HEX: Pentimento

finally, it's done. i was able to get a full value of this Perk :)
I blocked all Totems with the Perk HEX: Pentimento in a normal Match.
Sadly, no Archievement for it :(
After i did it, directly one DC happend..
Did you manage it too allready ? :)
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So the prophecy is true.
You are the messiah!
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wow that's really well photoshopped picture
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lol :D it was quite easy with a small trick. I let HEX: Plaything and HEX: Ruing doing their job. After they all got clansed i run to all totems to rekindle them. The result you see on the Screenshot. The Survivors got a big suprise after my round was finished.. ^^
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Lyralistix is the greatest killer in Dead by Sunrise.
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How in tf
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I managed to get 4 so far at same time with plaything, still got value from a mid game stand off.
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I try it again but the boons, make it harder to archieve it.
If you have a Boon in your round, forget to rekindle all of 5. The last 3 trials i didn't get the chance to have more than 4 rekindled Totems.
It will happen again, i believe in it.. haha
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I was wondering if this would be the way to go or not or if to many gens would be done.
It will now be nerfed into oblivion lol
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Whats depressing is that they introduced this perk only after boons became a thing.
Let that sink in. They PURPOSELY introduced the best anti cleanse hex perk AFTER they allow survivors to cleanse a totem without breaking it, thereby making the perk basically irrelevant since CoH/Shadowstep are both meta perks
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Yeah I feel like Plaything really is your best chance to get to 5. Congrats on making it work!
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I’m lucky to get two stacks in a match. Four was my max and the match was gg already
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I did it, but not really for value.
I just let them destroy all totems and then I run around a map to rekindle all of them :D
But boons just counter that perk too much to be viable...
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I got it to happen in a round I played as Wraith this morning, and I did it with almost the same build: Ruin, Undying, Plaything, and Pentimento. The idea was that Ruin/Undying would give me enough slowdown to give me time to get the hooks I needed to get Plaything totems, and I was playing Wraith, so I was going to be speedy enough to relight the totems if/when they were broken -- I didn't want to relight any until all 5 were down. Unfortunately, Ruin and Undying went ridiculously fast -- I know, what a shock -- so I had literally no gen slowdown other than the pressure I could get through hooks. By the time I did get all 5 totems in place for me to relight them -- someone took forever to get rid of their Plaything -- the team was down to 1 gen. I ended up with 1 kill and a lot of hooks -- the gate opening speed penalty actually got me the kill, as I downed someone just as they were getting the gate open. Looking forward to trying for it again.
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Damn. I saw somebody get this as Nurse, but this is the first I'm seeing on a non-mobility killer, and with 3 gens left, too (so perma-pentimento really worked its magic that round.) Bravo, good sir/lady.
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I wish I could get a full 5 stack of Pentimento, even going with a full hex build running thrill of the hunt I still get people who are insane enough to actually boon the hex totems. I don't understand.
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The Funfact at this status. The Survivor tried to more sneak. May they know that they have lost the game.
One Guy were in the Corner in a Gym, no Gen nearby. The other two, tried to make a gen but with the repair penalty it was quite hard for them do any Progress. For my statistic i do everytime a Endgamescreen, if you interested in, i can share it with you :)
unfortunately i didin't make it again since this match (boons or not cleansing plaything)
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I know right :D The screenshot is pretty much looking out over the entire map and you only see his 1 totem (ruin) up :D Next time he should photoshop in some extra active totems too hehe.
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I dont believe it.
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Photoshop ? lol.. don't have the skills for it. Believe it or not, i don't care much.. i only asked if someone managed it too..That is the thing i'm interested in.
Sadly my Videoproof was off so this is the only thing i can share with you (and the endgamescreen ofc)
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Where's the DC? Where's the blocked gens?
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Blocked Gens ? May you missunderstood the Perk. you talk about Grim Embrance.
The DC followed after this Screenshot. Here is the Endgamescreen:
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To make one thing clear. I didn't thought or expect that someone will think, i try to fake this, only to get your attention.
So this Screenshot shows only the 5 Stacks on Pentimento and nothing else special. Next time i take a Video, make a perfect Screenshot of all totems just to give ya all a 100% proof of the authenticity that it is possible to reach it.
Again my Question, did anyone do it, too ? :) That is the reason for thjis thread :D
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The highest count was 3, with a really stupid team....
my personal opinion : from 100 games maybe one time if you face pre-school-kids
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a ton of luck you need for it i think and i'm with you. i don't think that it will often happend.
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Holy #########