Slugging Mechanic and End Game

Alright so i have an idea around the slugging mechanic. Hear me out. We've all been there where the killer is doing a slug build and running around just dropping everyone. That can be fun to play, usually makes the games long but its entertaining from time to time.

The slugging for the 4k though is where the game gets EXTREMELY boring. This usually results in 1 person laying on the ground for 5 min while the other person (generally urban evader lol) usually just ends up running around trying to hide.

I propose the person left on the ground after 1 or 2 min (balancing maybe needed) but the person should get the options to kill themselves. If the person is trying to pick them up then yes it gives them a chance, if not though why should they be forced to sit there and watch for 5 min while everyone runs around them.

I know killers are gonna hate this idea cause heaven forbid they don't get the 4k. I'm simply suggesting this to reduce the long boring end games that happen. Killer mains cant tell me they don't get bored and frustrated walking around for 5 min trying to find someone. Anyway just a thought. Lets here thoughts.


  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    Once the endgame is fixed, sure. The problem involves any survivor who has selfishly been waiting for the hatch and doesn't save or do gens to get the hatch. The hatch is in no way fair to the killer when you consider SWF. The Skeleton Key, relaying information, and frankly disconnecting for their friends. 

    If this is to be added to solo players, fine. If we fix the hatch though, we wouldn't have this problem.
  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    edited January 2019
    Edit: Accidental repost of comment.
    Post edited by WaffleFalafel on
  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @WaffleFalafel said:
    Once the endgame is fixed, sure. The problem involves any survivor who has selfishly been waiting for the hatch and doesn't save or do gens to get the hatch. The hatch is in no way fair to the killer when you consider SWF. The Skeleton Key, relaying information, and frankly disconnecting for their friends. 

    If this is to be added to solo players, fine. If we fix the hatch though, we wouldn't have this problem.

    If there is a person doing nothing just trying to get the hatch, killer should have a good chance at 4king because there is one person doing nothing.

    I don't understand why killers think the hatch is a bad mechanic. Giving the last survivor a chance at escape, why is this so bad? I can understand the skeleton key for a 2 man escape and sometimes 3. 4 man escape rarely happens because all gens need to be finished anyway for the hatch to even spawn. I would say the key is way less in terms compared to a killers ebony mori.

    For the disconnecting for their friends, the dc gives up a lot in terms of giving the friend a chance at the hatch which is a 7000bp. said person usually gives up 10k or more bp, an item and double depips so there is a punishment in place for it already.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    You could always just DC.

    Or crawl like the worm you are!

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    @mgs2020 Before I get started, I would like to thank you for addressing all of my points so we are on the same page. It is appreciated.

    I think that the hatch on paper is a good mechanic and the last survivor should be given the option to the hatch. 3 generators is after all a daunting, boring, and impossible task. However, the hatch in practice leads to a boring standoff no one wants. The killer tries to avoid this by slugging, where they can find the last survivor quickly with the risk of not finding them at all. That then leads to who should escape or die.

    No killer is entitled to a 4 kill game. No survivors are entitled to a 4 man escape. Both have to earn it. The hatch contradicts itself though as its meant to be a free escape for survivors and the killer can't do anything to earn that kill.

    I would rather have it to where both exit gates are powered after the 3rd survivor starts the sacrifice animation and both the survivor's and the killer's endgame perks get activated. The hatch will spawn closed, so a key is needed. At least the two are competing for a escape and not seeing who gets bored first.

    I actually became intrigued though when you said that there is actual punishment to disconnecting. That is not true. When people are SWF, a rank 20 killer can be met with a rank 1 survivor. The ranks are all over the place. It actually does not matter what the ranks are whatsoever when you consider SWF, so a double pip derank means nothing.

    And ask yourself this for a moment-does it really matter to lose points when a friend could pop a Blood Party Streamer? Or Stack Envelopes? Or just use an Escape Cake? Points are a joke when everyone is using their main with at least 30 of every item they like and are already stacked with everything they could want to buy in perks.
  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35


    I like your suggestion of the endgame 3rd survivor sacfrice animation starting the exit gates to allow that. That's actually a very good idea. I still see the slugging to prevent that happening to be an issue though. Same thing happens, killer slugs last person to prevent the exit gates being powered to prevent the last survivor from having the chance.

    As for the rank of killer with survive with friends. I play as a rank 1 and I have friends rank 10, 5 and 15 (the usual friends I play with. This generally results in a killer rank 8-5 give or take a couple levels. This is just me speaking from personal experience recently so its like they average the survivor rank to the killer rank. What sort of punishment would you have it? it doesn't mean a lot you're right, but neither does giving your other survivor a chance at the hatch imo. Again its a 7k bloodpoint for that person MAYBE the difference in a pip that's about it.

    I wish I could agree that points are a joke. I haven't played this game long enough to even level every character to 50 once so I mean points are how you unlock things right? For someone who has 2000+ hours in the game they would be a joke and meaningless agreed. I feel like most survivors do the dc thing for one of 2 reasons, out of spite (mad at the killer for various reasons that happen all the time) or the other survivor isn't even attempting to make a save on you.

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Of course "killer mains" will be pissed at this idea. The idea you're suggesting essentially removes the only counter to the hatch mechanic. Committing suicide on the floor is the same as DC'ing to give the last guy the hatch, which is a pretty scummy move. What's the point in having a 4 minute bleedout timer if they can die at 2 minutes? Makes no sense.

    It's not removing the mechanic, simply giving the person on the ground an option after a certain period if the other person isn't making an attempt at picking them up. I feel like most SWF or atleast I guess the guys I play with make an attempt to revive, but when your stuck on the ground waiting for that urban evading claudette to pick you up (which shes just hiding so you know its not gonna happen) why should I be forced to sit there because of your "scummy move" to hold me in the game on the ground?

  • cortown711
    cortown711 Member Posts: 21

    How bout just after a certain time the survivor can get up? I've been running no mither lately,I don't get left on the ground...

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @cortown711 said:
    How bout just after a certain time the survivor can get up? I've been running no mither lately,I don't get left on the ground...

    Ive been running it too haha. Honestly tweaking this perk could have a big impact on this aswell. No mither telling the killer you have it from the start is kinda dumb. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this unless you somehow remove the broken status shown to killers. If you started normal health but the first time you got injured you could never be healed up again and it didn't tell the killer then it would be useful. Then if the killer slugs you he wouldn't know you had it until you got back up once. I feel like this is actually a fair balance to it.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 

    No you wanteds a free map wide Deerstalker perk without having to actually bring the perk yourself so you could slug for the 4k.

    The only one with false pride and being illogical here is you since you wanted a free map wide perk to reward you for free without any of the risk involved.

    If you want to slug and don't want that person crawling off then either bring Deerstalker yourself or don't slug them.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    edited January 2019
    powerbats said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 

    No you wanteds a free map wide Deerstalker perk without having to actually bring the perk yourself so you could slug for the 4k.

    The only one with false pride and being illogical here is you since you wanted a free map wide perk to reward you for free without any of the risk involved.

    If you want to slug and don't want that person crawling off then either bring Deerstalker yourself or don't slug them.

    I already told you that I can't deal with illogical people like you. I ain't going to dig into stupid discussion with you, so stop quoting me I'm not interested 
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
    edited January 2019


    If you want map wide, risk-free perks that don't take up any slots, you need to play SWF with Voice Chat.

    No freebies on Killer, son.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    powerbats said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 

    No you wanteds a free map wide Deerstalker perk without having to actually bring the perk yourself so you could slug for the 4k.

    The only one with false pride and being illogical here is you since you wanted a free map wide perk to reward you for free without any of the risk involved.

    If you want to slug and don't want that person crawling off then either bring Deerstalker yourself or don't slug them.

    I already told you that I can't deal with illogical people like you. I ain't going to dig into stupid discussion with you, so stop quoting me I'm not interested 

    Translation you can't refute my arguments and you know full well you want a free map wide perks so you can get rewarded for slugging without having to take the risk of them crawling off.

    Just because you didn't like being shown to be the illogical one here doesn't mean I'm not going to respond to you when you flat out post nonsense.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    edited January 2019
    powerbats said:a

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    powerbats said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 

    No you wanteds a free map wide Deerstalker perk without having to actually bring the perk yourself so you could slug for the 4k.

    The only one with false pride and being illogical here is you since you wanted a free map wide perk to reward you for free without any of the risk involved.

    If you want to slug and don't want that person crawling off then either bring Deerstalker yourself or don't slug them.

    I already told you that I can't deal with illogical people like you. I ain't going to dig into stupid discussion with you, so stop quoting me I'm not interested 

    Translation you can't refute my arguments and you know full well you want a free map wide perks so you can get rewarded for slugging without having to take the risk of them crawling off.

    Just because you didn't like being shown to be the illogical one here doesn't mean I'm not going to respond to you when you flat out post nonsense.

    Whatever you want to believe bud
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Raccoon said:

    If you want map wide, risk-free perks that don't take up any slots, you need to play SWF with Voice Chat.

    No freebies on Killer, son.

    I didn't realize they added voice chat into the game as a perk slot for free, I guess when teh killer lag switches that's a free map wide perk then using your logic.

    To take it even further when the killer stream snipes they're getting a free map wide perk that doesn't take up any slots.

    Now to really take it further when they stream snipe they not only get to see what the survivor sees like Bond etc they get to listen into their voice chat.

    Yeah no freebies for survivors here and good killers don't come to the forums and complain incessantly and blame everything on swf.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    powerbats said:a

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    powerbats said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I had a suggestion about endgame slugging, nearly everyone went mental and lost his mind cuz to many people absolutely illogical and have a false pride 
    No you wanteds a free map wide Deerstalker perk without having to actually bring the perk yourself so you could slug for the 4k.
    The only one with false pride and being illogical here is you since you wanted a free map wide perk to reward you for free without any of the risk involved.
    If you want to slug and don't want that person crawling off then either bring Deerstalker yourself or don't slug them.

    I already told you that I can't deal with illogical people like you. I ain't going to dig into stupid discussion with you, so stop quoting me I'm not interested 

    Translation you can't refute my arguments and you know full well you want a free map wide perks so you can get rewarded for slugging without having to take the risk of them crawling off.

    Just because you didn't like being shown to be the illogical one here doesn't mean I'm not going to respond to you when you flat out post nonsense.

    Whatever you want to believe bud

    Idk why u need the ability to see down people... I just use my hearing to find them lol may take a min but they can be found.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    @powerbats said:

    @Raccoon said:

    If you want map wide, risk-free perks that don't take up any slots, you need to play SWF with Voice Chat.

    No freebies on Killer, son.

    I didn't realize they added voice chat into the game as a perk slot for free, I guess when teh killer lag switches that's a free map wide perk then using your logic.

    To take it even further when the killer stream snipes they're getting a free map wide perk that doesn't take up any slots.

    Now to really take it further when they stream snipe they not only get to see what the survivor sees like Bond etc they get to listen into their voice chat.

    Yeah no freebies for survivors here and good killers don't come to the forums and complain incessantly and blame everything on swf.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    mgs2020 said:

    Alright so i have an idea around the slugging mechanic. Hear me out. We've all been there where the killer is doing a slug build and running around just dropping everyone. That can be fun to play, usually makes the games long but its entertaining from time to time.

    The slugging for the 4k though is where the game gets EXTREMELY boring. This usually results in 1 person laying on the ground for 5 min while the other person (generally urban evader lol) usually just ends up running around trying to hide.

    I propose the person left on the ground after 1 or 2 min (balancing maybe needed) but the person should get the options to kill themselves. If the person is trying to pick them up then yes it gives them a chance, if not though why should they be forced to sit there and watch for 5 min while everyone runs around them.

    I know killers are gonna hate this idea cause heaven forbid they don't get the 4k. I'm simply suggesting this to reduce the long boring end games that happen. Killer mains cant tell me they don't get bored and frustrated walking around for 5 min trying to find someone. Anyway just a thought. Lets here thoughts.

    I have a better idea: give the option to survivors still standing to perform a mercy kill on a downed survivor :)
  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @George_Soros said:
    mgs2020 said:

    Alright so i have an idea around the slugging mechanic. Hear me out. We've all been there where the killer is doing a slug build and running around just dropping everyone. That can be fun to play, usually makes the games long but its entertaining from time to time.

    The slugging for the 4k though is where the game gets EXTREMELY boring. This usually results in 1 person laying on the ground for 5 min while the other person (generally urban evader lol) usually just ends up running around trying to hide.

    I propose the person left on the ground after 1 or 2 min (balancing maybe needed) but the person should get the options to kill themselves. If the person is trying to pick them up then yes it gives them a chance, if not though why should they be forced to sit there and watch for 5 min while everyone runs around them.

    I know killers are gonna hate this idea cause heaven forbid they don't get the 4k. I'm simply suggesting this to reduce the long boring end games that happen. Killer mains cant tell me they don't get bored and frustrated walking around for 5 min trying to find someone. Anyway just a thought. Lets here thoughts.

    I have a better idea: give the option to survivors still standing to perform a mercy kill on a downed survivor :)

    Lol this is how to increase toxic survivors. Instead of healing you cause I'm here, I'm going to kill you...

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I slugged yesterday and I got this dude messaging me about how he works for Behaviour and is filing this etc etc...

    It was a total scare tactic. I thought it was so funny. I just slugged... and his team got rekt.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @mgs2020 said:

    @George_Soros said:
    mgs2020 said:

    Alright so i have an idea around the slugging mechanic. Hear me out. We've all been there where the killer is doing a slug build and running around just dropping everyone. That can be fun to play, usually makes the games long but its entertaining from time to time.

    The slugging for the 4k though is where the game gets EXTREMELY boring. This usually results in 1 person laying on the ground for 5 min while the other person (generally urban evader lol) usually just ends up running around trying to hide.

    I propose the person left on the ground after 1 or 2 min (balancing maybe needed) but the person should get the options to kill themselves. If the person is trying to pick them up then yes it gives them a chance, if not though why should they be forced to sit there and watch for 5 min while everyone runs around them.

    I know killers are gonna hate this idea cause heaven forbid they don't get the 4k. I'm simply suggesting this to reduce the long boring end games that happen. Killer mains cant tell me they don't get bored and frustrated walking around for 5 min trying to find someone. Anyway just a thought. Lets here thoughts.

    I have a better idea: give the option to survivors still standing to perform a mercy kill on a downed survivor :)

    Lol this is how to increase toxic survivors. Instead of healing you cause I'm here, I'm going to kill you...

    I'm only half joking though. The potential of this game to turn survivor against survivor is strong and should be exploited to a greater degree. Imagine that: still 3 gens left, but there's only you and a downed mate. You know where the Hatch is. You know he has crawled away so killer is probably unaware of his location, and he's looking for you. You know there's no chance the two of you can ever finish gens, but in the meanwhile, if you help him up, that's what the two of you have to do. But there's this option, a shortcut... a way out. Will you take it?
    I sure as hell would :)