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Artist needs a Freddy level rework.

FreshCoal Member Posts: 174
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Terribly designed killer, she is just a triple pyramid head that you cannot loop since she just places birds at every vault and pallet in a loop.

Since she has no mobility, me and my SWF teammates just genrush anyways for a guaranteed 2 man escape, which is usually a 3/4 man escape anyways. Just hope chase power is gutted and she is given some interesting movement ability.

Another alternative suggestion I have is to let survivors opt-out of playing against her

And while we are on that track, we should let killers opt-out of playing RPD and haddonfield.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I personaly think she is overated. She is not S tier. She might be A tier if you play her well or use some powerfull add-ons together.

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    No she is very weak but her counterplay is boring which is why nobody likes her.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,440
    edited December 2021

    Better not mention you play SWF or people will disregard everything else you said.

    Be that as it may, I disagree with most of this.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,440

    She can place birds at loops but you can still bait her into using them at the wrong time. She has enough mobility seeing as she's 115%. If you wanted more for her, she could maintain that speed when placing and launching the birds. I think her chasing power is fine. And I don't think people should be able to opt out of playing against anything.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    She gets slowed when placing and throwing crows, if you bait her to shoot then she's already on cooldown and slowed meaning you can move to another loop or escape the chase.

    If she does uses her crows in a shotgun way, then she has even a longer cooldown and you have more than enough time to repel the swarm, meaning that she won't be able to hit you again.

    She has the perfect amount of counterplay, she doesn't need a rework.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Find a new game to play? That's how killers are designed. It's not an accident or oversight.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,997

    Well thats the strongest meta anyway so why would you care about looping as much.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Nothing needs a Freddy style remake.

    That was the single worst thing that happened in this game. They should never again straight up delete a killer

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    So when she put a bird did you tried to just run away of the loop?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    The moment she said that artist 2k vs SWF i think she is balanced.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Nobody needs a Freddy level rework, not even Freddy needed that.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,714

    Hell no. She’s the first killer I’m considering maining. I’m having unprecedented amounts of success with her, even if she struggles with the “w meta”.

    Funnily, though, I have yet to actually face her as survivor. I’ve seen two clowns for crying out loud, but no artist.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,784

    She's very unimpressive to me.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Not all killers will be to your liking. Your opinion is also not universal, there are people that like her and I have seen people who bait and play around the birds in loops. It won't work on the low ones, you need a LoS blocker, but there is skillful play to be had if you are willing to take a risk.

    The whole issue with how you and your SWF plays is that you play it safe, you use the gen rush, hold w tactics because they are safe and strong. Then complain that it is boring, but that is a base game problem and not killer specific. Not all killers will be mobility based and therefore will have stronger anti looping, abilities to help them get quick downs as that is required for them to get pressure on the board. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you play to win, but your style of playing is what is making it boring and not the killer.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Nah, Artist is perfect. Probably the only killer that doesn't need any changes released since Oni. If anything she needs some slightly buffs like some add-ons basekit. Nobody cares about your SWF juke and loop montage number #717282.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Remember the new forum drinking game.

    1 shot for nerf new killer/OP

    1 shot for no counter play

    1 shot for boring/unfun

    2 shots if you get all three

    Happy drinking.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    If people played all killers at highest level making absolutely no mistakes, basically any killer with good antiloop would have 0 counterplay for survivors.

    Every PH would always hit every single hit through walls, every blight would make perfect chain rushes in every single loop, every huntress would make perfect god shots at every loop.

    Not a single good killer in DBD has fair or meaningful counterplay if he's played by a psychic that doesn't make mistakes. Both, survivors and killers make tons of mistakes every match and capitalizing on them or forcing them out is always possible for both sides.

    If you don't like her that's fine but her design is on par with other strong killers DBD has.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    So you just don't like that her kit can do more the just 1 useful thing ? Unforunately, one trick killers are generally bad, that's why killers like blight who has the best mobility and amazing antiloop is such a good killer. Because he can do multiple things at the same time.

    You say that she requires 0 mechanial skill but at the same time you said before to wait until people get good with her, if she was easy to play, everyone would already be dominating games with her. I've seen so many people not use the slowdown she gets from using her power and just stay in the loop she just trapped with crows. She goes down to 3.68m/s which is a lot and allows you to chain loops against her quite well considering she needs to hit 2 birds to injure while someone like huntress goes down to 3.08 m/s with much more deadly projectile.

    So what exactly don't you like, the direct damage I could understand. I wasn't expecting that to make it to live but if it were to be removed, lower CD on recharging crows should be given to compensate.

    What exactly do you want changed that you think is the biggest issue other the full rework which won't happen.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,312
    edited December 2021

    Hell nah mate.

    Freddy's rework was one of the worst and most devastating things BHVR has ever done with this game.

    It straight up removed a very interesting killer without taking his players into consideration, leaving Old Freddy mains, such as myself, with nothing.

    We don't need a round 2 of that.


  • hazzzard
    hazzzard Member Posts: 78

    How many posts are you're gonna make until you realize you just need to get good?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2021

    The same argument of there are a bunch of trash artist players can be reversed, just because there are a bunch of trash survivors that do not know how to play against this killer doesn't mean that they don't have counterplay. Since when did meaningful counterplay mean that the killer has no say in the matter or their actions don't have any effect? Does that not just flip the roles into: the killer has no counterplay and it is purely on the survivor to mess up? There is a risk, reward aspect to actually trying to counter playing and having an engaging interaction; the killer does an action, the survivor does a counter action to which once again the killer does a counter action etc.

    You can run into their crows if they used 2 or more without them being able to follow up with a shotgun shot if you start to repel and even with 1 if they don't have the correct add-ons they cannot place all 3 before you get the birds off. Play around structures that require 2 crows to block off all your options, use the line of sight to play mind games etc. The fact that you state if the killer doesn't catch on to the fact and fake their power, wasting time doing it? That statement alone showcases that there is counterplay and that based on how you play the killer has to adjust and also make a mindgame on you... if they fake their power, then that option isn't blocked and you can utilize it.

    Each time people goes like there is no counterplay, all it comes down to is that they expect a 100% successrate if they do Y against the killer and are able to counter and nullify any gameplay that the killer does with a single action. That is not what engaging and interactive gameplay, that is just being able to do plays without any counter by the killer and reverses the whole thing you complain about. Should the killer not be able to counterplay the survivors and have their ability, skill, decision making factor into the interaction as well.

    The hypocrisy is so apparent, the survivors are not allowed to rely on mistakes of the killer. Yet the killer must only rely on mistakes made by the survivors as they have to have no counters to the plays that they do. You aren't playing against AI, killers just as survivors must have options. That is why when the crows when idle actually dealt damage, it was busted as there was no real counterplay, run into it and get hurt or don't run into it and get hurt.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766

    If your swf is only getting 2 out instead of usually 3 or 4, it sounds like Artist isn't all that weak now does it?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You should read the OPs post better, they have at a minimum 2 out though they usually get 3 or 4 escapes. Yet you know... nerf the killer!

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    I still haven't lost a single game against this killer yet. My argument is that the counterplay is extremely boring and she is still a weak killer in terms of map control.

    Counter-play isn't just a 1 side thing. both sides can have meaningful inputs

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    You say you play SWF and usually get 3/4 escape. So you are clearly have some advantage because you should be losing some games.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,713

    I think Artist is fine the way she is.

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    So I'm not allowed to play Swf and also try to win? Not my fault so many killers are weak. I just think that the new killer is boring to play against.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766

    Yes, yes I should. Reading it back, I don't know where I got the idea that they said she was weak.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2021

    The us versus them is not the point, the fact is that the OP states that they believe the killer is weak, haven'tlost a single game against them. Yet you and them state they want to nerf them regardless, where is the fun of the killer at all in this equation.

    Killers cannot all be about mobility, you can down a survivor quicker than with other killers just showcases that they have more potential.

    All I hear is that if the killer plays well, they should not be rewarded for it. They should only be able to down a survivor when they mess up. Counterplay, counterplay... only applies to survivors I guess, the killers decisions, actions and skill should not be at all a factor in the interaction.

    You claim to want a fun game for both sides? I see no evidence of any of that. That is the hypocrisy of the situation. If a killer needs to fake actions in order to get an advantage instead of doing them, that means there is a back and forth. Else they would simply always do it, if they don't fake they are bad, if they do and get a down because of it, they are braindead. Good survivors can play a back and forth game with the killer, a good designed killer will sometimes win and sometimes lose based on how they and the survivors play.

    Where exactly is the consideration of the gameplay of the killer? If less skilled get punished hard, where is the reward of better ones? Nah let's rework it so even they get punished for doing the perfect play, faking their ability, etc. Why should their skill be rewarded?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2021

    Other than mobility killers, what exactly counters the W playstyle?

    Hold W is always going to counter any killer that isn't able to rush, blink, etc. Acting like making it easier to loop them is going to resolve that isn't factual, it just means that there is more strength for survivors as they can run 3 circles around the loop and still hold W to win. It is literally a direct nerf.

    Not all killers will be mobility based, holding W is not something that is due to this killer. Reworking her isn't going to change that fact, most killers are countered by w gaming... this isn't just the Artist.

    Frankly I find it fun to play as her, as she has options. She can put pressure in the loop, causing people to move away from it and 1 bird at a time try to snipe them before they reach the next. It is interactive, far more than most other killers. Good survivors are able to bait, mind game and play around the loop for longer, while bad just go down when they do. It feels far more that my skill as a killer matters rather than the run circles, pallet drop, w gaming and relying on survivors messing up instead.

    W gaming of survivors happens to so many killers, at least this one places some pressure on the survivors when they do. People go like it promotes W gaming, but which killers other than the top mobility based ones aren't directly countered and dealing with that. When I play PH, w gaming, Demo, W gaming, Nemesis, W gaming, Bubba, W gaming, Pig, W gaming .... it is just how survivors play.

    When I play survivor, I try to loop and yet also rely on W gaming after I get hit. Why? Because that is the game, not just against the artist.

    THEBLASTOUT Member Posts: 55

    She needs a buff, she should be like in the PTB just like Legion

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Yet most of those killers are also considered incredibly weak? They don't promote that game play, they just experience it after they get looped for an additional 30 seconds lost per tile? You act like they don't need to deal with W gaming.

    The artist has more than just hold W, there are tricks, mind games and yet they are less safe. That makes her stronger! She might need to fake, you might need to bait out a shot, work with timings, LoS, verticality, etc. Yet people don't want to try it out, because of the risk involved. It isn't like those older killers, where they are safe and if needed they can fall back on w gaming after they drop thr pallet. Nah against the artist you go down if you mess up, no fail safe... that is why they w game.

    You claim it wouldn't be a direct nerf, so... what do you suggest?