What character do you play and why?

In addition to my title, I’m also wondering what gender you are versus what player you play. Just out of pure curiosity.
Cheryl with the James Sunderland legendary and Legion. James because that awesome voice of his and Legion because I like to stab.
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I play Jake and Dwight because I just really like them, and they’ve got some nice cosmetics.
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As survivor, I main Claudette. She's iconic and helped me grow as a person quite substantially.
As killer, it's Pyramid Head. He's just the one I clicked with, you know?
A dude, btw
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She was my first "main" and I just got attached. I love her looks, though I wish she had more unique outfits and not lazy recolors, and I lover her voice. Her screams are just the best and used to make me feel sorry for her when I was new. Her powers of evasion are also a nice bonus.
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Kate, Nea, Mikaela, Meg.
Purely for aesthetics.
Killer I play all of them. But I "main" Nurse, Blight, Trapper, Legion. Probably my main 4.
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Claud...idk why but i like her outfits the most i guess?
And honestly? Me and artist have a unhealthy relationship. Shes a strong killer that i can play on console. Doesn't need to aim using a joystick,Doesn't require playing my headphones at full volume,and Doesn't require muscle memory and max sensitivity and hours of gameplay. Shes honestly the character I've been waiting for i guess? I love the design. Hopefully they don't gimp her.
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Her character was written so differently than most other survivors and I think it's a nice breath of air to include a survivor who is not fond of working with others or has a selfish demeanor. I also like KPOP so there's that. Does anyone here listen to ITZY? :O
For killer, twins. I love the idea of having a pair of siblings cooperating to hunt their prey.
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Spirit and Yui. Spirit was the character that kept bringing me up when I was down. We’ve had a lot of adventures together. Yui is a badass and I just love her character. She’s also had great adventures with me.
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Freddy and Quentin.
Except for a small period of time in 2019 when he got reworked, I've played Freddy almost exclusively ever since I first started playing DBD, back in 2018.
And Quentin was a must for someone who really loved the 2010 ANOES Remake.
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Well I’m a dude but Claire/Jill because they are bada** and Demogorgon because of his theme and shred attack
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For survivor I main Jeff and Jane. I like Jeff because I relate to him and Jane because she’s cute
For killer I main clown and now twins. Clown because he’s the best killer in the game and twins because she’s been neglected
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You main Twins O.O but I thought they went extinct. 😀
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Only recently after their 1 year anniversary. They’ve gotten so little love I feel like someone has to play them
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I play them consistently here and there. My friends keep telling me I am a Twins main because everytime I play killer I almost always choose them first. lol
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Yun-Jin, Nea, Meg and Nancy are my most played survivors currently.
For Killer i main Pig.
Yes, i love ITZY! Following them since their debut. I never would have thought to come across someone here on this forum who likes ITZY or Kpop in general.
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At the moment I'm just going from character to character that have nice outfits until I use all of their bloodpoint offerings. So I don't really main any survivor anymore but I used to main Claudette.
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Felix and Jeff, why? Because handsome men and I'm a simple gay man
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Oh YAY! Who's your bias?
Mine was Yeji and Lia, but Ryujin is starting to push through them for me. I love their new album and LOCO is such a bop.
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I play whatever killer I have a daily mission for. Today it was Plague (and I played like a moron - kept missing with the puke, lost sight of people a couple times, just not my night. 🤷♂️)
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I mostly play Nea. I am male, but I prefer to play female Characters in games. Especially with Character creation, I spent a lot of time on my Code Vein Character for example, just because of the many options the character creation has.
For Killer, I just play what I like. Which is currently mostly Nurse, Blight, Billy, Pig, Wraith or Demo. But sometimes I also play Killers which got a new Skin I like, e.g. I really like the new Spirit Skin and if I get it, I play a bunch of Spirit games to show it off.
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I play Quentin and Zarina since I like their outfits.
For killer, I play Deathslinger and Freddy since the Redeemer has a fun gameplay style and mechanic that I enjoy. For Freddy, he is just iconic for me as I love the movies (but I would enjoy Freddy more if they brought back his og power).
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i play most of the killers i have, lately a lot of oni, nemmy and blight, sometimes legion. i am and always will be a jeff main
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Lia and Ryujin! Lately i've been finding myself getting bias wrecked by Yuna, love them all though. But honestly my bias just keeps rotating especially after every comeback lmao, they're so talented! Couldn't agree more about LOCO and the album, Sooo lucky is probably my favorite bside from it.
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The First guy the one with glasses
Because he's the First ...
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Right?! I love all of them sm! Soo lucky is great, but I found myself listening to Gas Me Up a lot. Ryujin's rap is addicting.
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Bubba. Chainsaw goes brrrrrrrrr.
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Executioner and Feng.
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Former dweet main(still love him) but his character remodel was distasteful imo so don't play him as much.
Ace, Quentin. And soon to be Mikaela and Yun-Jin.
For killer, Huntress and Legion. I like to chill when I play killer so I ain't playing to get 4ks and sweat and I have the most fun with these two.
Oh I'm a girl and I'm gay so it's funny I main male survivors😂
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For survivors, mainly all the females (aside from Nancy), Steve and Adam. I use the women mostly because their character models are smaller and less visible (except for Nancy since her outfits don't really blend in). But I'll use pretty much any survivor at different points other than Ace (because I hate his face for some reason) and David (because he is a dumb goober).
For killers, Legion, Plague, Spirit, Pyramid Head, and I think I am going to use the Artist quite a bit. I would probably main Legion if they weren't so weak.
And I am a male, fwiw.
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James Sunderland main because Silent hill 2 was my favorite back in the day
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Demogrogon, Nemesis, Plague, Blight, Oni, Trapper, and the occasional Hag game if I've had a few too many rough matches. I play most of the killers I do, because their powers are fun to use. It feels bad to watch the gens fly so fast because I run things like "No Way Out", instead of the classic ruin undying, corrupt, pop, but I suppose eventually I'll adapt to the new meta and with each game I'll improve and eventually those teams that proved to be a challenge won't be a challenge anymore.
Used to be able to play so much nicer back in 2018.
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As survivor, I play everyone at one time or another, but Meg was the first survivor I used when I got the game, and she's the one I end up using most often. She was the first I prestiged, and she gets the most love from me when it comes to BP and cosmetics. I play the female characters far more often than the male ones, even though I'm male.
For killer, I play everyone now -- I finally started to try out Trickster, Twins, and Deathslinger, three killers I thought I'd never use -- but I main the Pig. I started off with Myers, moved to GF, and then settled on Amanda early on. No matter how much I play of the other killers -- and I do enjoy the variety -- I always gravitate back to her.
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For Survivor, Leon and Steve are kings. Leon is just a badass, like Steve but he also has really good cosmetics
For Killer, I enjoy Demogorgon and Artist the most. They probably have the best audio design in the game. Hearing both of them scream and screech is like music to my ears
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Until Felix came out, I played Tapp almost exclusively. No idea why Tapp, though, I just liked him from the start. Felix is a simple matter of me having a bias towards blonde males. Tapp and Felix are the only survivors I have p-3’d and have all the perks on (sans Jonah’s).
As for killer, I tend to play almost anything except Nurse and Billy, typically guided by what the daily wants from me. As for mains, I am heavily inclined to start maining Artist. I haven’t really had a ‘main’ upto this point. The closest were maybe Doc or Nemesis.
If the name wasn’t obvious, I’m a guy. And ace, if that’s at all relevant.
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Survivor: Quentin mostly. Sometimes I'll play Jeff, Leon and Steve I guess. Quentin and Steve because I like NOES and ST, Leon because I like RE and Jeff because he is a metal head, which I also am.
Killer: Freddy and Pig. Freddy because again I like NOES, Pig because I love the SAW movies.
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Yun-Jin, Jake and Trickster... cuz I like K-Pop and Korean culture in general... and they're Koreans.