Carmina Mora aka The Artist

Does BHVR just not think when they throw out a New DLC I am just curious

So I and some friends did some custom matches where I played as the new Killer to understand her Abilities before I go into real matches with her and I find that she is just a tad bit broken with her Crows

  1. They don't really have a cooldown perse. You get 3 Crows and but if you use 1 it goes to do the cooldown which makes no sense since
  2. The ability to go throw walls is rediculous like the ability to see someone's heartbeat is ok if they are nearby but I literally had my friends literally on the other side of the map from me where they are hugging the wall not moving and I am doing the same just to know the Crow does not whatsoever vanish within a certain threshold
  3. Being able for the crow to hit a locker to show a heartbeat is a bit stupid since the point of a locker is to be Immersive to hide from the killer at all cost

There are a few other little things that I find to be a bit annoying with the new Killer but not enough to put here and deal with but I just want to know the real reason why BHVR is releasing a Killer that is broken enough to make matches rediculous easy its not really a challenge when all I have to do is stand in the middle of the map and YEET crows every 3 seconds until I see a heartbeat or outlines of my crows

Yeah I can just go play another Killer if I find her too easy which at that point what's the point of buying the DLC in the first place to play someone different for once since I get sick of playing the same old dusty killers I've played 100 times over

I literally played matches as her and I watch Survivors just run into the basement just so I can down them and hook them just for them to let themselves die in the basement because they refuse to go against her because of the reasons I put above

I have played against this Killer myself and I see what the Survivors I have gone against are talking about she is basically Huntress with no skill and no one wants to deal with that hope to see some kind of change in the future maybe fix how she gets her crows maybe like how Bubba or Billy gets there charges rather than reloading the whole ability because she used 1 or 2 crows

I see the potential for her in the future but right now she will just have to sit in a corner and just not be used unless I get a challenge to use her or if I get asked to use her for kicks but even when I do I just won't use the crows as often as I have been seeing others been using them


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I just hate there is so many times when ur looping her that. you either get hit by bird or get hit by her. its frustrating sometimes but im still glad we got a strong killer thats not s tier but a perfectly balanced A tier like blight.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    In order:

    1 - Her cooldown length differs depending on how many birds she used, taking longer if she fired more. In chase, it's most useful to hit a survivor with one bird to swarm them, then fan two or three birds to pincer-attack them while they're still repelling. If you use three birds, the cooldown will be long enough for them to repel before you can fire again, so it's not a good opening salvo.

    2 - Her attack goes through walls, but it's less accurate the farther away she is from you, it takes two hits to damage through walls (swarm and then hit again before swarm removal), and she only has wallhacks when the survivor isn't repelling crows, which they can do at any time. If you get damaged from across the map, it's either a crazy fluke or your fault for leaving the crows on.

    3 - Killer instinct has always worked through lockers. It's a mechanic that was introduced with Legion, IIRC.

    I find she takes a lot of skill to use well. Her tracking ability is braindead, just shoot birbs at gens, but actually getting hits with her power requires good prediction and also good timing, because she can't fire her projectile immediately, unlike Huntress who can do see survivor --> throw stick without further thought. She has to do a greater amount of leading than her or Deathslinger, and that gives survivors more room to maneuver out of the way and behave unpredictably.

    You get free hits if survivors are dumb and drop pallets in front of a bird or never repel, but in practice, that's happening less and less as people learn how to play against her.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    i kinda glad there awful, they sound like her vocal cords are torn making that awful bird screech 10/10 sound design

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I totally forgot that they introduced Killer Instinct with Legion but to be far I never use it because I find it stupid just another easy way to find Survivors because you just can't open your eyes but thank you for reminding me that its been in the game for a while and reminding me why I hate Killer Instinct same reason why I hate BBQ I only use that for the BP and not to know where anyone is in the game but again thank you for giving me more information about this Killer. I will keep that in mind when I do play the new Killer but I still think that there should be some changes to make her better.