Which killer do you have the most fun playing as?

Putting strength and the ability to 4k all the time aside. Which killer do you have the most fun playing as in terms of their abilities and such things. For me I'm currently having the most fun with Plague and jump scare Myers. Plague because it's fun to launch your vomit over walls and have it rain down on unsuspecting survivors on gens. Myers because I love when you come out of nowhere and you can see someone get jump scared by their survivor movement.
Trickster is probably one of my favorite ranged killer powers. His ability to shut chases down in under 20 seconds is pretty insane, his main event is ass though.
I enjoyed plague for a bit after the update until I started playing games when I’d puke on survivors and I’d hear them scream but no infection. She’s still really fun but she’s definitely still a little clunky.
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Artist, I like the creepiness and the sound she makes when falling from high.
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I'm very sure that a bunch of people already know my answer.
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Plague, i’ve had fun playing as her since her buff.
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Top 5 for me….
- Spirit
- Plague
- Oni
- Huntress
- Nemesis
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I really like playing Trapper. Nothing more satisfying than when your traps actually work.
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Pig, Plague, Artist, and Clown.
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Pyramid Head (few things more gratifying than making the right prediction and nailing survivors with the Rites of Judgement though multiple walls)
Spirit (unphasing right in the face of a sprinting survivor and smacking them never gets old)
Myers (jumpscares, duh)
Plague (Whether the survivors cleanse or not dictates how you play)
Artist (I love the loop play, and crow sniping)
And I want to say Legion, but they need help. Please help Legion, BHVR.
Many of my most fun moments as killer have been with killers who I don't have consistent success with (Myers, Ghostface).
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Blight, Oni and Myers are the most fun for me
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Played killer too much. I get bored asf of everything after a couple trials.
However, if I had to pick one, currently it would probably be Phead for getting blind punishment of the damned through walls (zoning or animation lock hits are free, I don't care).
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The killers that i do find the most fun have a high enough mmr that those matches with them arent as fun anymore :(
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Trapper when people actually fall in your traps. Huntress and Bubba can also be pretty fun.
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Blight or trapper
Blight: his cosmetics, power and lore and also I have a soft spot of Halloween themed characters.
Trapper the first killer I ever main and how he is now is honestly wonderful and I do enjoy the game with him and my favorite cosmetic for him would be the krampus.
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Basement trapper
Infinite tombstone myers
jump scare myers
I used to main hag but boons gutted her hit and run playstyle.
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Five stars - most fun
One star - least fun / boring
But I don't have a main because I play most killers.
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I think the order is: Nurse, Artist, Huntress, Blight, Deathslinger.
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No killer was as fun for me as Old Freddy was.
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Chuking knives is just fun and his little sound effects are a delight when he starts giggling like a maniac
Nothing beats the symphony that's a survivor scream who walks into your carefully placed traps.
I love the information based playstyle and injuring multiple survivors rappidly is just satisfying
None of these killers are good for concistant 4k's but god are they fun to me.
Honerable mention to ancient freddy.
While he had a lot of issues he was just a blast to play. It was so different then the other killers
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So far for me its been The Twins and Oni ...the screams and them running around is hilarious to me and other sim sure XD
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i love pinhead he is so fun and his chase theme is awesome
i was a nurse main btw
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My main, Twins, specifically with cats eye and toy sword add ons. I spend all my energy constantly jump scaring the survivors with slow silent creepy Victor and have a blast every time. Plague is my second for laughs
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Artist. She is just a very fun killer to play and im actully starting to enjoy killer more with her. Might be my new main.
Sorry Freddy :( You will always be number 1 tho.
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I have...honestly 6 mains right now. In order:
Hag - my #1 favorite killer and a perfect mix of powerful and fun. No weak maps, endless skillcap, and she's small enough that she can do all sorts of sneaky things. She's one addon pass and BP rewards number tuning away from perfection.
Demogorgon - Great addons (mostly), a combination of stealth, information and mobility that appeals to me. He struggles versus good survivors (shreds are too easy to juke) but has so many little tricks to master and nothing compares to the feeling of popping out of a portal and grabbing someone off a gen.
Plague - The queen of 'A' tier. Powerful, consistent and fluid. Her rework was brilliant and honestly she's almost perfect right now. Her addons are so well designed that they offer 3 different playstyles depending on which ones you pick. If it wasn't for her terrible BP gains, she'd be my second favorite.
Artist - Amazingly fun, I love her visuals and audio design. While she's not as strong as everyone makes her out to be, she's got a decent kit and a lot of chances to outplay or be outplayed. Her addons, especially her purples and iris are either boring or crap though and she can feel really clunky due to the constant hitches.
Doctor - One of the first killers I bought (Grave Encounters is one of my all time favorite 'guilty pleasure' horror flicks) and he remains very enjoyable. His 'madness' mechanic is totally unique and enables all sorts of funky builds. If it wasn't for his shocks having such dumb, unfair validation issues and so many completely useless addons I'd play him even more. BP farmer supreme.
Cenobite - I mained him for a long time, and with addons he was a force to be reckoned with. Without addons he's...mediocre though and the nerfs went a bit overboard. Still enjoyable - chains are great in open spaces and once you get a feel for them you can do all sorts of shenanigans (my favorite trick shot was a chain I sent through shack door, out shack window and hitting the survivor behind me). Plus Hellraiser is among my favorite franchises.
Honorable mentions:
Pig - With a smaller terror radius and a proper rework (her addons are either terrible or cheesy and many just need to be baked in baseline) she'd be decent. Currently just a meme though.
Pyramid Head - His 'cages' need to work with BBQ and he needs a total addon rework, but otherwise he's a lot of fun.
Ghostface - Really looking forward to his rework.
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Ghostface. Having the ability to crouch and stalk is so satisfying.
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The ones I like playing the most are probably
- Doctor - I love his tracking ability since it keeps me in chases the entire game. Plus his Madness is just kind of a cool ability thematically
- Freddy - I like the look of Dream World, his ability to teleport around the map, and even though snares are a bit better I like using fake pallets just because it’s hilarious when survivors use them and get hit
- Ghostface - I really like his stealth system. He’s not the best killer in the game since he has no way to get around the map, but it is pretty satisfying getting the drop on people with him. Pig is ok too but Inlike Ghostface’s version of stealth a bit better since he doesn’t lose speed and his instantdown potential is a little better than Pig’s lunge. (Pigs traps aren’t bad though)
- Pinhead - I haven’t played him a ton but the times I have I really liked him. Even though he has a ranged attack it’s really easy to hit with it. His Chain Hunt just works passively, and even his teleport gets easy hits now and then. Plus he’s got a good thematic feel.
- Pyramid Head - I’m not a very good shot with his ranged attack ability, but tormenting and caging and executing survivors never gets old. He’s not my best character but he’s got some of the coolest feeling abilities when you play him.
At the other end the ones I like playing the least are
- Nurse - She’s the only killer I actively don’t play. I can’t stand staring at her feet half the game, whoever thought that would be a fun way to balance her ability out needs a good scolding. 😡 Blight has a stun for instance but it comes up much less frequently and isn’t as annoying to watch. If Nurse at least kept her head up and her vision dimmed so you could still kind of see what’s going on it would be more tolerable.
- Deathslinger, Huntress and Plague. I’m a horrible shot with all of their abilities. I was playing Plague yesterday and can’t count how many Pukes I whiffed, and she’s easier to hit with than the other two! It’s mainly because I play whatever killer happens to be my mission, so I don’t practice these guys enough to have good aim. I don’t dislike any of them in principle though, I just don’t play them enough to be good with their ability and am not interested enough to practice enough to get good. (I’m not great with Blight’s Lethal Rushes either but at least his ability is fun for getting around the map quickly.)
- Hillbilly - I’m not a fan of Hillbilly, hitting with his chainsaw is pretty awkward and his steering with his chainsaw isn’t great either. Bubba’s chainsaw is way more fun to use in a chase, and Blight is more fun for zipping around the map because he can do tight turns. Hillbilly is like taking the best aspects of those two characters and making them both less enjoyable.
And of the others, some ones I want to like more than I do
- Clown - I actually liked Clown a bit more when he just had the pink bottles, even though he was objectively weaker. I liked the simplicity of it. Now I feel like if I’m not constantly thinking about whether or not to use the yellow bottles and when and when to switch, etc, I’m missing out, which just takes away from that simplicity of design he had before. The yellow gas was a buff, sure, but in terms of how much I enjoy using him it was a step back.
- Spirit - I like her thematically, such as her passive ability which makes her jitter randomly from her true location and that she’s the only literally invisible stealth killer. But too many survivors run Iron Will 3 that it’s just annoying chasing someone you can’t see or hear but they can hear you. And yeah, she has that one killer instinct add-on, but that’s not always available and eventually I wouldn’t be surprised if it got nerfed a bit since it is pretty powerful. I think if they ever made Iron Will 3 be 90% sound reduction instead of 100% it would make playing Spirit against those survivors a little less annoying. (It would still be harder to hear them but not impossible.)
- Nemesis - I really want to love the zombies, but their pathing is terrible! And his whip attack does nothing for me, I’m not a fan of that attack. Hopefully someday those zombies will get an AI upgrade or something.
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Any with low MMR
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Spirit, Myers, and Bubba.
Wraith used to be there too but with COH removing his ability to pressure well and his lunge nerf, he's not as enjoyable anymore.
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I think my whole shtick on the forums at this point is just that I'm a Blight guy.
So yeah, Blight.
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Nurse. She is effective, gets kills and can control the map. That's all a Killer needs and she has it. No reason to play anything else; My fun comes from winning.
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I honestly find plague most fun. as its really nice counter to CoH and SWF have to sweat more.
But you can get 2 variants of the game.
Where they are afraid to cleanse and ur typical m1 chasing all, single lantern slap puts you down.
And the other game where they fill you all fountains with cranberry juice and you just run around enjoy puke downs
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Demogorgon by a fairly large margin. His shred attacks are so dam satisfying to land, and the sound design there plays a large part in it. That hit just has so much oomph to it, combined with Demo's scream, its just the most satisfying attack to land in the game.
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Demogorgon, Mommy Artist and Nemesis
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Definitely Mikey.
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Demogorgon and Ghostface
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Don't play killer anymore but when I did and if I will again I like these three: Hag, Trapper, Twins
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- Plague: My girl. Loved her before her buff and now she just feels wonderful to play. I'm comfortable with both sides of her gameplay; either she makes survivors super easy to track, which is great for my half-blind ass, or she rains the pain with the best ranged ability in the game.
- Wraith: Even with his nerf and the prevalence of CoH putting strain on him, I still really enjoy his gameplay. He's not a killer that wastes time looking for people, between the high map transversal and the lack of warning people get to step away from their gens and hide. Even on a map like Red Forest, you don't really feel the crippling size and gen spread. It's not hard to force pallets with him and create deadzones due to his high speed; windows are his greatest enemy. Also, he's got a bing bong and that's great.
- Nemesis: I just love this big stompy boi. His anti-loop is a quick draw and very easy to use, moreso than Pyramid Head or Deathslinger. And while the zombies are nice for meme plays or occasionally blocking that very important door, their best aspect is the passive map tracking telling you where survivors are and aren't.
- Pig: She's not very strong, and her stealth mode needs some major QoL, but her slowdown is fun and oinking at survivors is even more fun. The fact that survivors will randomly crouch up to me and try to boop the snoot is more wholesome than I can stand.
I'm not sure where Artist ranks yet, but she might be up here; I'm having lots of fun playing her, mainly for the passive tracking.
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I know I'm going to be in the minority here, but I just recently picked up Slinger and I'm enjoying learning how to play as him. Aiming is incredibly hard on PS4, but there is something that feels nice about landing a shot. Needless to say, I'm getting destroyed in my matches. 😂
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Win or lose, I always have fun with Twins. It does help that I can't remember the last time I lost a game with Twins.
I also love basically every other killer.
I wish Ceno's chains were more rewarding/easier to land, Legion could maybe use a secondary ability, and I wish clown had some passive slowdown, but I don't have any major issues with any killers.
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Tp+Jmm Myers.
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Definitely Ghostface, Spirit too, but Ghosty 10000000000%
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Pig.... My main the one I have almost all perks on
It's still stressful to play as but I find that I have way more fun (at times) playing the Pig rather then any other Killer
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Used to absolutely love slinger, now never play him anymore, trickster is one of my favorite
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5 star = Love playing them
1 star = I would rather uninstall than play them
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blight oni huntress nurse billy demo pig
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Oh it's definitely Artist now , She's so versatile in comparison to my Twins and Executioner.
It's just maps like The Game are really poor for her with the elevation , amount of pallets and the amount of lockers. Other than that, she's sound.