Blight, Nurse, Artist, Blight, Nurse, Artist, Blight, Nurse, Artist

Can we please revert Spirit nerfs so I can go against a different killer?
I swear to god this game has no more than 5 killers because I have been playing for a weak and I can count in 1 hand the number of killers I go against.
Please buff low tier killers.
Give legion a mori on first hook.
I don't know.
Welcome to High Mmr.
How Can i Help You? =3
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Well now you got a new killer to play vs wait for next chapter to add another one.
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Also huntress is very common
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The top 3 killer i face the most are nurse, blight and huntress the other killer are there when i play in the middle of the night because that when the mmr is gone
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80% of my games were Nurse, Blight, Bubba and Huntress before i stopped playing when it started to get insanely boring. EU servers.
Pretty good job so far.
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That's why i hate this sbmm.
It destroys the game as there are only a few killers viable in high mmr, at least with the old ranking system you had more variety.
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And yet, devs see this and decide that Cenobite is overperforming and needs a nerf.
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what dead hard, decisive stirke, unbreakable, circle of healing every game does to a mf
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Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.
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That's the reason why I, and many other were for SBMMR. So that the devs could see the deficits at high MMR and buff other killers.
But judging from the spirit, deathslinger and cenobite nerfs i guess the devs handled the expectation like their 60fps console optimation
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Give me new killers to face.
One of the killers you constantly face is like a day old.
I 100% agree with the buffing of lower tier killers but this was funny to me
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This is what 3 gen pops after 120 seconds, while having corrupt as the only slowdown because you wanna run fun perks but go against DH, BT, Boons and Prove Thyself, along with Toolboxes, BNPs and Medkits, does to you when you play killer.
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You're surprised people are playing the new killer a lot?
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Yeah i already had a bad feeling about their way of implementing sbmm, it rarely is how they tell you.
They want more "fair" matches, but don't realize that the higher the more sweaty and the less variation you get the higher you get.
Yet they keep thinking it is a good thing to balance around the lower skilled players instead of looking at the higher skilled players and the unbalanced side of it.
Not saying the old ranking system was perfect, but imo worked much better than this crap.
Sbmm is the reason i finally decided to throw in the towel after all these years.
I don't mind sweaty games as killer, but not match after match after match after match.
Tried to play only survivor, but that became pretty boring really fast.
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You're going against Artist? Everything I get is Nurse, Blight, Bubba and Huntress lol.
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Fun fact, Spirit is still meta and easily one of the top Killers aswell, but since a nerf (regardless of how storng the nerf is) ppl think immidiatly the killer is unplayable and therefore never touch it again.
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Who tf was asking for sbmm again?
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Solos who wanted competent teammates from what i gathered
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At least they didn’t touch his base. Rip Hillbilly
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And we didn't even get that so mission failed
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I never asked for sbmm.
I said it from the start that it would be a bad idea.
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I wouldn't complain about facing artsy mommy, but yeah, the game is stale due to SBMM ruining any chance of variety
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Well yesterday I gave 15 players the honor of playing against billy.
The rest went against the best killer in the game.
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I play only between 5pm - 9pm eastern and I swear it's rare I don't get Ghostface. Survivor has grown on me the last couple month and I have got pretty good so far as a solo survivor. Not sure why I see him so much. Last night for instance Ghostface, Trickster (missed Ghostface), and Ghostface again. Seen him near double digits over the weekend.
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Why is this being made an SBMM issue, rather than the state of the game being such that only these killers can compete with boon totems, insanely fast gens with toolboxes + built-to-last, SWF on comms, hex totems out in the open that get cleansed within seconds, etc?
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Because that is the issue at hand now.
Whit the old ranking system you had a variety of killers, no matter if they were viable or not.
Before the boons you already saw only the strongest killers in the higher MMR, so i wouldn't say boons are an issue.
The rest were already in the game before sbmm was implemented but not every game, yes i know build to last is buffed.
But even if there wasn't sbmm i dare to bet my life on it, that there would be more variety then you have now.
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You won't get a logical answer.
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When survivors stop running Overcome/Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Decisive, CoH, Shadowstep. I'll stop playing Nurse and Blight
I'll put my gun down when you put your rocket launcher down.
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Blight, Nurse AND Artist? SO you should be happy for this. Because until now, just blight and nurse. If survivors want more killer variation, they need stop cry for nerfs and nerfs for killer. Artist is amazing against bully SWF, but, i'll wait for spend bloodpoint on her, because, guys, honestly, Pinhead was nerfed 3 month after his release. Do you can imagine what will happen with Artist? BHVR will kill her already on next patch.
Post edited by Ricardo170373 on2 -
One of the countless reasons why SBMM should have never been implemented.
Now, the killer variety on the old Red Ranks (which was really bad sometimes) is now even worse.
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everything is linked together
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So... Two perks you really don't need to worry about unless you're being a dick. Dead hard as the only controllable perk that helps with chases... And a totem that's basically a hex ruin with the sheer amount of time wasted running to it most of the time and is less efficient than self care unless you have lucky placement and a deaf killer
It's very difficult to take complaints like this seriously. As many killers will even tell you, once you know they have dead hard, it's mostly useless unless you're bad.
DS and unbreakable are largely avoidable. And if you have to slug because the unhooked person was body blocking, they still have to use it and take the time to recover instead of doing a gen. DS is only used because of how much tunneling is done these days. It's not a good perk anymore. It just feels necessary to have a chance at playing the game again after you went down once.
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I mean Billy was a special case. Both survivors and killers agreed that hes perfectly balanced. So the devs had to react quick to solve this "issue".
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not only is there only blights, nurses in 90% of my games, but they all run most broken addon combinations with strong perk builds
trying to play vs that as soloQ without items over and over again gets boring super fast
I can't recall when was last time I faced myers, clown, ghostie, billy, twins
so many killers, yet only few are viable against your average swf
if nothing sbmm only showed the game's flaws even more
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I was but I thought the system would have more depth instead of what we got right now. I’m still having a better experience than I was with the old ranking system. I’m not a great player so I don’t have to go against killers who were far and above my skill level like I did before SBMM.
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This is like what happened last time something new came out.
Survivors: Complain about going against the same 2 killers over again.
New killer gets released.
Survivors: Complain about going against the same three killers when one literally just came out.
Ugh make up your mind! Also why are you even surprised she's brand new and people want to play her. Do you want to keep going against nurse and blight or do you want more killers added to the roster.
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Boy, am I glad I have low MMR!
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Same, till now I met 1 Artist no Nurse and no Blight
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Not people fault. Its entirely devs fault.
I wish i could play Legion or Pig in my current MMR. The truth is i cant, unless i enjoy masochism.
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Yo can I get uhhh bbq and uhhh dead hard please
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I keep meeting Artist but I assume that's just because she's new, not because of my ######### MMR.
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lol, DH and DS are one of the only things Survivors can use to deal with Blight and his BS addons.
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I want to meet the artist but they are kinda rare for me.
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This is what happens when survivors have been given so many buffs and the killers have two or three that can somewhat compete. It's sad. I don't care how many times I get 0 kills. I'm never gonna force myself to play a certain killer. Perk stacking must be limited. No more 3 or 4 Dead Hards and such in a single game. It's ridiculous.
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We don't serve bbq up here,
We serve Meta Perks and a Boon totem,
We also serve a hot dish of:
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I'd like to order a heavily salted steak with sweat potato... uh, maybe a large bucket of saltwater.. and one of those sweatshirts, maybe? Gift for the family, you know.
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Spirit nerfed didn't change her strength, she is still just as strong, people just cry
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Which Sweatshirt do you want, They also come with the Sweatbands so you can continue looking at these people without the need to wipe the sweat from yer forehead,
Edit: Also what size do you want? =D
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I want the one shirt with the candy cane looking thing on it. A sweatband would be nice! I'll take salted fries on the side.
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What Size do chu want that Shirt? gotta make sure to get it right...
Do you want some Drinks with that food of yours?