Questions to high rank killer mains.

Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

I'm now a rank 2 Spirit/Billy main but I cannot get around instaheals. The survivors keep using it and it sucks and I end up losing the game. How do I deal with this as Spirit? Billy ain't a problem but Spirit is so much more difficult when you've got 4 instaheals. I don't mind the 4 D strikes but the instaheals are really annoying.

I'm not too salty though since I always manage to get 2 kills at the end but without an instaheal ik I could manage a 4k. Pls give me advice for high ranks.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Exposed beats insta-heals, so NOED, MYC, etc. Ruin plus other gen slowing perks is a good choice, mainly because if they came in with an insta-heal they probably aren't spec'd to do gens. If you want to brute force it, Thanatophobia and Sloppy might force them to use it early, but if they are smart and wait that could bite you in that ass. Franklin's is good but survivors will just end up using the insta-heals on each other instead of themselves.

    If you see people hovering around your chase with a medkit that's usually a sign they want to insta-heal someone. If you down the guy be ready for that surv to run up and insta-heal them. I always aim for the guy doing it, because if it is a steptic and not a needle then you have 2 injured survivors.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    As above posters said Exposed so MYC which is underrated on Spirit, Rancor is wonderful especially for mind gaming the obsession. You can also bring Franklins if you see more than 2 medkits as well as Sloppy Butcher and ignore Ruin since it's not worth the wasted perk slot.

    I typically run on my Spirit Rancor, Bitter Murmur and then swap out depending on lobby and such M&A (great for jumpscare builds and works wonders with Prayer Beads and Yakuyoke Amulet.

    Then either SB/BBQ/FD or if I really want to go full troll annoyance I go BBQ/Rancor/Bitter/Tinkerer and throw in those 2 perks.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vietfox, @thesuicidefox and @powerbats. Would this be a good build:
    BBQ and Chilli (I spend a lot of my game doing chases to protect my gens),
    Sloppy butcher (Awesome perk)
    A Nurses calling (The mindgames!)
    And Brutal strength (I really need this to help me deal with pallets I don't have it on Spirit yet but I need your advice on whether I should get this or just mindgame pallets. I'm ok with mindgaming them, but late game it gets rough for me).

    Also is she viable without addons? I've played so much games and came out with 1 or 0 kills and it sucks because with her addons I get a 4k easily. Is she even playable without them? Please tell me because I'm one of those players who doesn't like to use addons when I only got a little of them.

    For now I'm running,
    BBQ and Chilli,
    A nurses calling,
    Sloppy butcher
    And Hex: Ruin.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Since I bought her, I played only 2 games with addons, the rest was without them. I prefer to play these killers (Hag, Nurse, Spirit) without addons, because you'll get used to their abilities.
    She is viable, but much harder.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox, @thesuicidefox and @powerbats. Would this be a good build:
    BBQ and Chilli (I spend a lot of my game doing chases to protect my gens),
    Sloppy butcher (Awesome perk)
    A Nurses calling (The mindgames!)
    And Brutal strength (I really need this to help me deal with pallets I don't have it on Spirit yet but I need your advice on whether I should get this or just mindgame pallets. I'm ok with mindgaming them, but late game it gets rough for me).

    Also is she viable without addons? I've played so much games and came out with 1 or 0 kills and it sucks because with her addons I get a 4k easily. Is she even playable without them? Please tell me because I'm one of those players who doesn't like to use addons when I only got a little of them.

    For now I'm running,
    BBQ and Chilli,
    A nurses calling,
    Sloppy butcher
    And Hex: Ruin.

    I run this on the spirit:
    Monitor & Abuse 
    (Bbq only when i want to farm)
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vietfox said:
    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox, @thesuicidefox and @powerbats. Would this be a good build:

    BBQ and Chilli (I spend a lot of my game doing chases to protect my gens),

    Sloppy butcher (Awesome perk)

    A Nurses calling (The mindgames!)

    And Brutal strength (I really need this to help me deal with pallets I don't have it on Spirit yet but I need your advice on whether I should get this or just mindgame pallets. I'm ok with mindgaming them, but late game it gets rough for me).

    Also is she viable without addons? I've played so much games and came out with 1 or 0 kills and it sucks because with her addons I get a 4k easily. Is she even playable without them? Please tell me because I'm one of those players who doesn't like to use addons when I only got a little of them.

    For now I'm running,

    BBQ and Chilli,

    A nurses calling,

    Sloppy butcher

    And Hex: Ruin.

    I run this on the spirit:
    Monitor & Abuse 
    (Bbq only when i want to farm)

    Maybe I could try:
    BBQ and chilli
    And A nurses calling?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @popoles said:
    Since I bought her, I played only 2 games with addons, the rest was without them. I prefer to play these killers (Hag, Nurse, Spirit) without addons, because you'll get used to their abilities.
    She is viable, but much harder.

    Nurse and Hag without addons are great. Ty for telling me, though I'll adapt to it, I like to challenge myself as killer.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox, @thesuicidefox and @powerbats. Would this be a good build:

    BBQ and Chilli (I spend a lot of my game doing chases to protect my gens),

    Sloppy butcher (Awesome perk)

    A Nurses calling (The mindgames!)

    And Brutal strength (I really need this to help me deal with pallets I don't have it on Spirit yet but I need your advice on whether I should get this or just mindgame pallets. I'm ok with mindgaming them, but late game it gets rough for me).

    Also is she viable without addons? I've played so much games and came out with 1 or 0 kills and it sucks because with her addons I get a 4k easily. Is she even playable without them? Please tell me because I'm one of those players who doesn't like to use addons when I only got a little of them.

    For now I'm running,

    BBQ and Chilli,

    A nurses calling,

    Sloppy butcher

    And Hex: Ruin.

    I run this on the spirit:
    Monitor & Abuse 
    (Bbq only when i want to farm)

    Maybe I could try:
    BBQ and chilli
    And A nurses calling?

    Try different builds and choose the one which suits your playstyle ;)
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vietfox said:
    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Poweas said:

    @Vietfox, @thesuicidefox and @powerbats. Would this be a good build:
    BBQ and Chilli (I spend a lot of my game doing chases to protect my gens),
    Sloppy butcher (Awesome perk)
    A Nurses calling (The mindgames!)
    And Brutal strength (I really need this to help me deal with pallets I don't have it on Spirit yet but I need your advice on whether I should get this or just mindgame pallets. I'm ok with mindgaming them, but late game it gets rough for me).
    Also is she viable without addons? I've played so much games and came out with 1 or 0 kills and it sucks because with her addons I get a 4k easily. Is she even playable without them? Please tell me because I'm one of those players who doesn't like to use addons when I only got a little of them.
    For now I'm running,
    BBQ and Chilli,
    A nurses calling,
    Sloppy butcher
    And Hex: Ruin.
    I run this on the spirit:



    Monitor & Abuse 


    (Bbq only when i want to farm)

    Maybe I could try:



    BBQ and chilli

    And A nurses calling?

    Try different builds and choose the one which suits your playstyle ;)

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try out everything.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    I'm Rank 1 Killer and I also mostly play Billy and Spirit both without add-ons.

    As Billy, I use Whispers, Monitor & Abuse, BBQ and Ruin. Yes, I still run Ruin because I still see many scrubs wasting time looking for the totem because they can't hit great skill checks.

    As Spirit, I use PGTW instead of Ruin because it's very effective for my playstyle:

    • BBQ
    • PGTW
    • Sloppy Butcher
    • Whispers / Stridor

    However, since you struggle with instaheals, I recommend you to try a different build, something like:

    • Monitor & Abuse
    • A Nurses Calling
    • MYC
    • Sloppy Butcher / Ruin / Something else to stall

    Use the hooked Survivor as bait while staying relatively close to the hook (but obviously outside MYC radius). Because of the small terror radius with M&A you can often see them healing up as you run back to the hook before they notice - giving you the next easy down thanks to the MYC debuff.

    It's a bit scummy but I personally don't care anymore :)

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Mori pink :D mayby not super great for insta heal but you cant heal somone who is dead :)
  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    Gotta bring those Eboni Moris. You can't heal the dead.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Tsulan said:
    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 

    Ok. Thanks. If there's not a medkit should I run Brutal Strength?

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Poweas said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 

    Ok. Thanks. If there's not a medkit should I run Brutal Strength?

    Depend from killer but imo BS dont change too mutch just not woth it.
  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    Alright, listen. Hex: Ruin? You can trash it for this: Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, and a perk of your choice. You can use knockout to essentially take someone out of the game by leaving them on the floor then finding someone else, and then sloppy butcher makes the healing take longer. You can then use Nurse's to spot people if they do find the downed person, then take advantage of that information. I usually run BBQ as my 4th perk for the bloodpoints and pressure potential.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Poweas said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 

    Ok. Thanks. If there's not a medkit should I run Brutal Strength?

    Brutal Strength is trash. Never use it. 
    If there's no medkit or flashlight, take Monitor&Abuse it's great on fast killers.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @AntiJelly said:
    Alright, listen. Hex: Ruin? You can trash it for this: Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, and a perk of your choice. You can use knockout to essentially take someone out of the game by leaving them on the floor then finding someone else, and then sloppy butcher makes the healing take longer. You can then use Nurse's to spot people if they do find the downed person, then take advantage of that information. I usually run BBQ as my 4th perk for the bloodpoints and pressure potential.

    I might run Deerstalker for my last 1 if I want a slugging build. I'm going to level her up and get knock out to tier 3, that sounds like a ridiculously strong build lol. As Spirit, should I guard close gens or should I patrol the whole map?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Tsulan said:
    Poweas said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 

    Ok. Thanks. If there's not a medkit should I run Brutal Strength?

    Brutal Strength is trash. Never use it. 
    If there's no medkit or flashlight, take Monitor&Abuse it's great on fast killers.

    Ok. Thanks a lot.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Poweas said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Poweas said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Trash brutal Strength and for the love of God, take Franklin's. 

    Ok. Thanks. If there's not a medkit should I run Brutal Strength?

    Brutal Strength is trash. Never use it. 
    If there's no medkit or flashlight, take Monitor&Abuse it's great on fast killers.

    Ok. Thanks a lot.

    You're welcome ;)
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Poweas That's an okay build, but if you want to beat insta-heals you need something Exposed. NOED or MYC are the best for Spirit. I wouldn't use HG because it's her perk and people would expect it and not do the totem, plus 60 seconds is almost nothing at the end of the day. Devour could be a good choice but it's very RNG dependent so you take that risk.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Get rid of Ruin you'll be much better in the long run without relying on it.

    If you see a more stealthy group camo outfits aka P3 Claudette's Megs Neas etc take Whispers and be aware it triggers on hooked people. You just have to learn to ignore htat white noise so to speak and discern when it's actually finding someone.

    BBQ if you're farming but if not Sloppy if no medkits since it really buys you time even with others healing since they're not ong ens anymore.

    Franklins if you see more than 2 medkits/toolboxes/flashlights or a combo of 4 items and memorize where you smacked them since they'll always go back to that spot if you lose them.

    Bitter Murmur is great for the free tracking both when gens get done and endgame especially if you're using Rancor and or have an Ebony.

    Ebony, speaks for itself but even if you forget to use it the mere presence of it will make them play much more careful.

    Rancor, great for mind gaming the obsession especially if it's a swf group since you can go one way for those 3 seconds then another entirely.

    M&A, this is a great one for her especially if not using her Prayer Beads but with Prayer Beads and Yakuyoke Amulet you can get much much closer before phasing. That makes your jump scares that much more evil and allows you to either get a grab plus hit if more than one of multiple hits.

    Brutal I don't bother with since you want to mind game pallets anyways and if you bring Spirit Fury it's wasted and besides if you bring Brutal. You get tempted to destroy pallets you want left up so you can bait survivors into using them.

    MYC is awesome on her since you can run off or even phase off from the hook quickly so by the time you're halfway through phasing it'll proc. Yuo cna turn around mid phase usually and head right back to the hook for a free down or 2.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @powerbats said:
    Get rid of Ruin you'll be much better in the long run without relying on it.

    If you see a more stealthy group camo outfits aka P3 Claudette's Megs Neas etc take Whispers and be aware it triggers on hooked people. You just have to learn to ignore htat white noise so to speak and discern when it's actually finding someone.

    BBQ if you're farming but if not Sloppy if no medkits since it really buys you time even with others healing since they're not ong ens anymore.

    Franklins if you see more than 2 medkits/toolboxes/flashlights or a combo of 4 items and memorize where you smacked them since they'll always go back to that spot if you lose them.

    Bitter Murmur is great for the free tracking both when gens get done and endgame especially if you're using Rancor and or have an Ebony.

    Ebony, speaks for itself but even if you forget to use it the mere presence of it will make them play much more careful.

    Rancor, great for mind gaming the obsession especially if it's a swf group since you can go one way for those 3 seconds then another entirely.

    M&A, this is a great one for her especially if not using her Prayer Beads but with Prayer Beads and Yakuyoke Amulet you can get much much closer before phasing. That makes your jump scares that much more evil and allows you to either get a grab plus hit if more than one of multiple hits.

    Brutal I don't bother with since you want to mind game pallets anyways and if you bring Spirit Fury it's wasted and besides if you bring Brutal. You get tempted to destroy pallets you want left up so you can bait survivors into using them.

    MYC is awesome on her since you can run off or even phase off from the hook quickly so by the time you're halfway through phasing it'll proc. Yuo cna turn around mid phase usually and head right back to the hook for a free down or 2.


  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @Poweas said:

    @AntiJelly said:
    Alright, listen. Hex: Ruin? You can trash it for this: Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, and a perk of your choice. You can use knockout to essentially take someone out of the game by leaving them on the floor then finding someone else, and then sloppy butcher makes the healing take longer. You can then use Nurse's to spot people if they do find the downed person, then take advantage of that information. I usually run BBQ as my 4th perk for the bloodpoints and pressure potential.

    I might run Deerstalker for my last 1 if I want a slugging build. I'm going to level her up and get knock out to tier 3, that sounds like a ridiculously strong build lol. As Spirit, should I guard close gens or should I patrol the whole map?

    Eh, that's a general killer question. It depends on the setup. Say if you have 2 gens left, 3 of them are close and 1 is far away. You might as well let that 4th one go and protect the closer 3. You just gotta pay attention and use game sense to decide what to do.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @AntiJelly said:

    @Poweas said:

    @AntiJelly said:
    Alright, listen. Hex: Ruin? You can trash it for this: Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, and a perk of your choice. You can use knockout to essentially take someone out of the game by leaving them on the floor then finding someone else, and then sloppy butcher makes the healing take longer. You can then use Nurse's to spot people if they do find the downed person, then take advantage of that information. I usually run BBQ as my 4th perk for the bloodpoints and pressure potential.

    I might run Deerstalker for my last 1 if I want a slugging build. I'm going to level her up and get knock out to tier 3, that sounds like a ridiculously strong build lol. As Spirit, should I guard close gens or should I patrol the whole map?

    Eh, that's a general killer question. It depends on the setup. Say if you have 2 gens left, 3 of them are close and 1 is far away. You might as well let that 4th one go and protect the closer 3. You just gotta pay attention and use game sense to decide what to do.


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    On my Spirit I run
    Make your choice
    BBQ and Chili
    Nurses calling
    and my last perk depends on what I feel like running. Normally it's Spirit Fury or Enduring
    As for the Insta heals, exposed status perks or Franklins demise work very good against them
    I haven't played much Spirit in a while but I do love to play her. Hope this helped out a little bit!!! :smile:

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    On my Spirit I run
    Make your choice
    BBQ and Chili
    Nurses calling
    and my last perk depends on what I feel like running. Normally it's Spirit Fury or Enduring
    As for the Insta heals, exposed status perks or Franklins demise work very good against them
    I haven't played much Spirit in a while but I do love to play her. Hope this helped out a little bit!!! :smile:

    Thanks a lot. :smile:

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @Poweas said:

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

    I've Decimated Groups with NOED and Prayer Beads on spirit. Try it.

    Yoke Amulet, Prayer Beads


    BBQ, Devour Hope, Toth, and Ruin.

    You should be able to defend your totems rather handily, and the prayer beads will stop them from getting a heads up when you phase in.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vortexas I'll just say, I'm never running NOED. Unless survivors 'break' me to the point that my rule is just a thing of the past, I will never touch that perk.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @Poweas said:

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

    Lol, on a side note, I have actually had a game where I slugged the first person with knockout, and his teammates couldn't find him for so long that he just D/C'd.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vortexas said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

    I've Decimated Groups with NOED and Prayer Beads on spirit. Try it.

    Yoke Amulet, Prayer Beads


    BBQ, Devour Hope, Toth, and Ruin.

    You should be able to defend your totems rather handily, and the prayer beads will stop them from getting a heads up when you phase in.

    Wait will thrill of the hunt actually work with her? I don't use any addons with her but I wonder if it works for protecting my totems though, I'm going to try that out.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Vortexas said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

    I've Decimated Groups with NOED and Prayer Beads on spirit. Try it.

    Yoke Amulet, Prayer Beads


    BBQ, Devour Hope, Toth, and Ruin.

    You should be able to defend your totems rather handily, and the prayer beads will stop them from getting a heads up when you phase in.

    Wait will thrill of the hunt actually work with her? I don't use any addons with her but I wonder if it works for protecting my totems though, I'm going to try that out.> @AntiJelly said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Vortexas said:
    If Insta Heals are a problem, the only direct counter would be Franklins.

    It's just a matter of knowing when to expect it. When you see someone with a Med-Kit Healing always assume they are about to tap it into an insta-heal.

    On Billy this shouldn't be much of a problem, as a fast saw hit will trump it.

    On Spirit I'd say depending on the Map if you are really worried about it try Rancor, Haunted Ground, or even Good Old Devour Hope.

    NOED never hurt either for a little extra insurance.

    Remember when playing Killer there is no Made up Code of Honor, Ethics, or Morality.

    You kill, or you fail. How you do it is entirely up to you.

    Yup. Which is why I've decided to go rouge and forget my survivor rulebook while I'm killer. I'm definitely going to run @AntiJelly 's build, slugging is super fun as Nurse. I wonder how it is with Spirit who is so good at chasing.

    Lol, on a side note, I have actually had a game where I slugged the first person with knockout, and his teammates couldn't find him for so long that he just D/C'd.

    Lol. Sounds amazing. You have got to record it if you ever manage that again.