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Circle of Healing is proof the devs hate killers



  • Member Posts: 705

    So? they just rebless it. There's no point in even snuffing them.

  • Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2021

    I do not think Boons are broken or too strong. They should however not stach with any other healing bonuses including from medkits.

    Either way boons do have some downsides to using them:

    • They are hevaily dependant on totem spawns and placements. This means even if one is lit up and someone wants to heal, they will have to run to the boon which is across the map in some cases, or invest first time to bless a new one if they find one and then heal.Most of the time totems spawn is such ######### places that its not worth blessing them.
    • You only get the boon bonuses from a boon totem based on the perks of the person who lights it. So if someone is only running CoH, and you run CoH + Shadowstep, you will only get CoH buff from their boon not both.
    • Blessing a totem is 14s where a survivor is not doing generators. Blessing a Hex is even more time a generator is not done.
    • Totem placements arent that great to begin with so most times boons are right in your face ready to be snuffed.
    • CoH isnt all that great. Had a ton of games where killers apply mangled + hemmorage and the healing self at a boon totem takes quite a long time and those matches usually ended with 2-3 kilsl for the killer.

    The only thing tehy should do is make all boons not stack with any other bonuses from items and it should be fine. Or implement some mechanic where totems are blocked for X seconds from being interacted with similar to the way some gen blocking perks work cause a direct nerf to CoH will simply make everyone stop using it and it will become yet another utterly useless perk without any benefit of using.

    For example the perk thatb locks gens at start of the match, let it also block all totems or add an effect to some exisiting perks where completing a generator blocks all totems for X seconds for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Every 14 seconds they bless is 17,5% of a gen that isn't done. It hurts more then you would think.

    The only problems with boons is the power of multifloor boons and CoH being overtuned. Scale CoH down and they'll be manegable

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I understand why.

    For 1 Killer, his objectives are 4 survivors. Its easy to make these 5 subjects spawn away from each other.

    For 4 Survivors, their objectives are 5 totem & 5 Gen. Make these 14 subjects spawn away from each other is almost impossible.

    But I do have an idea to fix it.

  • Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2021

    yeah also that guy plays like a noob. faced him yesterday and he got stomped by me, 1 console player and 2 russian swf members.

  • Member Posts: 281

    if they nerf survivors they give them other buffs if they nerf killers they don't buff their other stuff

  • Member Posts: 370

    They don't hate killers... they just have no idea of how the game is played at a good level. As they have no idea about it, they rely exclusively on stats to do changes, stats that are completely flawed...

  • Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2021

    have you seen mc lean's twitter account with rin's and deathslinger's grave pictures? they definetly do.

    Post edited by sadakiyo on
  • Member Posts: 267


  • Member Posts: 761

    I wouldn't mind boons if killers had a way to destroy totems so they couldn't be relit. Give killers a perk that can do that and we're good. Otherwise, the compromise would be that each survivor can only light one totem per game, because as thing stand, it simply can't stay the way it currently is.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    I don't think it's a matter of 'hating killers', and more a matter of hubris (like the insta flashlight stuns). They love the idea and are resistant to changing it, despite the balance issues it creates.

    At the very least, snuffing a totem should destroy that totem.

    Boons will almost certainly be adjusted eventually, much like OoO and DS were eventually adjusted.

    I don't think some folks actually play much killer.

    If it takes 14 seconds to erect a boon and 10 seconds to find and snuff it, survivors are already ahead of the game even if they got zero utility out of the boon. Killer time is absolutely at a premium, and there are 4 survivors to one killer.

    A single perk slot giving an entire team self care and sprint burst, combined with how aggressively CoH stacks with other healing perks is just unhealthy for this game and needs adjusting.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    giving boon perks cooldowns after snuffing would be a more reasonable change, a one time use is a little harsh.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Nah they don't hate killer, but they sure don't have a clue about balance.

  • Member Posts: 45

    So we didn't get some map reworks during slingers release?

    DS Nerf???

    Object nerf???

    Hatch and key nerf???

    You act as if survivors had alot of broken ######### in the last year

    Almost all of survivors most problematic perks and items have been nerfed and killers have been getting buffed constantly since chapter 15


    Killers just got a bunch of addons reworked a month ago which buffed a few killers and now we know legion and GF are next for buffs yet you keep acting like survivors arent getting nerfed? Survivors are finally getting decent perks after years and killers act like its a crime, This game is not harder for killers anymore

  • Member Posts: 990

    Bruh survivors got nerfed because they were horrifically over powered. Give me one survivor nerf that wasnt needed

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Map reworks made them worse for killer. Badham became super safe and has the highest survival rate. Corn maps are still disgusting if not worse with even safer tiles that now fully protect from ranged killers and corn that blocks everything. They use these maps for 1v1 matches for a reason. THE GAME

    Crotus penn has more pallets and the filler tiles are anti range with full visibility of the killer. It has some of the most disgusting spawns in the game facing the shack window directly into other strong loops that chain to the main building. You can't teleport to the middle gen any more with nurse from outside of the building without addons

    All the map reworks are a disaster with the "innovative" breakable wall system just wasting the killers time to remove infinites that shouldn't be there in the first place and even without the door, some are still really strong.

    Plague/trapper/doctor/clown/trickster all still B tier or less. Sure Plagues update was a nice QOL and feels better to play, but it didn't change her strength at all. Clown got a buff?

    The update to addons didn't change anything and even nerfed some killers with what they took away.

    The survivor perk nerfs were just a side grade. Ds is still Ds and is still meta. If anything i see it activate more than pre nerf. Dead hard got a hefty safety barrier so you don't get exhausted on the ground (buff). Survivor items are still way to strong and got a nice bump with the new and updated perks.

    Hatch and key nerf was 1 year overdue and should have been done on the day they deleted moris from the game. No, survivors needed months to prepare for the nerf and ample time to use their keys as much as they could.

    Object was unhealthy for the game and a welcome nerf, sadly it retains some use for swf and i have run into some super toxic ones using it recently. A killer knowing where a survivor is is less meaningful then a survivor knowing where the killer is.

  • Member Posts: 915

    lol most BHVR guys play a lot of killer, at least the guys i saw who streamed sometimes. Just because something feels unbalanced doesn't mean it's always intentionally rigged by "those up there", in this case the dev's.

  • Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2021

    i personally don't like the new maps designwise but saying they're all survivor sided is not true. The Asylum is better than before, the Chapel is worse for killer. Autohaven and MacMillan feel pretty balanced, sometimes even killer sided. I don't mind having some more unbalanced maps on each side (all indoor maps are killer sided), but i would mind having Dbd getting balanced like some tournament shooter, with boring, characterless tournament maps. I want it to be a casual game where you dont know what's coming next match.

    I don't like breakable walls too but it's better than some of the god loops we had before. Breaking them makes some loops completely useless for survivors.

    Killers got a lot of buffs since i joined 2 years ago. Yea some nerfs too. That's how it works. Yeah the add on changes are a disappointment in some cases.

    DS should be basekit anyway in a perfectly balanced game. You shouldn't have to tunnel and camp as killer, it's unfun for everyone except for the psychopaths who just play to destroy other peoples mood. Everyone wants to play at least the majority of the match and not getting tunneled out at 5 or 4 gens. Right now tunneling is necessary in some cases but if they would balance it out DS should be basekit so killers who like to tunnel get punished.

    Yeah new hit validation is per se a great thing, i was exhausted on the ground so many times or got hits from russian players from around the corner. But i also feel like it was an unnecessary buff to some perks like DH.

    I think i haven't seen Object for more than 3 months or so. It's surely not a problem in current meta.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    Admittedly, they make a lot of money from Survivors and there is a chance that they will change a thing or two.

    Also I have a feelings that they are going to release a broken Hex for killers in the future. It just takes them a while to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it right.

  • Member Posts: 763
    edited December 2021

    Are you kidding me?! If there are any "buffs" to killers over the past year it's because they nerfed them the previous year. The last good time they did a buff was the Freddy rework and it didn't take long for them to make his add ons absolutely worthless. Same for Spirit, Nurse, and anyone else that gives survivors a challenge. Let's also add the quick and dirty Mori nerf but left the broken keys playable for a good while. Let's not forget the atrocious sound bugs and NO optimization on consoles so any notification brings your FPS to 0.5 as killer. Meanwhile survs keep getting maps, breakable walls to waste the killer's time (something that wasn't needed nor wanted), buffed perks, another Sprint Burst, and that broken as all hell Circle of Protection: Killer. Oh yeah...and this BS MMR that does absolutely nothing but create crappy gaming experiences. But yeah things are even all around...

  • Member Posts: 960

    So don't camp, slug or tunnel but allow body blocks, flashlight saves, sabos and hook Swarming?

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