Why is it take so much time to find a lobby as survivor?

Can you notice this or its just me? It is quite unusual to me because if there is a new killer it is usually short que as survivor because of everyone want to try out the new killer.
Because with the new Artist wasn't enough to bring Killer Players back to playing Killer. There are far fewer Killer Players right now due to how one sided the game is right now. Some have stopped playing altogether or switched to Survivor to keep the Que times growing larger.
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Yesturday, survivor lobby were fast today its back to normal. The survivor meta is still op and killer try the new killer already and its not like her perk are game changing so they already back to playing survivor
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I was a dedicated killer main with many hundred hour of playing time who just switched to survivor so i know what u're talking about, but it is still unusual to me....
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I'm waiting for Elden Ring. I have nothing that interests me right now. DBD has gone downhill there are too many bugged updates and unbalanced issues that have been introduced with bad map designs. They won't listen to Tru3Talent or Scott Junds balancing ideas. It's been years of lobby glitches on XBOX and bad fps. Winning takes no skill just press some buttons mindlessly, run boring meta rinse and repeat. Solo q is full of disconnecting babies. I cant do it LOL.
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Alot of it can be time of day, off peak in Oceania, survivor queues are fast and killers are slow, but in peak times it's the opposite.
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I can only play between 5pm - 9pm eastern and survivor takes an eternity. No biggie though got time to drink, piss, smoke, change diaper, etc before next game.
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Some combination of MMR, boons, DH accidentally getting buffed alongside getting fixed, hit validation in general, a hold W perk getting added, alongside all the old complaints, bugs, toxicity, SWF etc etc. Not saying I think all these things are necessarily bad but altogether killer does feel like a bit of a chore right now, for me at least. I want to try out artist and the new perks but at the same time...meh
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As others have said, it's because playing killer right now is frustrating, both because of the difficulty and helplessness the role can confer and due to the treatment of killers by survivor players.
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Its sort of a combination of everything. The release of a new killer, the generally unfun killer experience with MMR, The overwhelming strength of boons, a sizable portion of both sides currently testing out the VHS beta, etc etc. Lots of stuff right now is causing a shortage of killers which is resulting in absurdly long survivor queue times. Combine the lower killer count with behaviors already abysmal matchmaking system and you get absurd queue times.
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Is everyone got VHS beta key except me? πͺπͺπͺ Btw thanks for the answer! π
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I brought the new killer because of his perks its gonna be cool making my build to Nemesis :D
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It's a little slower at night but it's like 1-3 minutes during the day
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For me it's fast in survivor queue during early day to evening, while it's slow killer queue. In the late evening it is slow survivor queue and quick killer. What does this mean? Nothing except maybe that more people are playing survivor with friends after work.
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Play at a different time and you get instant queues.
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I haven't experienced a survivor queue that made me go "huh, this is taking a while" for a long time though?
Seems like I'm not alone in that either, but clearly we must all be lying π
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Ive been taking many breaks from dbd since last year. Only play when friends want to swf and they all uninstalled when sbmm was introduced. "I came" back for a bit when pinhead released but left again before boons. Been playing another play through of evil genius 2 while I wait for Endwalker.
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Because BHVR has make this game unfun for anyone except SWF
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I have about 45 friends from many time zones. so I spy on their usage as it is interesting. in the morning, there are few survivors playing and lots of killers. ( yes I friend request killers who give me the hatch or gate) In the evening, lots of killers and survivors but I think the matches at night are more balanced. In the morning, the survivors are not paired well in skill and the killers skill level seems to be more random
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Try crossplay on in the EU morning until 5pm (I really can't play outside those hours). Instant lobbies on survivor, I wish I could've those on killer.
Not in the EU? Just move in, 4head.
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To be fair Tru3ta1ent and Scott sometimes have bad ideas and ideas that contradict each other. They also have good feedback too, of course, but itβs not like they even agree with each other let alone always have ideas that are actually good.
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I wonder why. Maybe it's because Killer isn't fun, unless you throw multiple games in a row to forcefully lower your MMR
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If you have hundreds of hours from Killer, and have literally switched from Killer to Survivor yourself, what part of slow survivor queues is still unusual to you?
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I find before evening it's easier to find a surivior match and after it's easier to find a killer match, although the matches tend to be quite a bit tougher.
I think it might be because more people play in groups (Survive with friends) in the evening.
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Because when killers asked for balance changes we got a dead hard buff and a slinger and pinhead nerf.