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Ready up glitch

Every few games I play with friends it shows that they are not ready on my screen(PS4) and they load into lobbies without me. It is completely random and only happens in 2 man from what I have seen
This is happening with me. Whenever I join or someone joins my party/ I play SWF.. My ready up won't show on their screen. There's no other issues. It happens every time and I just want to play with my friends. I can't find any solutions to this.
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This happened to me just now a lot. Once all of the SWF Party joined and ready to play, we all ready up then all of the sudden the game says cannot connect to the party host or it would say unknown experience error message. We tried to make a new party and invite others. I think there might be something going on with the servers.
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This is happening a lot to me too and it's getting very annoying on PS4.. Like it will show that I'm ready, but they are not. I ask them if they are ready and they say yes but it doesn't show me. So I have to restart the game like 4 times before it let's me play one game and then it gives me an error code and I have to repeat the whole restarting process to get into another game. When I play solo it works perfectly fine. It only happens when I play with friends. PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE. I love this game, but to be constantly having to do all that just so I can get though one game with my friends is very frustrating.
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I get this exact bug on PC as well. Made a thread about it not too long before this.
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I get this bug on xbox. For them it will she that I'm not readied up when I actually am. Then all of a sudden their characters go gray and it says they're in a match (got in a lobby) and I get an error saying unable to connect to host. The only way to fix it is to restart the game. It only happens after a game or two. Never happens on the first game. It happens more often when I die first and either spectate for a long time or don't spectate at all and sit in the lobby and wait for their game to finish.
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I get this bug EVERYTIME I play with one other person on PS4!!! It’s horrible! I have to restart the game multiple times!
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heres what I do-start the game...create a lobby...invite my friend...he joins and then it doesn’t show he is ready’d up but it says we both are and I’m looking for a game. I finally get a game but it’s just me and not him loaded in. I have to restart my game multiple times and so does he for us to finally get it to work. Not sure what finally gets it to work because we do the same thing everytime!
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I can provide evidence of this? Wanna see
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I can confirm I actually came here to find a way to fix this I try joining my friends and either I can't see them entirely or they are ready and I can't see the check it just doesn't load into lobbies when this happens and I can't even play with them because it happens literally every time
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My friend is having the same issue as well on ps4, He would have to restart the game at least 3 times till it lets us play then after the game we have to do it again. Anyway to fix this yet?
Post edited by Oxygen_stealer on3 -
To show proof, here is side by side screenshots of my screen and my friends screen showing that on my screen we are both ready but on their screen he is ready and I’m not.
Post edited by Oxygen_stealer on4 -
Happens on PC as well in about 1\10 games
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This happens all the time on PC since Silent Hill update.
It happens when someone new joins the party OR after returning from a match with the same team and queuing up for another.
The only way to know is you have comms and you say "Is everyone seeing everyone as ready and seeing 'looking for match' in the lower right?" This is what I ask when the queues are long. If someone answers "No," we ask them, "Who does not appear ready?" Then that person unreadies and readies again as a fix.
If I'm the culprit, I just say "I'm already ready already!" lol
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This happens to me as well on ps4,
The circumstance would be when my friend invites me or when I invites him the same thing happens, We both ready up, On his screen he is readied and I am as well but on my screen he is not readied but I am, This happens every time we try to invite each other and the only way it seems to work is when we manually join each other. Then after every game it kicks me out of the lobby and says "Failing to connect" . I then have to close application and do the same thing over again and sometime i have to close applications 2 to 3 times for it to work. Is something being done or can I do anything to fix it?
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I as well cannot find a match with my friends as of lately. We have to close the application several times for it to work and lately it has not and it’s just getting annoying at this point. I’m tired of playing solo. It’s either one of us doesn’t appear ready or and error occurs in which we can’t host a lobby.
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(PS4) It's November now and this bug still happens in SWF lobby, me and my friends left this game for months because of this bug, and nothing has been done about it? This bug is the main reason me and my friends left DBD.
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(Mobile) it’s happening on mobile too. Me and my bf wanna play together, we got 1 game and then we were both readied up together and when it tried to find us a game it only puts one of us in and the other gets an error. When is this gonna get fixed? The whole point of this is to play with your friends!
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This is still happening as of December 25th, 2020.
Seen cross platform between PS4 and XB1 players. It shows as not all players ready to a different person everytime. Tried using only in-game invites rather than inviting the other XB1 player through the Xbox system.
This also occurred when the PS4 user switched to XB1. We tried the same thing, but still no results.
I think what may be causing the issue is if players are ready and then another player joins, the issue occurs. Not entirely sure. We did get it to repro several times that way though.
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still happening on xbox august 2021 🙄 i’ve been trying to work out ways to fix it but nothing i try works, jus have to keep resetting my game over and over. if anyone knows anything please message me on ig or xbox 😭
ig : ellie.osheaa
xbox : ellieosheaa
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Same for me on xbox one s. After the match my teammates are shown to me as if they are in a match, but they aren't, and after that i am not getting any invites. I need to restart my game almost after every game and progress are not saved when this bug occurs.
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Happens ALL THE TIME to me and my friends. (Closing the game and restarting it usually fixes it.)
We all play on Pc through Game Pass. With three or four people it usually desyncs after a single game and we all have to restart. One or more people will be shown as still in match or someone's lobby will show people as not ready when in reality they are. Sometimes some of us will load in but one will be left behind.
With just 2 people it works half the time.
it's not ideal and some of my friends have moved on.
I can't blame them. It's ridiculous to expect them to restart the game every time we play a match.
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This issue has been happening since I first started playing the game, over a year ago.
I play on Game Pass.
This happens very frequently if one or both players have either played some games solo/in a different party before playing together, if one person survives ~a few minutes longer or more while the other survivor backs out to the ready-up screen, if a player spends a few minutes in the shop or the archives.
It can also occur when none of those examples apply, but you have played a few games together already.
The only solution that seems to work is for one or both players to restart their games fully. Just leaving the party and re-inviting almost always causes the same issue to occur again.
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Happens for me XSX basically every single game. What's more annoying is that even when we do get a game together that works only one game will work then same ready up glitch will happen.
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Haven't even gotten to play one game this patch (Portrait of a Murder) without my 4 man party each having to restart the game twice before all of us saw each other as being ready in the game lobby.
I feel embarrassed to have even asked them to play.
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Happens on Xbox too after every single game. Has been getting progressively worse each patch
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I'm on PC (Steam).
This has been happening to my friend Xbox (on Game Pass) since we started playing in December 2020.
Someone I recently started grouping with also has the issue. They're on PC (Game Pass).
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I play on PC (Steam) and have up to a 4-person SWF split across multiple platforms (DBD for Windows, DBD on Xbox). After most matches, we'll have the lobby bug out in a number of ways. (1) We either see one or more of the party is still in a match, (2) someone gets removed from the lobby due to some unknown error, or (3) someone gets left behind when we finally match against a killer.
We end up having to restart the game after every match in order to fix the lobby and it really makes SWF inconvenient to play for all of us.