Roughly How Many Matches A Day Do You Play?

aka: How much of a life don't you have?
Ironically ever since SBMM, DBD has given my life back to me. I play less than 10 killer matches a week now because the experience has been that sweaty and miserable.
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Nowadays, literally 0.
Back in the good ole days...way more than I can count.
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I played less than 10 games as killer to stop feeling like im having fun. Im playing a lot as survivor tho. Like 20-30 games
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50+? Not entirely sure.
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Depends which day. Could be 0, could be 15.
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That would be about as many as you could fit in a day's time, yes.
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Yeah if we say 10min per match as an average that's a little over 8 hours a day which sounds about right. Could be more honestly.
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Well, most of you have lives.
Except for me and Blueberry it seems.
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I mean I don’t play during weekdays.
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5 or less if I'm not feeling like playing
5 or more if I really want to get a daily done
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I kept track for a day. I averaged about 3 matches a hour. I started at 6am. I played till 12am, minus 3 hours for the patch + actual life things. So that would be around 54 matches.
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You must have had quite some long queue times it seems. I see those a good bit at night/afternoon but mornings are usually pretty quick.
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It usually depends on whether I want to be killer or survivor. Or maybe I just got into some good matches. :P
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In the last 3-6 months I went from 4-6+ hours a day, now it's more like 1 hour, maybe 2 MAX daily. It's just been easier to stop playing, nothing has changed. Killer has become abundantly clear at high levels that no matter how hard you try (which you inevitably will have to the higher up you go) a MAJORITY of them are at the mercy of the survivors / RNG. It's just not fun trying to play nice, trying to play non-meta perks, trying to switch up your killers, trying to hope that RNG works in your favor, only to get stomped by players who can hold M1 or W stress free. The amount of STRESS Killers face over survivors is frustrating. No amount of bloodpoints will make a player decide to keep playing religiously once they hit that burnout.
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Yeah survivor queues are instant in morning with killers being a bit longer. Then at afternoon/night it completely flips.
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Killer games zero, survivor games tops 20 a day.
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I do a daily killer mission a night, so usually 1-4 games depending on how long it takes to complete it and how good I am with that particular killer.
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I used to play 15-20 matches a day but now it’s 3-5 games. This game has gone south lately.
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Before the update about 5 matches in a month.
For new chapter, at least 25. This is only because I'm farming bloodpoints for the artist.
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10 - 20 per day at least. 1500 hours since August. DBD is just part of my daily routine. Killers have a hard time unless they use Generator slowing perks in my solo matches. But my SWF matches, the killers usually can only get one or two kills cause my friends are BADA$$.
I also noted that morning matches 7-9AM (PST zone) are easy but I get low hour team mates. from 3PM - 7PM, the professional well dressed killers are out. close to midnight, the queue is long and the killers are weak. In the morning, I get some great team mates with chinese names.
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Well, brag some more about your life why don't you?
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Ok- I am also in an Ap and honors class.
that’s why I don’t play on the weekdays, I don’t have the time.
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Oh. I don't want your life.
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There are few who do.
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Either a lot or none there is no in-between
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3 or 4 as killer. Generally, 1 as survivor.
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I'm able to play around 5 to 6 hours worth of DbD Monday-Thursday. Friday around 7 and 8+ on weekends. I have no life
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If I'm lucky, three matches and then I'm contemplating a swandive off the roof
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it varies, my average is probably around 15-20 ish.
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You read that I played from 6am-12am, right? I think you have at least a little life left in you.
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Maybe 10? Today I could not continue after 2 games.
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I play maybe 3-5 matches in the morning before work, then anywhere from 5-15 matches in the evenings depending on whether I'm doing something with the missus, playing DnD or what have you.
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Sounds healthy enough.
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stopped playing killer overall, stress isn't worth it
on average 10 games on survivor, until I get burned out by same few killers with same perks and addons
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Close to 20 matches a day/night. Usually half and half. Both sides.
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Life sounds so hard for those with high MMR.
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I went from nearly everyday for a least 6 hours or more to...
Only playing one or two days within two weeks like 6 hours per day.
Nothing compared to how much I used to play, cause killers are beyond sweaty and killer itself doesn't interest me as much as it used to.
Still love the game just can't hack it as much
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How long have you been playing?
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3 years now
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Ah I see. I've only been playing about 2 months. The burn out has not yet hit.
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On average I play near enough 2 matches a day. However, that does vary depending on what time I have. My work day is pretty long though, so days off (providing I have nothing planned) probably makes up for the days I don't.
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Zero for the last two months or so. Only came back to see the new killer. Games one foot in the grave for me.
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Depends on what game I feel like playing. Some days I don't touch the game, when I do play it's usually less than 5 matches.
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Something between 0 to 8. Depends a lot on how my college activities are going, if I'm playing another game and if I feel like playing DBD. Used to play 15-20 when pandemic started and classes were cancelled.
I honestly could play more, but on the current state of the game as a main killer, I'd rather watch streamers playing while I do college stuff than actually play.
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3-5 matches a day
DbD is best enjoyed with moderation.
It isn't nearly as frustrating if you aren't carrying frustrations of the previous 20 matches you done in a single sitting into a game
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It depends on if I'm in the mood to play it, I dropped out of school and am currently looking for a job so I'm at home most the time. So I usually play from 3pm-4am sometimes, I am trying to limit myself though, just it's not the easiest
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Hey It's okay, You've got those morning/early afternoon hours off!
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...We have a Life?
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Well... this explains why you're all so far ahead of me in the rift. I usually play 0-4.