So people dcing against Artist now smh

I feel some sort of nerf coming to this killer because I know survivors finna complain about this killer.
People wanna bully but they are too lazy to put in the effort needed.
New killer needs to be looped differently, who's got time for that?
18 -
If they do nerf her to the ground, I will officially say the devs are noob survivor sided. They don't listen to skilled survivors and killers at all.
15 -
I wish they'd nerf her screechy whale sounds, they are so annoying.
12 -
She's fine as is imo, we don't want another Pinhead treatment just because survivors have to play differently against certain killers where they can't just sit on Gens without consequences.
5 -
Yes, please
7 -
No they're not.
3 -
First three games as artist, had 2 people run up to me to get downed, and 2 dcs after that
0 -
Yes, they are.
11 -
It’s very cute though, just like Spirit’s moans.
1 -
Nah, Spirits moans are at 9 while The Artists sounds are a 2.
Also, Spirit has one of the best, if not best, stun sounds. So she gets bonus points and 3 internet cookies.
4 -
Survs dc often when they think they are god and then go down. Which killer doesn´t matter...
1 -
I mean thats how they've always been.
0 -
dont worry, im fully expecting the Devs to pull a Deathslinger on her because people will start complaining she was "unfun" to play against :)
7 -
Survivors are too lazy to learn how to counter a new killer so they either rage quit or scream for nerfs because they don't feel like spending 5 minutes to learn how to counter them.
5 -
Freddy, Twins, Spirit, Deathslinger, Pinhead,... It kind of goes without saying that the devs are on a roll when it comes to killer nerfs, so it's only a matter of time before the Artist gets hers.
Post edited by SweetTerror on4 -
I have noticed that yes they’ve done good things for killers too but most of the stuff they’ve nerfed or rework on the survivor side was justified:
- Decisive Strike
- Object of Obsession
- Keys
- Balanced Landing
- Mettle of Man
I can’t think of one thing they nerfed on the survivor side that didn’t deserve it. Meanwhile, the devs nerfed Coup de Grace and Gearhead, two very bad perks. Also completely gutted Twins, Billy, and Slinger. I don’t want to seem like I’m bias towards killers but I play both sides and it just seems like this is the case with the devs.
6 -
I mean, she is unfun to go against. No reason to use those: "".
Just the way BHVR creates Killers so that the only thing you can do is to hold W, which is boring.
10 -
She’s unfun to go against in your opinion. Just because you find something unfun doesn’t mean it deserves to get nerfed to the ground.
9 -
I agree it’s kinda obnoxious lol
1 -
That last sentence is probably one of the three things you and I agree on.
Of course that doesn't mean the Artist has to be nerfed, but killers that force you to hold W are usually extremely unfun indeed.
I am from a time, and you probably are too, when the majority of the killer cast could be looped in the regular manner.
And I would've liked if things had stayed that way.
5 -
That's already established and confirmed by them. And yes, she will likely get nuked.
2 -
I hate her dumb clicking sounds.
2 -
The people who really like looping seem to think everyone else does and that the game should be balanced around these 1v1 moments only. Anything that doesn't allow for infinitely outplaying the Killer and making the rest of the match and gameplay irrelevant is "unfun" by default.
7 -
She's probably the first proper, high skill cap 'A' tier killer since Blight - so I doubt she'll remain decent for long.
0 -
Ah the good ol unfun to go against and can't do anything against her arguments unanimously agreed by everyone no doubt.
It's not definitely just very personal opinion while there are many others who like facing her.
5 -
I don't want to say "I told you so", but I did predict she'd become the new Spirit in that regard... granted I do think with the change they made from the PTB to live she is fine and doesn't need any further nerfs. Perhaps, only making it so she can't go from cancelling a set to an M1 right away, but anyone with a brain would know to switch loops when she is setting.
In her current state, she doesn't seem too oppressive and I enjoy playing against her.
1 -
Nah, you can hold W against her. Which is so much fun for Killer and Survivor. The Survivor can be the most skilled Survivor player and is not able to show it and the Killer cannot do anything except for following. If you prefer that - go for it.
I doubt that she will be as unfun to verse like Twins for me (which are the first Killer who made me at least think about just suiciding on Hook every game against them), but she is certainly not my favorite. Because I dont really enjoy holding W.
6 -
Probably the same people that DC against trickster.. unskilled people.
The artist doesn't need a nerf to the contrary a buff or QoL change in her power would be appreciated. She's too easy to counter making her another boring M1 killer most of the times.
0 -
fun is subjective, therefore the quotation marks.
if you find something unfun, that is your subjective opinion, not an objective truth.
after all, there are a ton of players who think its fun to bang all gens in 5 minutes and insta leave / hardcamp someone / sit in a corner all game, all of which i would not consider to be "fun".
6 -
Me neither. But if the Killer is too bad to stop that, nothing can really be done. I mean, I can try to go into chases, but then the Killer might think that they get bullied. Because Killers also dont enjoy when Survivors are not on Gens but want to be chased.
In general, Killers dont enjoy Survivors unless they are on the Hook.
When it comes to "hardcamping" players, the motivation behind that might just be that they want to reduce the fun for the other side. Which is at least some form of motivation, but it will not be the own fun. (Unless someone is a sadist)
5 -
As much as I agree with you on the topic that is being discussed, you REALLY should stop this generalization.
4 -
I have truly enjoyed playing against her. I hope they keep her as is. I have seen a lot of disconnects but she has a different playstyle so it will take time to adjust.
0 -
Imagine stating the exact reason looping is fun and should be the prime design of the chase, but still complaining about it.
Yes. If you OUTPLAY the killer, you should be able to run him indefinitely. That's called being better than you. That's how good balance works. The better player wins.
They keep adding killers that make this less of a thing. Taking skill out of the equation and just making every chase a matter of time until you go down. The most skilled thing you can do... Is nothing. Just run. Yaaaay.... So fun. I guess it is for the unskilled killers that can't loop but just want easy downs.
1 -
You can still outplay killers who have strong 1v1 powers, it's just harder. And did you know killers with strong 1v1 powers also take skill to use effectively. But you don't about the better playing winning, you just want to feel like you are good by being able to take the killer for a trip around the entire map.
Not to mention you are conveniently ignoring the fact you have 3 teammates you need to work together with to beat 1 player. So the killer should ultimately have the advantage in chase.
If you want a 1v1 pvp game, you can look at fighting games. DBD is not a fighting game where you need to be able to handle your opponent in a 1v1.
8 -
Except, this game is asymmetrical.
Which is the key problem here.
You can't make take your 1v4 game and balance it for perfectly equal 1v1 moments. The instant you finish doing that, you've decided that the 1 side should lose and the teamwork side of the 4 isn't important.
And that's why I said infinitely outplaying. If you want to keep the power imbalance, and make sure it's a team effort not a solo one, then there should be an inevitable loss. Buying a lot of time is an option, being able to clearly win each time is not.
6 -
No. You do not have three teammates. Not unless you queued with three other people. You have three individuals that may or may not care about unhooking you, much less working on gens or doing anything productive anyway. Just this morning I had one leave a trail of scratch marks to me and bodyblocked me in a corner until the plague could down us both. Frequently, the other survivors are the killer side's MVPs.
So again, you just believe that the player's skill shouldn't matter and that you should win chases purely on the basis you picked killer. There's a reason in MMOs, the best rewards come from the content that requires the most coordination. It's not easy to get people to coordinate together. You cannot and should not assume the randos you get paired with are even working together much less doing anything productive at all.
If individual skill shouldn't matter, then expect less games without 4-man SWF, since people will either find groups to work on comms, or quit. I'm sure you'd love it if every game had 15 minute queues again just to give you a stacked 4-man SWF bully squad.
1 -
Proven to be the best way to get a character nerfed.
2 -
Pallet Looping cannot infinitely keep a killer at bay, tho.
Even Blood Lodge, once nicknamed "pallet town" couldn't do that.
1 -
Survivors are a team of 4 regardless if you queue solo or with friends.
Also weird how it's only survivor skill that matters to you, because as soon as I mention that 1v1 killers require skill to play effectively you blame me for "ignoring skill".
Typical survivor main bias right here.
6 -
There is an inevitable loss. When pallets in area = 0. At that point, there is a strict time limit as you move faster and get faster the longer the chase goes on. Again, of course, unless you get completely outplayed and the survivor escapes for a bit.
If the survivor outplays you for that long, you deserve to lose. I know it feels like you should get victories purely because you clicked "play killer", but you don't. There are real people on the other side of that screen and you aren't entitled to ruin their day without earning it.
1 -
It can't and pseudo-infinites do eventually get addressed (sometimes), which is the clue that it's not meant to be possible. But every Killer with some good 1v1 power gets this same response of not allowing for being outplayed like you're supposed to be able to drag it on indefinitely.
2 -
Apparently you aren't good at reading, because everything I said implies that if survivor skill is greater than yours, you should lose. That implies that if you have more skill, you should win.
I know the idea of earning things is foreign to the current generation at large, but you aren't entitled to victory because you picked killer.
0 -
Killers can also show their Skill when being looped. Or their lack of Skill. And IMO it is more satisfying to outplay a Survivor on a Loop than catching them because they hold Shift + W and I catch them eventually just because I am faster.
And I would also disagree that you really have a team. Obviously, because there are 4 people on one side this can mean that they form a team, however, is a team really a team when there is no coordination? DBD does not feel like a 4v1 at times, more like a 1v1v1v1v1... Or sometimes some Survivors are so bad that it feels like a 2v3 for my friend and myself if we play together.
Not saying that the game is 1v1 in general. But the 1v1 aspect should not be ignored. You cannot just say that Survivors should auto-lose chases just because it is a 4v1-game.
3 -
Survivors are not supposed to infinitely keep a killer at bay, but killers are not supposed to force survivors to hold W.
Pallet Looping is a huge aspect in DBD and it should stay that way.
3 -
It's funny when survivors act like killers just want 4Ks. That's not the issue here. The issue is you think you somehow deserve to have a 50/50 shot at every chase interaction regardless of a killer's skill. That's not balance.
3 -
Ah, there's the problem! You're saying, "you deserve to lose (the game) because you lost (this 1v1)", but again, it is a 1v4 game. It being balanced so that any single interaction could be game-defining is bad for that aspect. It's not "One Hero Survivor and 3 Genrushing Hobos".
And the point of Killer powers is to avoid this balance. Either whilst they're doing the chase, pressure is somehow applied to the other 3 survivors; or they have a power that is much better at ending the 1v1 one way or the other, or they just have the mobility to bounce from survivor to survivor whilst also chasing. Or trap-based killers who just skip the chase aspect entirely by outplaying.
Hard to tell whether the 1v4 pressure or the 1v1 advantages get more complaints, though.
2 -
Both get complained about. Survivors basically don't want killers who can control gens or have an advantage in chase. Which then leaves killer with nothing and then wonder why camping and tunneling are getting more popular.
1 -
Either lying or being facetious. You all do want 4k every game. Any perk that helps survivors not die immediately is considered completely broken, no matter how effective it may actually be in practice.
You are the one ignoring skill. If survivor better than killer, survivor should win chase. Smart killer goes for weaker prey. If killer is better, he should get a quick hook and move on. In fact, survivor skill already means less, because you just have to pick off the weaker survivors until it no longer matters how good the survivor wins. EGC completely nullifies the survivor's skill in the end if you pick off all his friends. Luck determines who finds hatch first, and whether the gates are close enough to guarantee killer victory.
The game is already heavily in killer's favor. It's why perks like BT and DS even exist. Because it's very easy to down trash survivors and leave the good ones screwed, unable to do anything except go do inevitably, sooner or later.
0 -
Imma keep it real with u, chief.
I definitely prefer a killer who can control gens than a killer that has an advantage in chase.
At least one of them I can loop.
1 -
So, your default assumption is to call every Killer who says they don't want a 4k every game a liar?
I'm not sure what you expect to gain out of discussions if you're just going to tell everyone you talk to "I won't believe anything you say where it's inconvenient to me".