Poll: What does waving your arms on the hook mean?

Just bored and want to dance for everyone...
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Still the same as in the old days.
"Time to get my cardio in.... Oh and by the way the killer is joining"
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I'm free as a bird!
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Often it's a signal that the killer is camping
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It's a camping sign.
Had a match against a Pig where someone did this and it basically meant we got all the gens done and all got our traps off (iridescent) except them, because the Pig was camping them next to the box they needed.
It's useful information. If the killer is not camping you then YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SIGNAL.
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I do it to mess with the other Survivors especially if it's a Mikey. If no Mikey then leave me alone I'm doing my Yoga and the Killer is helping me.
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Its a way to call survivors and tell them its safe to unhook, or they should at least try "now".
If the survivor is not waving on the hook, it usually means that its unsafe because the killer is nearby.
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It means get me the ######### out of here already
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It means I wanna be built like david
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So is it they're camping or is it it's safe to unhook?
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It used to only mean killer is camping. Now I have no idea lol. When I'm about to die on hook I'll start waving my arms in frustration, but other than that I still use it as killer is in front of me alert
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I can't say I've heard that before, usually it's the other way round but idk it's gotten muddied these last couple of years lol
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I mean, they are waving like "come here, come here, cmon!!" whenever i see someone waving while the killer is camping, i know the guy is trolling and i either farm them on the hooks or let them die.
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At best, waving continuously means camping, and one single arm raise means go now.
At worst, people leave you to go second state because you don't understand that arm waving means you're being camped and you think you're telling them to come get you but you're doing the opposite.
Seriously when has anyone ever looked at someone on the hook and gone "well, they're just there on the hook, that must mean they're being camped!"
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I usually do it just because it's the only form of interaction while hooked and waiting for rescue. I didn't even know people were using it to send messages.. I just spam it so I dont get bored or tempted to do something else while I'm waiting and worst of all end up unaware or not there to react when I'm unhooked
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I do it when no one is coming to unhook me in soloQ when I’m near 2nd hookstage. I never see anyone run kindred so I try to let them know to come save me
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There's flies everywhere.
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I don't know why anyone would wave their hands thinking it would make people come save them faster. You use it to signal when there's danger or you are getting camped.
They already know you are on the hook and need saving - waving arms isn't going to hurry them.
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I do fast struggles when the killer is near me and long slow struggles when I need someone to come get me.
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It doesn't mean anything anymore - it used to mean that the killer was camping if the arm movements were the rapid ones. But that's something that's been forgotten about over the years and not everyone knows/knew anyway. So it really doesn't mean anything now when you're flapping your arms as a survivor, I do it because I don't like to just sit there and click buttons instead.
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I do it to let my teammates know to get off of gens and stop self caring in corners so they can save me.
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Come in the basement and help me! There is no Bubba here.
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Really? This message is what you guys answer to?
People are talking about serious issues with the game and nothing, but you reply to a message about waving arms?
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It means the Killer has Borrowed Time equipped.
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It means you are enjoying a rave on your hook.
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I was always told it meant the killer was camping, so I wave when the killer camps, but, if I'm honest, I also start flapping my arms if I feel like everyone's ignoring me.
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"I need saving / Nobody is coming" and if someone starts to come over then stop waving
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Lmao so you farm them because they use the original meaning of the waving?
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Oh no! How dare a community manager reply to a thread stating the opinion? How dare she reply to a thread not about the big issues of the game?!
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Anybody who waves to say they are safe will have a rude awakening against Insidious Bubba
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No, i farm them because they are trolling everyone else on the match, me included, thats why i run Kindred so i know from a far if they are trolling or not, if they are, i'll do my very best to FARM and to KILL them, and when i do kill them, i go to their profile and drop some "-rep troll survivor" on their comments as a warning to those who visit their profile so they know who they are dealing with already in the lobby.
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If they do it immediately after being hooked, killer is camping.
If they're getting close to second stage and they start waving rapidly/fake yeeting, then it means "Come get me". That's how I interpret it anyway. Too often players will just be left to die on hook.
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I do it when the Killer is camping but I also do it when I see the Killer is heading towards someone nearby. If I do it immediately, then the Killer is heading towards someone. If I do it constantly, then the Killer is camping.
Like most things in this game - it doesn't mean just one thing. All people do stuff in the game for different reasons. Very confusing xD
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Pretty sure that is the only reason I do it
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So can't you understand that waving has the original meaning of "the killer is camping" but people have started using it for multiple reasons? They aren't trolling, the only one trolling is you and I'm pretty sure endorsing unsportsmanlike behaviour isn't allowed on these forums.
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Players waving their arms on hook just because, is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I wish players would stop doing that. I wish the community could get on the same page with this, & actually have it mean something- but that would be quite difficult.
Personally I think it should mean it’s safe to come get me, no one else is coming. As soon as you see someone coming, or the killer is returning, the hooked survivor should stop flailing. Flailing survivors make me get off my 85% gen when someone was already going for them, then I have to run back and try to finish when i see someone else go for the save. So I ran across half the map for nothing, because you were flailing out of boredom. Makes for fun times.
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I joined in 2018 I've known that as "camping me"