How do i lower my MMR without DCing and losing pips?

i cant stand it anymore. I want to play dbd as kiler but i cant. i know i said i would quit but its not that easy.
I would say make another account but it would be pretty trash for new players to be matched against a veteran, I hate when people smurf but there is nothing we can do about it if players just make new accounts...
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Smurfing is a slow poison that completely kills games. I see too much of it already.
What you have to do, unfortunately, is continue battling it out and eventually you'll end up in the right spot MMR wise, barring the frequent games where you'll be thrown to a 10k hour SWF as a snack because they had a long queue time.
If you really want to, what you could do is try some funky builds/memes, like hooking everyone twice before killing anyone. Just get ready for a lot of teabagging and being told to uninstall in postgame.
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It would take dozens of zero kill losses in a row across all of your main killers. The maximum difference between your highest and lowest killer will be 200.
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You don't. You play for reasons other than winning for a little while- practising a new killer, learning how specific perks/addons/elements of the game functions, learning the layouts of specific maps...
Just play the game without trying to win, gain a better understanding of it, and as a consequence your MMR is probably going to lower- but even if it doesn't, once you've stopped putting all of your expectations into winning you're bound to enjoy the game more.
Or just grab the free copy on Epic, I guess.
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You can't lose grades. Up your next grade and lose as much games as you can
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Statistically you should have a few baby matches after getting destroyed a few times. You know... to come to 50%, 2k, perfect balance... Once in a while some actual balanced matches may occur.
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im on console
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wait so you cant lose grades? i did not know this
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You need to lose games
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what about if i try a new killer out? will it put my mmr to low?
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not really - you have a base mmr, which is around your highest rated killer, afaik
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well, if you wanna lower your mmr the ethical way, simply dont kill anyone and have the mindset of grinding bps. make sure you hook different survivors and dont hook them again if they're on death hook.
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Hook everyone twice and just chase and down after the second hook. And let everyone escape. That's what I would do
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idc about ethical way, survivors dont care so why should i
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oh, sweet. I guess my mmr's in a good place, then. I try to two hook and meme anyways.
I still win an amount that I'm proud of, but MMR makes that not worth bragging about.
also, the fact I have fun is more important.
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You can't lose pips if you are rank 1.
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? you asked how to lower your mmr without dcing or losing pips, that's how you do it and this maximizes your bloodpoints as well
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i don't have fun, i don't know how to, I'm such a competitive person as well
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that's mmr for ya, I guess.
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When I started playing the artist, I got easier survivors first. Now after many matches, the survivors are way better.
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For killer only kills raise your MMR so just don't kill anyone. Survivor side only escapes matter so just die.
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oh, alright then ill do it
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if you play survivor, will the mmr transfer to killer or no
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You can just play and try to get everyone on death hook and then let them all go, should still lower your MMR since it's all based on kills and nothing else.
Or just go afk facing a wall shrugs
You'll lose pips but you can't go down a grade, so if you're say Iri 3, you'll always stay Iri 3
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i think being afk as a killer boots you out of the game. one time i had to go get pizza and i didnt have enough cash so i had to accumulate coins from my car and that whole interaction took probably more than 5 seconds. came back to the game and i got disconnected from host.... hmmm
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Why would you want to intentionally lower your MMR in the first place? If you're actually literally losing games then your MMR is going down on its own. If you're getting 1-3 kills per game that's supposed to be the most common result and there isn't an issue with your MMR being off. If your goal is to stomp new players with 4ks because you think that's fun then that's a you problem, not the game's.
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That's the issue. You're trying to play a non-competitive, terribly balanced game, as a competitive one. Obviously, I can't just say "don't be competitive" and there's nothing wrong with being a competitive person, but maybe over time, just try to look at the game with a brighter mindset and just try to have fun. Test out Killers you haven't played or aren't good with, run niche perk builds, try out different playstyles, or try playing Survivor for a bit if you haven't been. But, if that sounds like too much work, then just try taking a break. Quitting is one thing, taking a break is another. Do what's best for you.
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Nope, Killer MMR is completely separate from Survivor. You can't just die a bunch as Survivor to lower your Killer MMR just like the pips you earn as Survivor don't count towards your pips as Killer.
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its true, i like stomping on noobs
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Can anybody explain how my Killer MMR(s) all interact with one another? Learning new things in this thread.
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You can't lose ranks once you've got them but you will lose pips within a rank that prevents you from ranking up. (At least that's my understanding)
Yeah I find really highly competitive sweaty games where I have to tunnel and play dirty tiresome too and often they are against the most unpleasant members of this community. The post game salt can be epic win or lose, taunting someone you beat post game is just as salty, bad winners and sore losers go hand in hand.
Usually I have the chat window closed for this reason but it is nice to give a GG and have a post game laugh with good people so its a shame.
Typically when I hit those kinds of games I switch up my mindset to farm a loss to get out of the sweats.
Equip BBQ&chilli, beast of prey, brutal strength, any fourth but I usually go with lightborn, just avoid gen regression you want those to fly. No addons except maybe a BP bonus offering if you need the points.
Hook everyone once to get your BBQ stacks. If they are very alturistic then a second hook is not a bad idea but you don't want anyone to die so be careful. Get your BBQ stacks, max the chase points quickly with beast of prey then just break stuff till the gates are powered. Open the gate then chase everyone out the door or break stuff till egc ends.
If all goes well then everyone should get 20-25K+ BP and you should be sitting on 50-80K with bonuses. Do this till you get a game where you feel you can pressure all the survivors without having to sweat through your shirt.
You may need to do this on multiple killers to get your overall MMR in a good spot.
Under the old MMR system I sat at rank one killer a lot and quickly learned I hate the game at that level. Its to competitive for me. Doing this I used to sit in the high greens/low purples and have fun.
Fun does not mean 4k but rather games where you could play chill, hook everyone for all hook states and still have enough game control to decide if someone dies or if they escape with just enough random variance to sometimes fail at that and keep it interesting.
In other words thematic horror movie killer play.