Opinion on new Survivor Profile Pictures

Now, now these character profile pictures have changed a lot recently, and I was personally a fan of the original ones, and didn't think that they needed changing, but I logged in again today and noticed that they changed again, and I would like to know everyone's opinion on if they changed for the better.
Or not.
Dwight -> No
Meg -> Absolutely
Jake -> He's so hot
Nea -> Yes
Laurie -> Oh God yes
Feng -> Eh
David -> Words cannot express how much I wish to marry this man
Quentin -> Slightly below Jake in terms of yes
Kate -> Ehhhhhh
Adam -> Yeah
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i dont like laurie's new icon it looks so wierd imo
+we need new killer icons
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Dwight looks more Killer like than Trickster
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I think the killer icons are great the way they are, though the doctor one needs an update since he got a face lift recently.
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Am I the only one who thinks Adam's new portrait looks like a baby filter was used to take the picture?
I prefer the original one WAY more than the new one. The new background story pictures for all of them look nice though.
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Dwight's portrait looks horrific.
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the old ones (excluding quentin obviously) were fine and this was completely unnecessary
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They ruined dwight. His hair is so oily it's disgusting.
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They look like plastic.
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Dwight: Probably the worst one of all of them.
Meg: Not great but I'll probably get used to it eventually.
Jake: It's okay.
Nea: Looks good.
Laurie: Looks terrible.
Feng: Eh, it's alright. She's my main so I'm kinda already used to it.
David: They changed his twice, it still isn't good but it's better than what we had last patch.
Quentin: It's fine.
Kate: Meh.
Adam: Looks decent.
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David's is a step up from before
Dwight, Meg, Laurie and Kate look awful. Kate's whole personality seems to have changed and I dont like it. Before she had like, a late 20s early 30s country music star who rides horses look to her and now shes a derpy Barbie Girl. Shes plastic but she ain't fantastic.
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I don't love they gave Laurie dreads. :/
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they did?
I really don't see it.
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ok, maybe not quite dreads.
(also, I think dreads are cool, to clarify. just not on Laurie.)
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They’re conflicted with the artstyle of the other ones and look uncanny. I hate them
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They're pretty much all awful except for Quentin who needed the change.
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The only picture that matters to me is Dwight.
I was impartial to the model rework, but Dwight's new profile picture is actually a big flop and deterrent for me. I really dislike it.
For perspective, I've mained Dwight as my primary survivor since 2016. After seeing that image, I actually considered maining Mikaela instead. While I'm staying with Dwight still, I'm probably going to make Mikaela my alternative survivor and a secondary main at this rate; after all, she has a pointy witch hat.
But seriously, I don't ditch or expand my main roster very often nor very easily. The fact I'm considering it should reflect my disappointment in his new profile picture.
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changes we didnt ask for but this is the change we can expect from dbd these days. in stead of making new refreshing game modes, adding fun stuff to the main game... nope we get more meaningless perks a nd a new overly lighted map
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I think most look fine. I'm not a fan of all of them but I couldn't really give a single ######### about character portraits tbh
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Definitely not a fan of the new ones. Even though some are justified to be renewed, they should have stick to the old style. They look too plastic and in some cases pixelated..
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You are so based man
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I'm too iconic for this realm
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David no longer looks like he swallowed a bee, so that's a W for me
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I just wonder if Steve and Nancy will get updated too for those who own them
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I want cute Feng back :(
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Dwight's is absolutely horrendous
They better change it, he doesn't even have that cute scared look much anymore.
He looks so bad bro