but I enjoyed those games and those survivors were good.

    But losing when validated multiple times with 27 ms ping?

    But losing against map offering and full meta perks?

    But losing against dead squad that play everything safe and you finish game with 3 hooks?

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Hold on. I didn't say it was at a Sluzzy level. Just that it reminded me of it. I just hate this matchmaking. The fact it took years for them to come up with kills and escapes + time is infuriating.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh ######### yeah.

    SBMM was one of reasons why I stopped playing this game for a long time and I actually wanted to try playing again, but SBMM doesn't allow that. Your skil while not playing gets lower -> MMR doesn't. I think you can imagine how those games went...

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Absolutely agree with OP.

    Post adressed to people that telling they have to bring 4 slowdown perks, camp, tunnel and slug at 5 gens to win. It's adressed to people that blaming MMR for giving them this hard games. This people usually say that MMR doesn't allow them play casualy with any weaker perks.

    I have seen a lot of such people on forums.

    And OP trying to say that they don't have to sweat this much if they don't like to sweat because there is absolutely no benefit from sweating and no penalty for losing.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You don't care if you win or lose, but does that mean you should not try and win? Having fun and winning are not the same thing, can you have fun and lose? Yes. Should losing be a requirement to have fun? No. Should not trying to win be required to have fun? No. One should be able to try to win while also having fun.

    They are asking why not to just lose, not whether you should always win. A loss can be enjoyable, if you feel that you stood a chance to win to begin with. It is not about having a 100% win rate, as that argument is just as bad. Why shouldn't one be able to keep trying to win even when they improve at the game? The game is known for its chases and looping, yet should that mean you should lose by definition by engaging in those activities? Why do you think people complain about hold W meta, pre-dropping pallets, gen speeds, camping? The game promotes these strategies and if you want to try and win at some level you will need to apply them to some degree or just lose consistently.

    The act of tanking ones MMR on purpose is the definition of smurfing. Whether you do it or not is really up to you, if you want to do so... go ahead. Yet to tell other people to smurf in the game if they want to have fun? Going on losing streaks night after night to tank your MMR should not be a requirement?