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Tome 3 challange Main Attraction Broken

JovialCub Member Posts: 88

I've attempted this challenge several times. I've knocked down several survivors within the same match while the main event is up with only blades. A couple times I've knocked down 2 survivors within the same Main Event window using only blades. None of these are giving credit.

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  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Tried again after this last patch. On PC. I downed two people within the same main event window. Then I also downed two people separately with a main event. All of this within the same match. This did not trigger the challenge to be completed.

  • Having the same issue on ps5

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88


    This has still not been addressed or fixed. I have completed two games where I only used knives to down survivors, several times they were in the main even window of time. I am not able to complete this challenge. If it cannot be fixed, I think its reasonable that it should be marked completed for people or changed completely.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Another update to this, no patch this Thursday.

    I've had two games where survivors gave up. They let me down their whole squad 3x with the same main event only using knives.

    No Challenge completed... do better.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Just another update after this last failed update

    I've had a couple matches that I knocked two people down during the main event using only knives.

    This time I had one main event window where I knocked down 3 people. I thought maybe that was it, but nope, still can't complete the challenge.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Another update on trying to do this challenge.

    Went against a 4 man swf, they were very altruistic. Three times, I was at the hook when they team rushed for a rescue, 3 times i knocked down the rescuer and the rescued with main event active and getting a double knockdown 3x in the same game, only using knives. I never once swung the bat. I thought after this last update I would be surprised. A last, did not get the "Main Attraction" challenge marked as completed.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88

    Did this challenge again, finished 2 matches where I only used blades and knocked down 3 people each match only using blades during the main event as trickster. I wasn't expecting it to work and I was assured that its still broken as the day it was introduced.