Trolls / toxic or complete newcomers?

Hello ,
Just wanted to know how you people are feeling lately , i have been playing for a month now.
Already noticed ranks doesn't mean anything in this game but lately my opponents are either complete newcomers / bots or just complete toxic people.
Harrasing me with 3 people as the killer , i thought it was the other way around to be fair.
That is a range of 0 and 100... average 50 - so the system works perfect.
The human factor - you - is irrelevant...
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Oof. This dude math's and is in the know. But he got a point.
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What you are saying is irrelevant.
3 newcomers 1 average / good player is 25% - 75%
4 friends - 0 randoms is 100%-0%
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I've been matched with teammates that have like 50hrs or so, it's weird. Not the best of experiences for either side.
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Yeah i played against Iridescent 1 player with 3 total newcomers or like those 3 friends stalking me with their flashlight
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The game went temporarily free on Epic on Thursday, Dec 2nd. You made this post on Sunday, December 5th.
It's absolutely new people. (I'm one of the new people, Hi!) people are still learning the game or picking up the FOOS and aren't aware of the several-years old games' organically grown non-verbal communication and manners.
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Yeah about that, survivor is the power role. So if you want to have a fun match, just play survivor.
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Yes, the Epic Store downloads brought new people, that's for sure, but there are other relatively new players still being matched to more experienced ones.
And this is where the matchmaking system fails, anyone who is learning the basic mechanics should be paired with people with a similar knowledge of the game, otherwise many will just stop playing if they are constantly matched to people they can't go against. They should have made some different pool of players to make sure everyone was more or less on the same level, especially if you are trying to make them stay.
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It's very easy to fix , just pair people who are in a pool of their first 10-15 games.
Work with the badges until iridescent one and then give / lose points based on your perfomance.
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I'll duo queue with my friend and though we have a combined total of close to 4k hours we are constantly getting randoms with less then 100 hours. Maybe we just suck and the MMR is working?
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I just had a survivor game where 2 of us were p3 i have about 600hr(200 survivor) and the other was pretty decent and I'm sure that the killer was brand new they had no idea what they were doing. He got 1 hook in 5 gens I felt so bad I just stayed and gave him a kill.
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Survivors are the stronger side in this game unfortunately and there's a lot of lee way to make fun of the killer but have no fear. That's only if you're playing Fair as a killer. Go play as unfair as you can by punishing bad saves, healing under hook, smart tunneling, camping,etc and you would win most games except against Navy seals.
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Yeah that's what i started doing lately.
Although it's not in my nature lol
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The game sells itself as survival horror with survivors fleeing the big scary killer but it’s more like Scooby doo with a silly chase that ends in the monster caught and humiliated.
Also match making is completely borked so you’ll stomp then get stomped and the very occasional draw.