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With all those Killer-good-bye threads I have been thinking...

Hello everyone,

Killer mains complaining and Killer mains feeling so much pressure, that they feel they have to announce a bigger break, have always been part of this forum, but lately there are a lot of these.

Most often the answers are a mix of appeasing and wholesome, uplifting words and a few more entitled or antagonistic/sarcastic ones, (somewhere between "you worked your way into the sweaty mmr, now deal with it" and "so you decide how we survs have to play, in order for you to have fun?").

And me, being a diplomatic killer main, I have always chimed in with my own experiences, and tried to also understand the other side.

But just now a thought struck me: why do we see so, so many killer mains, not only complaining, but also leaving, yet so few survivors? There is a fair share of survivors voicing "please nerf thia" or "xxx is too strong", and the survivors strongly voice their pov in the respective "bye, I'm leaving" threads, but I can't remember to have seen a single "the state of the survivor core game is so busted. Bye" threads.

So, is it, that more whiny, low-endurance and entitled brats play killers, while more though and resilient players main survivors? Or might the game actually be slanted in the survivors way, and playing killer (at least in the higher MMR) is really a lot more taxing and stressful?

Mind you, I am not aiming to attack the survivors here, but after a while it seems to be this way. Or maybe there is another explanation? I recently started to play more survivor, because I finished 2/3 of the killer tome quests, and I appreciate good survivor gameplay now much more, while despising tunneling, having experienced it myself way too often.

Yet, I still think that most snarky survivor responses in this good-bye-threads really don't know how though the killer side of things is vs a bunch of experienced survivors with all those perks and techniques at their disposal.

I know that this here is mostly rambling and "more of the same old", but yeah, I also believe that if things were truly balanced, or even more balanced, we would see a lot more survivor mains being fed up with the game.

The end.

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  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Funny how i just said this in another thread.

    The thing is killer is just stressfull by design. They are in constant action and under constant time pressure. There never is a real downtime with killer unless your so far ahead you can't lose anymore.

    Survivors just don't have this as much. While you will have times where you get tunneled back to back a single game where someone else is the target is all you need to atleast regain a little composure.

    Couple that with the state of balance and killer mistakes in general being much harder punished then survivor mistakes and you have a role that's under constant pressure.

    The frustration builds up causing more mistakes and more frustration untill it suddenly snaps.

    You'll notice that a lot of these "I'm leaving" generally come from "mains" very rarely will somebody make a goodby post and say they play both sides. They always play the most pressured side back to back. Being a pure killermain wouldn't be a good idea even if the game was more balanced

    That's why M'Cote's advice of "play something else" is so misunderstood. It really makes a world of difference to even have a little breathing room. It's one of the best advices we could have had but we took it completly the wrong way.

    Even the most intense action movie will never have action non-stop. It's always action into slow scene into action into slow scene etc.

    Our brain is just not wired to deal with that constant stimulation. The game and bassicly everything in life becomes a lot less frustrating if you remind yourself to take a step back once in a while

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    Then don’t cry and complain about how the game is survivor sided and killers are weak when I’m offering the key to help save killers from going extinct(I sound nuts but it’s true every killer is leaving)

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I’m not the one complaining about a “survivor sided game”. I’m just stating I don’t agree with your idea cause it’s too OP.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    I’m sorry about that I’m just annoyed right now I didn’t mean to go at you like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Honestly, I think the comparative constant stress would be fine (there's a lot of games that get to be like that when you play them all the time), if it wasn't for the current game balance/design adding stressors. I think the posts further up partly got to it: you're not getting a good payoff for doing well as a killer a lot of the time. You win a chase/mindgame, and you have to do part 2 of the chase. You land a tricky power shot or do well with it? Well, play the wrong killer and it hasn't done anything.

    And every mistake is basically followed by "ping! one gen has popped". A survivor mistake can be followed by something as simple as "I need to heal."

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2021

    People take this game way too seriously. Instead of getting triggered, laugh it off and be entertained. If a game is stressful for you, that's the first sign the game isn't for you. I've been playing this game as a solo killer and survivor non-stop for the past 4 months and have not once felt stressed out. Quite the opposite, it's so fun I can't stop playing. Battle Royale games stress me out and I refuse to play them. No point in wasting time complaining about something I don't have fun playing.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't play multiplayer games that often so i don't know that many of them but there are very few games i know that have this constant action like killer in dbd has.

    In shooters there is a timer when you die or you have to wait for the next match. In moba's there is a lot of farming as far as i know. In a lot of rts's there is a rebuilding fase after armies clash.

    Fighting games are the closest to this i can think of but those matches are a lot shorter then dbd matches

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    And besides a few complaining threads, you never see (at least I can't remember) survivors announcing, that they leave the game. This could be, because most play at least partially with their friends so the important peeps already know, but I also got a feeling, that this might validate, at least partially what wr all feel: that the balance is tilted in an unhealthy way.

  • Member Posts: 545
    edited December 2021

    I know personally, I was so killer main I only owned 4 survivors and had the rest of the perks thru the shrine.

    I have fully switched to survivor lately. Brother is the same, and the 2 friends I know have done the same. All of us without telling the others, we have done it independently.

  • Member Posts: 600

    I’ve just never understood why killers would want a team that doesn’t know what they’re doing. That’s kind of like taking candy from a baby or, babies in that matter.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Really? All I've been thinking reading those threads is "attention seekers". Especially, when I read them and there's a whole lot of whining about non-issues, like that guy complaining about 'being forced to run lightborn'.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    A lot of games (some platformers, soulslikes, racing games) only really have a stress-free downtime when you choose to stop at a menu and navigate things. In that regard, I think most action games are actually pretty similar to DBD: when you're in game, there's rarely going to be a breather where you can stop and take it easy.

    DBD has the same menu -> period of constant action structure, so I don't think it's terribly atypical in that regard, but the stress doesn't really have corresponding moment-to-moment highs, it's all in the kills/results.

  • Member Posts: 256

    I already left, only time I play the game again is if my friends plan on playing dbd and I have nothing else I want to play at that time.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I honestly think it's because there are more killer players on the forums, to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Tbh, that lightborn complaint is a real non-issue. But not all killer complaints are just attention seeking rants.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited December 2021

    Survivors have voiced their opinions but to me it has always seemed like there are more killer players than there are survivor ones that frequent the forums.

    That is the general assumption from the outside in, and why the forums have become sort of a meme. Similar to Reddit.

  • Member Posts: 421

    Well I stopped playing survivor for over a year because solo queue is such an unbearable shitshow. I am considering myself a casual player, but that doesn't mean I like to be completely out of control of the match outcome and enjoy 80% of matches being 4ks for the killer with 3-5 gens left. I just didn't feel the need to write a goodbye post just because I'm personally not having fun anymore while many others still do (besides, I wasn't really saying goodbye to the whole game, I was playing killer during that time. It's 100% the better experience because I'm fully in control and if I lose it's only up to me).

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Yep. A lot of killers just want much easier games. This is also why they complain about MMR so much. Killer isn't that hard (unless you get a VERY good SWF team). It's kinda funny seeing all these threads at this point, though. Very entertaing to read.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2021

    The name is sheer irony.

    It's not a matter of 'being good'.

    When I can play 10 matches out with the same build, same level of skill and same style, but:

    • Stomp game 1 because I got queued into newbies on DDS
    • Get stomped in 2 because I'm playing Pig and got sent to Haddonfield, The Game or Badham
    • Win 2 because a survivor DCed the second I down them
    • Get stomped in 1 because someone is hacking/lag switching
    • Win 1 because survivors couldn't find the hooked survivor/boxes in RPD
    • Win 1 because survivors got unlucky with boxes and their heads exploded
    • Get stomped in 2 because I got queued into a fully stacked SWF with 10,000 hours between them to my 300

    Then my lack of enjoyment doesn't come down to 'play better' - it comes down to design problems and the community.

  • Member Posts: 619

    Difference between knowing what they are doing and being just plain evil in how they play. I’m fine with a team not being complete noobs. I’m not fine with map offerings, DH, DS, BT, and two flashlights. Add on the rude behavior, trolling, and hit validation. It’s too much.

  • Member Posts: 571

    those killer mains who make these threads are just baiting. they're really not leaving, they're just hoping that bhvr will make the game easier for them by expressing the woes of killer. if they were really leaving, why tf would you open a thread? just move on to the next game then

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited December 2021

    No, I usually only say that when I get accused of being a noob survivor main by all the salty killers on this forum. I am allowed to post as long as I'm not breaking the rules and I will continue to do so.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. That's on you then. Just remember - it's fine to be wrong, but when you stubbornly stick to your guns despite people spelling out in great detail why you are wrong and your only response is 'no u' - then you really are just embarrassing yourself. And this is the case whenever anyone tries to have a discussion with you.

    Your constant, ever changing 'x is fine, I play that killer' responses really do not contribute anything to a discussion besides derailing it.

    Is that your intention?

    Because it's entirely possible to really like something, but also point out it's flaws and give feedback on how to fix them.

    Naturally, this is the internet - so any feedback you agree with is amazing and if the devs don't implement it immediately they clearly don't care about their game, and any feedback you disagree with is whining and should probably just get people permabanned.

  • Member Posts: 370

    Honestly, i have a burn out with DbD, and i'm playing both sides.

    The game is unfair, there is always something that is unfair, everytime.

    • Killer gameplay is way to redundant to be fun
    • Killers are too weak
    • Too many design flaws with bad maps, too many perks, too many clunky actions, gen rush...
    • Too much camping/tunneling
    • Too much reward with low skill mechanics

    I have around 2000 hours. Never felt so bad with DbD. I just don't want to play anymore.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I honestly have a hard time (without accusing anyone specific) believing all those "I play killer and survivors equally and I have no problem getting 4ks while playing casually".

    Apparently it's just "SBMM doing its job". I guess that a lot of this people haven't really experienced the killers side in a meaningful way, besides doing a daily ritual here or there. Playing survivors a few days opened my eyes to how aweful real tunneling feels. But really aweful SWF stomp groups won't show up just at the casual low ranks.

    Sorry if this comes over as entitled or salty, for I am not salty at all.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2021

    No you didn't, but I'm not going to spend another hour going around in circles with you again.

    Just understand that when people are frustrated and making balance suggestions, popping into their threads and just negating everything without trying even slightly to defend this negation, all you are doing is derailing them.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Going into a thread and giving my opinion on the topic being discussed isn't derailing it. If you or anyone else has a problem with my posts, then feel free to ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Indeed, every view and opinion is valued in asserting the situation at hand, not just the ones confirming our biases. So keep going on.

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    Stressful survivor game - tunnelled and over in 2 mins; possible abuse by 1 person.

    Stressful killer game - taunted and immasculated for 20mins; potentially abused at the end by 4 people.

    I know which my mental health would prefer.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I stopped reading the thread at this post because it is completely spot on.

    I'm up to the red ranks for survivor and I'm at silver 1 on killer, I play survivor more often but I still put in a fair bit of time with killer, I'll probably have 3 survivor games to 1 killer game but I enjoy both, yes killer can be extremely unrewarding and at times downright unenjoyable, pop back onto survivor have a couple of chilled out games and then go back to killer.

    And when I say that killer can be extremely unrewarding it can also be a helluva lot more rewarding than survivor.

    escaping a game after escaping three chases getting 2 unhooks and popping 3 gens is nowhere near as rewarding as nailing your perks, acing all of your chases and getting 4k with only one or two gens pop as killer

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    You don't see many killer mains "leaving" you see a lot of them announcing it just because they want attention.

    Pretty much this.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Don't bother with how much killer this guy claims to play he doesn't have time to play survivor. Everyone of his post are killer is ez I 4k no perk gg get gud posts.

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