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Honest thoughts on "The Artist" & the New Map?

I like her sounds and her chase music! but idk how she is as a killer - I went against her twice yesterday and managed to escape both times but idk is it just me or does her power seems a little weak? Maybe its just because i dont play killer and she seems so confusing to me lol what are you guys thoughts? as far as the new map im really enjoying it! & i love the floating books in the main building

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I like her visuals.

    Her, not so much.

    I don't really enjoy killers that can't be looped in the regular manner.

  • Member Posts: 716

    I think they're both awesome. My favorite chapter since blight

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Overrated killer. Ridiculous busted map.

  • Member Posts: 326

    I like the artist but the map is too big.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Killer is fun. She has a bit of a different feel.

    map is not on my lost of things in dbd I enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Artist is the cutest Killer they've released since Demogorgon, so it's a win in my book. The map is good looking and unique, but it's pretty big

  • Member Posts: 312

    I'm having a hard time actually tracking with the crows. I shoot 3 at a time over and over in multiple directions and don't get any pings. Idk. I like the idle crows at loops but I haven't gotten the tracking down.

    Just seems hard to actually ping anyone across the map. Could be just me but it seems difficult.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    The killer is a terrible mistake. The map is awesome.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I honestly think BHVR should listen to their game director. And go play/develop something else, for a week or two, three…

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Loving the killer, which I really didn't expect. Though, I have yet to actually face her as survivor. The map, particularly its gen spread is a tad too much.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I need better perks to actually say something.I was genrushed to death many times.

    The cooldown on crows are kinda too slow for my taste. By the time you try to down someone with two crows, chances are that the surv might already be free from the swarm.

    The map is a headache for killers imo, the main building I played was a breakable walls heaven and survivors Just used and abused that place. I wasted a lot of time breaking walls in that location.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    The killer is pretty cool. Her power is fun to use and her visuals are nice, but that doesn't mean I'm not absolutely tired with these oppressive 1v1 zero mobility killers.

    As for the map, yeah it's pretty cool. However I would argue that there shouldn't be a second floor in its main building. Fix the window chaining and lower the map's size a bit.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited December 2021

    The map is absolutely beautiful. A bit too bright, but the visuals are incredible. My only problem is that the main building is filled with mandatory breakable walls. There's at least three of them next to god windows. Four? Very frustrating.

    I can't speak for the Artist too much, as I've only played one match as her and I'm still getting used to her power. Seems much easier to use it as recon than it is to utilize it successfully in chases. Her counterplay seems a bit like Nurse's; move unpredictably. But unlike Nurse, she does force you to leave loops because she's a 115. I haven't had significant problems playing against her yet. Love her TR, though the ramp up when she's really close to you is on the quiet side and it can be misleading. Will have to get used to that.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I don't think they have to be swarmed to get injured by a second bird. I just think you need to be in a shorter range when shooting it to injure them.

    Idk. Can someone break down her abilities quick? I hit a Meg running to a window and she had no birds on her. It downed her.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I absolutely love playing as her. The amount of control she can have over the entire match is fantastic.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited December 2021

    IMHO, it's not that bad of a map for me. Save for the Awesomely designed, but nasty Main building (unless you break the BW's), the only real issues I have with it is that, there's very little cover/mid-large loops or LoS Blockers, and the absolute worst totem spawn locations I've seen on a map. Playing as Plague on it yesterday, I found it incredibly easy to locate and infect survivors, or simply spot already infected survivors, and no matter where my Hex:BF/Ruin spawned, it was just as easily spotted and cleansed/blessed by survivors. This map simply has little to no stealth play or hiding spots, which makes it really difficult for survivors to sneak around but also equally as difficult for the killer to sneak up on anyone. It's gotta be the WORST map for Stealth killers like GF, Shape, Wraith, etc, but a damn decent one for High mobility/loud n' proud or Ranged killers Like Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Plague, Bubba, Huntress etc.

    I'll have to do more testing on it with different killers of course to prove this, but that's the general Feeling I have about it currently: Stealth's Bane, but Ranged and High mobility killers playground, and also, a Hex perk Builds worst map. Either Way, I have conflicted feelings about it thus far. As far as whose side it favors more... I feel that depends on the killer you play/oppose when you go there.

    As for The Artist herself... She's got a decent skill ceiling, and counter play (did you know you can duck long ranged crows?), but can Shut down loops very quickly. I like to think of her as a sort of "close ranged" Huntress currently, in that while her power has the ability to do damage at mid to long range, close range and small-mid sized loops is where it shines best. the "Just run forward/Hold W" meta/strat is more effective against her than it is against Huntress, or other ranged killers, because of how she has to setup long ranged attacks by priming you for damage first (swarm), but if you attempt to loop her, you're gonna have a bad time.

    I'm not sure how Balanced this is, but overall to me, this Chapter is the certified "Hold W" chapter: Has a survivor perk that encourages that kind of game play, a map that's definitely designed for it, and a killer that's semi-weak against it.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    She's fun if you playing against someone that doesn't know how to counter her because you can use her power but if they hold w once you start placing crows it completely negates her power and she's becomes one of the most boring killers to play.

    Haven't went against her though.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Artist: The PTB nerf hurt her more than people expected. She can't lay 'bird mines' anymore, and the swarm is far too quick and easy to repel. Her addons are also sort of meh. Let's see how things shake out though.

    Map: Absolutely love it.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    her power is dumb. but not as dumb as her ability to cross snipe survivors with those crows non stop, thats annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    I used to think the term "Hold W meta" was as stupid a term as "gen camping". This update has showed me that the "Hold W meta" really does exist and it makes the game incredibly boring. The artist has a hypothetically strong power, but if you try and trap a loop, survivors can just run away from it and you've made essentially 0 progress in your chase. What you end up doing is using your power to trap loops not to damage survivors, but to corrall them into dead zones where you can get an m1 hit. This combined with huge maps, like her map The Eyrie of Crows which is essentially just Ormond on crack (huge map with a large central building with strong loops), makes for an incredibly boring gameplay loop. Which is a shame, because her power has the potential to be very fun to use, cause I experienced it firsthand. Before people figured out you can just run away from her, she was fun, but now that everyone just holds W, she's incredibly boring to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I really like the Artist's visuals and the noises she makes are creepy, which I also like. I haven't tried playing as her yet, so no comment on her power.

    As for the new map, I really like it. It's great aesthetically and really pretty. The only issues I have with it that it's too bright and open, but other than that it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 117

    They literally forgot about Trapper with this new map cause there’s like no grass to hide traps…

  • Member Posts: 400

    Cool concept, shes far too weak. New map, probably top 4 most survivor sided in the game.

    So. Pretty on par for BHVR

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    The new map seems easier for a 3 gens strat, especially from the library side.

    The Artist is just 😍

  • Member Posts: 454

    Artisti: Haven't bought the DLC and probably won't buy it any time soon. I've faced around 10 Artists by now (I haven't played much these last days) and I'm already bored of her. Her sounds are annoying (I can't believe we lost Pinhead's legendary line but this thing survived T-T), her crows constantly camping hooks, can't wait for the trend to be over :/

    Map: Loved it, but I'd rather have a darker ground so that things like Hag's traps or Trapper's traps would blend better with the environment.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    A few things:

    • You can't really camp hooks with crows. The best you can do is to line up a massive 'birb barrage' from a distance, which takes a long time to set up and a bit of luck to execute. If you see the crows coming, bodyblock. If she's proxy camping using the birds to create a joke, you'll need to bait them.
    • She's actually very outplayable. Crows have a small hitbox and are harder to land than you'd think. Treat her crows as you would any other projectile and you'll see how to juke her. Don't try to loop her for long, wait for her to set a crow and immediately run to the next loop. In deadzones, juke when you hear her 'birds away' sound.
    • Amen on the Pinhead stuff.
    • I really love her sounds. One of the most 'eerie' killers by far. Each to their own I guess.
    • Trapper is dumb on this map, but Hag can do well by trapping the central building and pallets in advance. You'll need to give up half the map though.
    • The central building has an infinite, about on par with the prenerf House of Pain loop on Haddonfield. It will likely be adjusted (eventually) but for now, you have to avoid getting into chases there as much as possible.
  • Member Posts: 1,607

    She feels extremely clunky and unresponsive to play her. It's like playing in massive 300 ping lag or something when using her power. But it isn't lag. It's just the natural delay and slowdown baked into the killer. The problem is it feels awful. There's a delay where I can't summon crows too close to the hook, a delay putting crows down, a delay firing them, a delay on them hitting their target etc etc etc. She is full of "delays" that all come together to make her power feel unresponsive and clunky to use. I don't enjoy summoning crows, pressing ctrl like 15 times and it not doing anything because the game has some arbitrary timer I must wait before I am allowed to. I'm not saying she needs buffs. Something just needs to be done to smooth out how these delays and restrictions feel. I'm not sure how you do that but yeah, my feeling with her is that using her power is akin to playing in lag, but it's not lag, it's just a design feature. And that's not really fun. I like her look, I like the idea of her power. I don't like feeling like there's a 5 second timer between "I want to fire some birds at a guy" to actually getting there.

  • Member Posts: 7,976


    They do. BHVR often works as a outsourcing company for other studio's. The part of BHVR that works on dbd is relatively small.

    A single look on their website is all you need to see a couple of games they worked on for other studios

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