Killer Adepts

On stream I have been attempting adepts. I got all of them for Survivor within a day. But I am struggling with killers.
For example, today I attempted adept Pig. I got a 4K. And iridescent in every category except GateKeeper. But they only did two gens total. It seems to me that proving yourself as being adept is quite hard at rank one.
In my opinion the achievement should either be a 'master' killer achievement. Or stay as an 'Adept' killer achievement but be earned with a merciless victory OR a 4K.
As it stands, you can have amazing 4K games at rank 1 and still not be classified as 'adept' because you didn't tick all the boxes. 3 iridescent and 1 gold at rank 1 ISNT adept...
I just don't think that winning too fast or too hard should take away from earning an achievement labeled as adept. Personal opinion is to either change the name or change the requirements. What do you think?
It should just be 4K, honestly. The Killer ones are way harder than Survivor. Hell, you can hatch out as a Survivor.
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I'm with you all the way
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It's BS, idiotic and completely impossible sometimes.
You basically need to go for 12 hooks, have many chases, stop gens flying, stop the survivors healing all whilst trying to do this with some crappy perkless killer like trapper, against x4 DS/UB gen rushing SWF.
You're better off throwing till you're around rank 20, then going for it.
They should really just change it to 4 kills only, instead of making it so you need to double pip, which requires 10-12 hooks and all the other shenanigans that don't happen unless the survivors are potato.
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I wish it was just a 4k, or even just downgrading it to Ruthless Killer instead, so it isn't thst awful to accomplish. I've had so many games where I've gotten Ruthless, mostly from people dying on hook too quickly or DCing.
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It used to be just kill all 4 you get it
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And the devs are probably falling into this fallacy once again that "Well, players who already got the achievement will feel cheated. We can't change them now." Yes you can. You haven't cared about what people wanted most of the time anyway, so why not do that again for adepts?
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Just keep trying, you'll get it eventually. If you do badly you may even get your MMR knocked down to play against easier survivors. Only takes one good game.
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Yeah it's even worse when the killers perks basically do nothing.
I've been trying for my wraith adept at rank one - three for about a week now and the one time I get four iridescent emblems it wasn't even a merciless, I double pipped and everything but no achievment
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I dislike de-ranking in general, but this is one instance where I 100% approve of it. As long as you do it with the intention of ranking back up after getting the Adept.
High rank matches go by so fast, you are facing an almost impossible task getting enough points to get your emblems for Merciless. It definitely needs to be changed to 4k. The only adjustment I'd make is maybe have it be 4 hook deaths so Moris and Perk'd deaths don't count. Not really a huge difficulty increase there since Moris got nerfed into uselessness, but some Perks can give you an advantage.
Adepts are reasonably easy in the greens though, so de-ranking to 12/13 would be my suggestion.
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I’m just waiting for MMR and the new rank reset where everyone is reset to 20 to finish them. Having to redo them all on PS5 sucks. Somehow I managed to get Billy in red ranks (used my chainsaw a grand total of two times to down, everyone else got my basic attack).
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Everyone knows that Adept Killer is asinine, but BHVR really can't do anything because they are still technically possible. And even if they could, this IS BHVR.
You need to be absolutely perfect or else gens will fly by before you can do anything. But you can't be too perfect or else Survivors will die too quickly. Any Killer that has an insta-down ability has a massive disadvantage for using their power because they can't get hits easily. Oh, and you also need to rely on Survivors not giving up on the hook, not DCing, and actually saving their teammates. Oh, AND the requirements get more insane at higher ranks.
Meanwhile, Survivors just need to escape.
How the hell I got Adept Twins on my first attempt at rank 6 still eludes me.
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I got merciless killer as legion with only his main three perks the other day, like I'm supposed to, and I still didn't get the achievement. It's kinda broken right now.
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Merciless Killer
Two words that screw over killers going for adapt. If bhvr would keep with the original meaning, all we would have to do is 4k.
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If survivor adept is just escaping, killer adept has to be just 4K, it's just logic..
Or you made it hard for survivors too, like, adding a third state of endgame for survivors like Merciless, and they too have to get it to get the adept (yeah, I think getting 8000 everywhere as a survivor is almost impossible, if not totally impossible). I don't know why it has to be waaay harder for one side concerning the success.
(And, I don't know how much time I could get the adept as a killer but hey... They bring key + map + map offering + hatch location offering.....)
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The most pain I've ever felt in this game is trying for adept Trapper. Waited until after Rank Reset, so it would be a little easier (This was a couple of weeks ago.)
Got Midwich.
Got Merciless anyways.
Didn't get the achievement.
Yes, I'm aware someone escaped, but I still got Merciless, and I could've sworn I've gotten adepts even if someone survived, as long as I still got Merciless.
I just want Trapper adept, dammit.
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I remember playing a perfect game as Trapper, against good survivors, pretty much sweating for the adept and left a survivor on the floor whilst I chased the other to secure the 4K
I come back, and the hatch spawned RIGHT under their body in front of me
I was so mad.. it would've been an adept game if I killed that bloody steve..
Got it a few hours later, but stupid RNG like that.. lord..
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FIX ADEPT FOR KILLERS! It IS RIDICULOUS! I just tried one and had a hard hard struggle barely got the 4 kills, as I'm hooking the last one I go, wow, that was hard! glad that is over! then realize after the match, i didn't get it. CHANGE IT TO 4K FOR ADEPT PLEASE!
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Personally, adepting killer is the worst part of DBD, nothing but sheer pain and frustration for something you can get as survivor without trying.
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I would not be surprised if his achievement still has the 4k requirement since he is the first killer and they did not update it.