Increase the Generators regresstion by Default...

Hi people of the fog, do you would like to see a better gen regresstion not just by using pop goes the weasel perk or using other perks but a increased regresstion by default ya know. I know survivor mains would not like but to be honest i don t give a ######### since Devs don t care about killers anyone they only care about nerfing killers and all that kind of stuff..
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Yep, kicking a gen by default should give you a few percentage of regression if you ask me. 3-10 or something.
Pop could remain where it is now, or maybe go up to 30%, but maybe remove the "cooldown" it has after hooking.
At the moment, kicking a gen seems useless in the majority of situations.
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By the state of the game atm.. i would increase Pop Goes the Weasel from 25% to 50% honestly... That means " BUFF "
Post edited by Fnatic47 on1 -
There is no reason a gen should regress at 1/4 the speed. It takes far too long for it to be worth breaking chases to kick gens or just kicking gens in general, even more so when survivors can just stop regression with a single tap and nothing else.
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Yeah I mean survivors can literally pop 3 gens in the time it takes to get a single hook. So why not.
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What about after a kick on Generator you can t touch the gen for 30s atleast ?! It is too much ?! Maybe, but since Devs just nerf killers and buff survivors i go with all support to the Killers.
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Am i the only one missing those times when killers were trying to find the survivors but now is the survivors who try to find the Killer ?! xD
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If they don t want to decrease the gen progress atleast, Increase the got damn gens regresstion... If someone here says " More ? " i say " YES !! "
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Or make it where survivors have to find missing parts before they can start fixing the gens.
To apply the missing gen piece have to do the yellow glyph skill checks fail to complete it will give a noise notification and will have to start it over again.
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i definitely like the idea. But i'm afraid that increasing gen regression speed wouldn't do much against the lack of pressure killers have at the start of the game... and still lose one to two gens anyway.
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Bro so many people in the community already gave them so many ideas bro but really alot of ideas and they don t care... Exemple: Survivor to start working on gens must find some items like a (Wretch, gasoline etc) and then and ONLY then you can start working on the Gen. Guess what... They heared us they gived survivors a Boon totems and the killer now have to worry about Gens, chase time what is ALOT and now totems... Yes... Awesome work Devs...
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Maybe, maybe not
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I honestly feel like default regression and Hex: Ruin regression should be flipped.
- auto regression from perks like ruin or jolt should be 1/4 speed
- manual regression from kicking a gen without a perk or having oppression damage gens after a kick should be 1:1
I always found it odd how not kicking gens and instead having a perk do it for you was better, You'd think a 9ft tall bio-weapon could do more damage to a generator than a cursed pile of bones🤔
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Imagine Nemesis Kicking the Gen with his actual strength ! Bye Bye Generator xD
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Imagine nemesis just flat out walking through solid walls
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And Screaming their famous words ( STARS ! )
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Lets just release more gen perks, I have a crazy idea... how about when you kick a gen survivors cant stop the regression in .01 s.
Maybe they have to touch it for a few. 2-3 seconds.
I find gen perks boring both ways, I just want the maps fixed. Feels like we keep getting band aid perks instead of real changes.
I often just don't bother kicking gens id rather build pressure in chases and injures.
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Personally i feel gen regresion could use a double component to it.
A flat reduction the moment you kick it, to say betwen 5 and 10% of the max time seems about right, followed by the normal slow regresion . That way kicking them out has an imediate benefit. Additionally i would say that survivors should have to "re estart" the generator by spending around 5 seconds before they get to gain any benefit from it, just with that generators wouldnt fly as crazily as they do, but of course this arent perfect numbers, mostly used them as an example
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I think that is fair. It would make me stay on the gen longer and be a target. It would make the Cheryl Gen locking perk more useful. Killers need something.
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Alright... Its a point.
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I would just increase base regression rate to 0.375 charges per second (halfway between what we have now and ruin regression) and eliminate gen tapping by making it take a couple of seconds (but only if the killer directly damages the gen themselves, to avoid making slowdown perks even stronger). Then nerf pop to 20% to make up for it, since my goal isn’t to make slowdown perks stronger, only base regression. (Other perks may need to be adjusted too.)
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I understand your point but right now in the game state atm Killer perks and some Powers needs a buff not a Nerf ya know..
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First of all that is not true at all that the devs “don’t care about killers”.
Second what I think could be done is when a killer kicks a gen, survivors can’t stop regression by tapping it.
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Some people dont understand this but its completly True, in every game its 4 vs 1 that means, 4 heads thinking against 1... Survivors just needs to focus on Gens and thats it... Now Killer have to worry about Gens and Totems now... Lets not forget the Chase time and the loops... I am not saying that survivors doesn t matter and they should not be buffed no i am not saying that.. I am saying that some Killers got their perks and powers ruined because of some crying babys in the community and the worst thing here is, devs just listen those people who probably are "NEW" in the game... Look pyramid head Power for example... Why they Nerf it ? Why making a stupid slowdown when we could just, bait the survivor in a Middle of a god loop... Look at Hillbilly chainsaw now... Heat on his chainsaw " WHY "... Look Nurse... She is a little bit dificult to control (Power) and they still add a ######### cooldown... In the mean time, what about those people who played DBD since day One ?!! Even since in the Beta ?!! I am not even talking about the streamers alright i am talking about the not streamers people alright..
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Try count how many Nerfs the survivors got between the Killers... After that you know what i mean..
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I understand that, and there are plenty that need buffs, I wholeheartedly agree. There are a lot of not so great survivor perks that need some love too.
When I say “nerf pop to 20%” in this context it’s not even really a nerf if undoing regression takes a couple of seconds, coupled with the higher regression rate. Let’s take an example:
A generator is at 50%, and I kick it with pop. The generator is then left alone for 20 seconds and then a survivor starts working on it again for two seconds.
With the current system, Pop regresses it to 25% and then over 20 seconds it would lose 5 charges (0.25 per second), which comes out to the gen being at 18.75% when the survivor starts working on it again (a full generator is 80 charges). The survivor works on it for two seconds, bringing it up to 21.25%.
With the change I proposed, Pop regresses it to 30%. Over 20 seconds, it loses 7.5 charges (0.375 per second), which means the gen is at approximately 20.6% when the survivor comes back, except it now takes them two seconds to stop the regression during which time no progress is made.
So the reality is that even with the reduction from 25% to 20%, you still got more value out of that kick with the changes to base regression.
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That still doesn’t mean the devs don’t care about killers because they nerf one side more than the other.
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You already said it... The most part of the nerfs were in the Killer side dude... And devs know that survivors can easy destroy any killer and finish it fast.. If in solo survivors can easily finish a game under 5 or 10 minutes imagine a SWF... RIP Killers... The Artist just came out and people are already asking for nerf dude... Do you atleast study the game and the hole community "Ask" situations ? Because i doesn t seems like it ya know...
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Do you atleast study the game and the hole community
How did the community get in a hole? How will they get out?
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They don t... Thats the problem...
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Devs without "Wasting" your time because you guys are people " super busy " i mean not that busy when it comes to nerf killers but.. Ya know... Can you guys please say something about this "Issue" i mean... If you consider this a "Issue" 😏 Lets not forget that people are counting on their calender how long it gonna takes for you Devs destroy another killer by nerfing his powers or perks.. PinHead was the last one suffering the nerf. Next is Artist we know 😏
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You guys can Share more ideas and speak your mind ya know
Post edited by Fnatic47 on0