Want to know what kill rates are so high?

Other than players just being straight bad, challenges are constantly forcing you to grief teammates to complete them.
I've griefed the last 5 teams I've had just to do challenges, games I could of easily won simply to do my challenges faster.
You put so many challenges in this game where if I want to complete them I literally have to grief my team to finish them...such as hide next to the killer within 10 meters
Or the totem challenge where I'm not doing gens, I'm breaking potential boon totem spots and i'm just wasting time 3 games in a row to break 15 totems.
If you really think kill rates are a good way to balance this game you don't know your own game.
God, I despise the 'hide within 10m of the killer for 30 seconds in one game' challenges. There's lots of bad survivor challenges, but this one is the absolute worst. The only non-idiot way to get them is to wait for a farming killer. Even a facecamping killer seems like prime bait for this challenge, but if you're running in circles and pointing at them, or staring at them from behind a rock, then you're not doing gens and you're probably going to kill the rest of your team. It's one thing to hide while the killer inspects your gen, but getting 30 seconds in one normal game is unrealistic and what happens is that players have to follow the killer around for minutes because ten meters is so damn short. Then you have the one that wants 60 seconds...
And totem cleansing challenges just went from 'meh' to sandbagging between boons and Pentimento, and that's not counting their numbers, which were nutty and took many games to complete even before cleansing dulls turned into a bad idea.
Then you get challenges like Blood Debt which encourage survivors to race other people to saves and unhook stupidly because they need to save that particular player, damn it. Same with 'unhook survivors in the killer's TR with BT twice in one match.' Just because you have BT does not make a save a good idea.
I've opened exit gates before I should have and sandbagged teammates to get protection hits all in the name of rift challenges. I've thrown the game, pallet camped, and wasted so many pallets trying to get stuns-in-one-games done, I've sat there and pointed at the killer while they ran towards me for Tome 6. Challenges that encourage gimmicky gameplay are bad for the game, especially on the survivor end of things (because the killer can knowingly throw their own game and it only affects them, but survivors have three other people reliant on their decisions.)
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I have plenty of games where the killer runs to the corner and does nothing. Plenty of farming games where the killer let's all the survivors go.
I agree that a lot of the challenges are obnoxious and you have to play poorly to complete them, thus making the killer more likely to get kills. But there's two ends of the spectrum. Do they cancel each other out so the kill rates are 100% accurate? Unlikely, but we don't know for sure. That's why statistics should just be looked at for fun and not something to completely rely on to form conclusions.
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That is why I rarely pay attention to challenges and only do the ones neccessary for completion.
It usually works for me, just playing the game like usual and most of them get done except the few pesky ones I had to focus on so I can proceed.
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Blood Debt has to be the worst.
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I don't think it's the worst simply because you can get it by playing normally; it just takes forever. Yeah, it makes some players intentionally go down early and do stupid saves, but some players will take the slow and non-destructive route. Same with totems.
The challenges that want you to do something demanding in one game are worse because no matter what, you have to play weird to get them.
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Nothing will ever beat the "Complete 4 gens with Dark Sense" challenge. That was atrocious, especially as a near-exclusive solo player.
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All the while you are doing these challenges you also get people rage quitting and kill themselves on hook on first hook
Like Jesus, it's no wonder why kill rates are so inflated
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The number of players killing themselves on hook due to facing a killer they don't like or getting downed early is nuts. That alone is enough to skew kill rate data.
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Yeah I hate the challenges and get really annoyed when teammates are playing for challenges instead of trying to win. I shouldn't have to go out of my way to queue up in a 4 man SWF just to ensure I'll have teammates who are going to try and win a game. This game needs a separate ranked competitive queue to truly get a sense of where it stands balance-wise. Throwing all playstyles/mindsets into the same queue just frustrates everyone.
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If at least we could complete the challenges playing normally (without choosing one specific challenge), this wouldn't happen.
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How often do you see a killer throw a match in comparison to someone literally killing themselves on first hook? lmao
Be real, you know it's true.
Killer's kill rates are super inflated due to baby cry baby survivors killing themselves or trolling due to challenges.
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I mean most challenges can be done without hurting your team. People just want to rush through the challenges as fast as possible and some are quite long people get impatient
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What makes kill rates so high is that most survivors arent that good. Some are selfish and only care about themselves. Many times I see that some aren't hooked at all while the rest of the team is struggling to survive.
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The hide within 10 meters of the killer challenge is easy. Just play a midwich offering and be on the floor above or below them.