Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Let's put the Engineer's Fang nerf into perspective

Now that only 2 chains spawn, you have to run the purple add-on, that spawns an additional chain when one breaks, just for Engineer's Fang to be as good as it was before. So from a pink that does well on its own... to a pink and a purple needed to compensate. OR you could think of it as pre-nerf Engineer's Fang but with the joke add-on, Bent Nail I believe, which spawns 1 less chain for more blood points. When a nerf turns an add-on into what was basically a joke add-on, you know it was messed up.



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    This is a dramatic overreaction, the Engineer's Fang nerf was the single nerf on the list that was unobjectionably necessary. That addon was incredibly strong, and still is incredibly strong, they just gave it a downside.

    You can run it with the purple addon that spawns an additional chain, or you can not, because a ranged injure through walls is really strong even if that's the only thing his power gives him- which it isn't, Chain Hunts are unaffected by this nerf.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    No, you will not use his ability for anti-loop when you've got Engineer's Fang. The devs have seen to that. If you are trying to anti-loop with just 2 chains, I have this to say: good luck.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2021

    I guess I disagree with some people about Engineers Fang being too strong, I think it was fine before. Against a solid swf at max mmr you needed this addon just to have a chance at competing.

    Could it have been maybe too strong against average-bad survivors? Maybe, but we shouldn't be balancing around them in the first place. It's also an ultra-rare addon..IE you aren't getting that many of them should be strong.

    Also, Pinhead is a very high skill cap killer anyway, so only really good Pinheads would be utilizing this addons to those high levels anyway. IE not as oppressive at low mmr because it can't be fully used to its highest extent.

    I don't agree with nerfing it, or his other addons for that matter. Most his addons are bad and I would've been closer to giving quite a few of them buffs.

    Pinheads current state is a very skill and high risk killer for low reward with a map pressure ability that is realistically never happening unless you give up 2 of your perk slots and even then against actually good survivors can be very limited. His base kit could use some QoL changes.

    I could see an argument more so if this was on a low skill requirement killer but the fact that he requires a high skill level makes it more acceptable. Essentially a similar argument as to why we don't complain about Nurse and Nurse is just like that base kit, no ultra rare. Not saying he's as hard as Nurse, but I definitely think he's up there as one of the top few as far as skill requirement.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Syringes have already been nerfed but I would okay with them being 16 seconds only and not effected by healing speeds

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I think the problem is that the nerf didn't actually target the possible problematic part (shooting through walls at long range with hard to dodge chains and always getting a hit), it just made his followup garbage.

    Like, of all the parameters of range/chain speed/portal time/cooldowns to tweak, it was instead the number of chains that got the chop?

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    Yeah I just realized, Clown's one shot bottle is perfectly fine but Engineer's Fang is too much?

    Clown gets multiple chances to use it, and even if he cant land it on their back, he can close in to have an easier chance of it later. If Pinhead misses the chase can be over just like that.

    Not to mention Clown circumvents all mechanics around injury, the speed boost, the potential Dead Hard, multiple injury perks, Pinhead has to sit through all of that.

    Just let both be strong!

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Engi fang is honestly still very strong. I'm astonished that it escaped mildly singed while most of his other addons got napalmed. It was the only 'problem' addon that he had (imho) and I'm still a bit salty about the bizarro nerfs.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Pinky finger definitely needed a nerf when he got his rework. How it didn’t change is beyond me

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Let's crack into that, shall we?

    The flaw in your logic here is that you're working from the premise that the only thing this addon does is reduce chains. You're also putting far too much weight into the possessed chains as his "main" power, but you're not technically wrong with your phrasing there so I'll let it slide.

    What the Engineer's Fang actually does is injure someone at range, through walls. The tradeoff for this ability is that the possessed chains are less effective on already injured targets, meaning that by using it, you are changing the way you play Pinhead to put more weight into regular looping with a one-shot down and the Chain Hunts, which are completely unaffected by this nerf. It's still very strong if you know how to use it, all they've done is make it something with a downside instead of just objectively making his power ten times stronger at no cost.

    People who are mad about this nerf may understand maths, but the people who aren't mad about it understand game design.

    (Though I won't argue with the other commenter who pointed out Clown's oneshot bottle, that addon is busted)

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    It doesn't matter how fast you injured them if you can't hit them the second time.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Y'all act like you just put this add-on on and everyone's instadownable. That's not how it works. You have to take time to spawn, aim, and launch the chain, then you catch up to the survivor, AND THEN the chase starts. Things can go wrong. You could miss, your gateway could be inside a wall or be some place you can't hit them, they could dodge it, you could not even get value out of it because it's simpler just to M1 the person in front of you. Pinhead does have a hard time downing people, because of the nature of his weak anti-loop power, which actually becomes weaker because of this add-on :).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Yeah, bud, you do still have to play well and you do have to overcome the downside to the very strong opener, that's not a particularly great argument.

    The effect of the Engineer's Fang is really strong, there should be a downside, and I think having the now-damaging power not working as well on injured targets is perfectly legitimate. You can prop up that side with addons, or go for regular chases with some perks to help out if you think you're up for it. You shouldn't get to just make his power much stronger with no downside, that's bad addon design.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Did you just saying pulling something off that takes skill shouldn't be strong?

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2021

    The nerf did nothing to that addon, chains no matter how many are useless at almost all times, all it does is 0.1s interrupt before they break over terrain.

    The addon though was never a problem, pinheads power is too hard to hit with no reward at all, this addon solved that issue for the first hit at least. You can't down with it anyway and survivors in injured state are stronger.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Not sure where you got that from, but we'll see if I can rephrase for better clarity!

    Something which increases power to the degree of Engineer's Fang should have a downside. Engineer's Fang is still just as strong for the effect that it actually gives, and the tradeoff for that strength is that the slowdown on injured survivors when you hit them with an M2 chain is less effective.

    You can use a second addon to cover that downside, or you can play around it. An addon that makes a power much stronger just should have a downside, which this does.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Do you just forget the fact that the addon still gives him a better damaging potential than any other killer? It should have a tradeoff like it does now, and it is the only nerfed addon that makes sense lol

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Are we pretending that other ranged Killers' ability to get a second hit doesn't exist? Or the iri hatchet?

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Ok it did have a downside it took 50% longer to exit the possessed chains animation even if you didn't fire it off plus there a cooldown before you can do anything but move after using his power.

    If iri addon can't be strong then they need to change the cost because it 7k bp for just one iri and thats alot.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    That's... really not much of a downside. That animation is already pretty quick, and the addon was still very clearly a net gain with no functional, meaningful downside.

    Now, there's something you do actually have to take into account when you run this addon. This is exactly how an iridescent should be- very strong, but with downsides/limitations that dictate how you play with it.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Oh yeah not disagreeing with the fact that you still need to get a follow up hit, but with engineer's fang he not only had a better chance to get a first hit more than any other killer, but also still had a very strong slowdown ability.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is you can't give it a downside equal to it power other wise it should be a purple or green. If it the rarest I should be strong it should cause a threat. That doesn't mean broken and op.

    Alot of people on this game don't understand stand what overpowered really is.

    Like in a moba I play there was a character the could walk into a 5v1 at 30% health and walk out with a 5k and 70% health you had to be very skilled to pull it off but it still wasn't ok.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    That's exactly what add-ons are supposed to be! Why do they have to have drawbacks?! They're supposed to add on to the killer's power!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    It's not better damaging potential. Legion can deal a health state pretty much guaranteed AND it gives deep wound. Damaging with Pinhead's chains is simply an alternative way of aiming skillfully to deal damage, in the way that Huntress aims or Nurse aims.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    If there good at loops your a m1 killer that can injure fast with built in survivor controlled slow down.

    Survivors- x killer need nerf there actually strong

    Also survivors-im so tired of playing against the same two killers how come you never play different killers

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Iridescents with very strong effects should have drawbacks, for two reasons:

    1: To allow them to have actually strong and powerful effects without becoming OP.

    2: To inform and influence the way that you play with them, so that they're more for defining the playstyle than being the unambiguously best option.

    I don't think this downside really is equal. Ranged damage through walls, at the cost of having less utility in looping. He can still loop just as well as any M1 killer, and he still has the Chain Hunts to help him out- all this addon means is that you have an easy injure and have to work from there with other tools. If you don't like the idea, don't run the Engineer's Fang? It's not like it's his basekit, you don't have to play in that "injure at range, down up close" style if you don't want to.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Yeah but legion also has to catch up to the survivor and still deal with loops and etc, legion doesnt run very fast either. Pinhead can walk up to any tile, loop, building in the game and land the first hit with engineers fang, throw on the original pin addon and you can add deep wound to those second hits as well, not to mention you still have the interruption potential of pinhead.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Been an m1 killer is really bad the are the weakest killers in game. Chain hunt is only strong because survivors don't want to get the box. I played against him a pretty decent amount and only died a few times to him(I play solo) if you just get the box his power is pointless.

    I don't run it because I'm on console and that 50% adds alot distance if you don't hit or have to cancel. If you hit ever chain then its strong but if you miss the w is real.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Engineer’s Fang was of course fine.

    Did it make Pinhead OP? No. So what’s the issue?

    Did it make him strong? Yes. That’s sort of the point.

    Contrary to what the devs and many survivor mains seem to think, there’s nothing wrong with at least some killers being strong, even if they have to use an iridescent addon.

    This game has what, 26 killers? Yet only 3 or 4 of them at best are able to compete vs skilled survivors. We are told this is acceptable. Frankly it’s pitiful.

    Any time another killer gets close to that level, they are nerfed. There’s no getting around it. DBD is undeniably survivor sided, and survivors are overwhelmingly coddled by the devs. If you don’t know how to play vs a killer, like Wraith for example, they are nerfed so that your ability to play the game is no longer a factor.

    I’ve yet to see one vaguely convincing argument for why the addon should have been nerfed.

    It shifts his power too much? What does that even mean? Seems like another way of saying, it makes him stronger. Well yes. That’s the idea. What’s the issue?

    It allows him to injure at range? Yea. That’s the idea. What’s the issue?

    It makes him an S tier killer. Alright. If using an iridescent, the game now has three S tier killers out of 26 killers. What’s the issue? S tier killers are simply able to compete or come close to competing on par with survivors. Sounds like we need more of them, not less?

    No. Engineers Fang was nerfed for the same reason everything on the killer side gets nerfed. Entitled survivors mains complaining because they don’t want to have to actually play the game, learn, improve, etc. They just want easy escapes and they only care that the game is fun or rewarding for them specifically, and the devs seem to overwhelmingly agree.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    So what add-on are you going to use instead of Fang? I’m curious to hear what add-on you think is better.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Of course you totally ignore the fact that Fang injures healthy survivors and has no chains at all, but people still used it anyway because obvious an instant injure is better than a chain slowdown.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Except that you can hit them a second time. I’ve been watching a lot of Pinhead matches and it’s not common to see a chase on someone where the extra chain lost on an injured target would have made a difference. Most of the time the survivor is healthy (in which case the chain still injures them) or the killer would have hit them regardless or still not have hit them regardless.

    I’m not saying the loss of a chain literally never makes a difference, but it’s not as big an impact as you’re making it out to be.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    You perhaps skimmed over the math there, so let me tl;dr it for you:

    The nerf to Engineer's Fang means that the power itself is fundamentally changed. Like Freddy going from dream snares to dream pallets.

    Engineer's Fang changes Pinhead's ability from "hit them and slow them down," to "you can damage healthy survivors."

    Two chains do not off-set the built-in delay of using the power, even if you hit somebody with it. There is zero reason to use it if the target is injured. The sole purpose of his base power is to injury healthy survivors, at a close-to-medium range. In essence, it turns Pinhead from a worse Clown to a worse Legion.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Worse Legion? The ability to injure at range, through walls, without the punishing cooldowns and penalty for using M1 attacks afterwards? No, I'm not buying that.

    What it does is shift him to a Huntress that can't down but doesn't have to care about LoS, if we're going to draw weird and slightly awkward comparisons to extant killers.

    You're right: you don't use your M2 on injured survivors with the Engineer's Fang on, because the addon changes his power to have strength elsewhere. Something as strong as a ranged injure through walls warrants some kind of downside, and this is as good a change as any; this makes him more of a one-shot looper and encourages him to use his Chain Hunts more.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    He's worse than Legion in that he can't injure a whole team in one go.

    His chains are pitifully easy to dodge and have such a long recovery time that you've pretty much gotten away if you're paying any attention to the game at all. It's also far less distance than Huntress and though it can go through walls, it can't round corners, so again: worse legion. The only time it's good is if the survivors are mindlessly M1 on a generator and you're either undetectable or they're just ignoring the huge, throbbing heartbeat warning them to move slightly.

    As for "encourages him to use his Chain Hunts more," you may have forgotten that all the addons that MADE his Chainhunt usable got supremely nerfed in the same pass as Engineer's Fang.

    It takes 45 seconds for the box to respawn and 90 seconds for a Chain Hunt to begin. That's 135 seconds. Additionally, the chain hunt immediately stops the moment a survivor picks up the box. and cannot begin again until the box is solved or dropped. At absolute best, that's over 2 minutes to get any chain hunt value, which is 1.7 finished generators (per survivor).

    Please, by all means, tell me how you are supposed to "Use Chain Hunts More." Is there some hidden mechanic that the killer can do to make the box appear on his screen like it does for Survivors? Some way to make it respawn faster? Or a way to stop one survivor from just picking it up and staying hidden for the bulk of the game, leaving you as - one last time - a worse Legion

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    The box has a predictable spawn pattern that isn't random. As far as I can see, The Thing that will separate merely competent Pinhead players from actually great ones is how well they can track down the box to get themselves a chain hunt, and then use that pressure to get some downs.

    Of course, nothing about Pinhead changes the fact that if an iridescent is that strong, it deserves a downside to balance it, ideally one that informs the way you play while you have that addon equipped. If you think Pinhead really needed to use old Engineer's Fang to stand a shadow of a chance in a match, that is the problem, and that is what should be changed- bad addon design doesn't get a pass because the killer its associated with is weak, Clown still needs his fixed.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    I didn't say I wouldn't use Fang or that there's a better add-on. I'm saying that this add-on with this nerf basically switches your killer power for a different one instead of adding to it, because before you could injure people and then still have Pinhead's weak anti-loop for maybe a chance at hitting the survivor, but now his ability is so weak for anti-loop, you basically might as well use it for just the damaging part and not chaining them once they're injured. You will be hurting yourself more than helping yourself, stopping every couple seconds to throw on 2 measly chains on a survivor.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited December 2021

    The spawn pattern is predictable but taking advantage of it is not. You need to know where every survivor is (and yourself) as soon as the box spawn sounds and be able to guess which of the spots on the map are more than 16m from a survivor (and nowhere near you). You also need to get there first and grab the box (or hope you get extra lucky and intercept a survivor).

    Of course, the biggest problem is those 45s of downtime where there's no box. Tracking all the survivors at that point? Eh.

    His passive is lopsidedly out of his control with the way spawns work and who gets what info, it's silly. Like, survivors can know exactly where pinhead isn't from where the box spawns.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    You know what? I agree with you. At his core, he's got a bad design. His active power is too difficult to execute, too easy for survivors to dodge, and too punishing for missing, for how little advantage it actually gives you on a hit. And his passive is too survivor-sided to be reliable without addons (which now have been nuked.

    At its baseline, every chain should take 1.25 or 1.5 seconds to remove, and the lament configuration should ALWAYS be invisible until a survivor is within 24 m until the chain hunt starts.

  • PlayTwink
    PlayTwink Member Posts: 454

    You realize how hard it is to land a hit with his power? Basically the same skill cap as the nurse.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619
    edited December 2021

    Anything is "unhealthy", according to survivor players, that makes the killer strong. Honestly, the word unhealthy isn't even used correctly on this forum and has no place here. Hyperbole is what it is, along with the usage of the word "toxic".

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Ok, so we agree then, Fang is still his best add-on. That's all I said in my first reply.